Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 247 Truth

Chapter 247 Truth

Making her way through the city, Shiro decided to meet up with her daughters first since she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Arriving at the canteen, she paused for a moment as she felt like she just had a heart attack.

Looking at Yin who was being restrained from entering the kitchen, especially with a pile of empty plates and bowls behind her, Shiro wanted nothing more than to rewind time and see how the hell this happened.

"Yin!" Shiro shouted out as she stormed over.

"Mum! They’re not letting me have any food! They’re starving me!" Yin complained.

The people that were restraining Yin paled as they didn’t want to get on the elder’s bad side.

"Shut it!" Shiro replied instantly and slapped her in the head.

"What’s going on?" Shiro asked the staff.

"Erm... you see, your daughter had eaten so much that we didn’t have enough food for the other disciples in the canteen. So we barred her from ordering for a short while since we needed to feed the other disciples as well." The staff replied truthfully.

"Is this true Lisa?" Shiro asked, turning to Lisandra.

"Unfortunately, it is. Big sis had eaten quite a bit." Lisandra nodded.

"Hais... I apologise. I’ll take her with me now." Shiro smiled apologetically and grabbed Yin by the scruff of her neck.

Leaving the canteen, Shiro sighed tiredly.

"I should never let you go to a canteen without me around. Next time, you’re staying in the room."

"Ehh!? Why? This is bullying!" Yin protested.

Ignoring Yin, Shiro turned to Lisandra.

"Lisa, next time, you should look after Yin. While she is technically your big sis in a way, you know how she is."

"Got it." Lisandra nodded.

"With that out of the way, let’s find Lyrica and the others. We need to come clean with who we are." Shiro sighed as she couldn’t help but feel some uncertainty regarding what was going to happen next.

"It’ll be fine mum. With how Lyrica acts around you, I’m sure she doesn’t mind the fact that you’re a monster." Lisandra smiled as she could clearly tell that Lyrica had feelings for Shiro.

"You sure?" Shiro pulled a difficult face.

"It’s not like you to be this way mum. Just have faith." Lisandra chuckled.

"Fair enough." Shiro nodded.

Sending a message to Lyrica, they decided to meet up in the room that was provided to them by the faction.

Arriving before the door, she braced herself and knocked gently.

"Coming~" Lyrica’s voice rang out as she opened the door.

"Come in." She smiled.

Inside the room, Madison and Silvia were already waiting patiently.

"So what did you want to tell us?" Lyrica asked, gesturing for them to sit on a chair.

Closing the door and making sure that no one could spy on them, Shiro looked at the face in seriousness.

"I haven’t been truthful to you three about my identity." She said seriously.

"We know. Someone like you couldn’t just appear out of nowhere you know?" Madison smiled.

"No, you can say that I literally appeared out of nowhere. Lyrica, remember when I told you that I wasn’t technically human?" Shiro asked, turning to Lyrica.

"Yes I do." She nodded.

"Well, back then, I was a monster. A snow girl. I took over a corpse and woke up in a dungeon back in New York. My body was cold because of my race. I couldn’t talk either because I was a monster. After levelling up to 50, I evolved into a Sylph." Shiro confessed and revealed her true stats.

[Shiro LVL 60 Mystic Sylph Queen]

HP: 2,431,250/2,431,250

MP: 5,593,750/5,593,750

"I was never a human nor was I a mage. I’m just a sentient monster that luckily obtained a disguise skill to hide my true identity. The same goes for Lisandra. She’s a Soul Bound Arch Angel, previously the Light Goddess’s Incarnation."

Silence enveloped the room as all three of them widened their eyes in shock. Looking at her stats being revealed to them, they knew that she wasn’t kidding.

There had been several clues they picked up overtime but they never believed that her true identity was actually that of a monster. Humanity’s enemy.

While Lyrica might be able to accept it a little since she herself was a half monster in a way, the others couldn’t be the same. Despite being her friends, they needed some time to digest this information.

"I don’t expect you to accept all of this quickly since I wouldn’t be able to either. You can either message me or contact me, but I’ll leave for now. Don’t worry about your lives since I didn’t do anything. You can tell people and nothing will happen." Shiro sighed and turned to the door.

Opening it, she left without another word while her two daughters followed behind her.

"..." Looking at Shiro’s back, Lyrica couldn’t help but want to call out but something seemed to be stuck in her throat, stopping her from making a sound.


As the door closed, the three of them stayed in silence.

"So she was a monster from the start..." Madison couldn’t help but mutter.

"We’ve been partying with a monster? Shouldn’t monsters all want to kill humans?" Silvia frowned.

"Are you two afraid?" Lyrica asked.

"I’m... not sure. I can definitely say I’m surprised though. It somewhat explains how she could be so ruthless against her enemies. But even if she is a sentient monster, it doesn’t explain how she has so much experience in fighting." Madison sighed and leaned back slightly.

"Mn, that’s true." Silvia nodded.

"She’s definitely different compared to other monsters. She didn’t try to kill innocents for her own gain. She even risked herself to help us. During the mutated dungeon, if it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t even have gotten out alive. Not only that, she could have abandoned us long ago but no, she didn’t." Lyrica said slowly as she clutched her fists.

"For her to tell us now, it must mean that she has no choice. We’ve all interacted with Shiro long enough to know that she’s trustworthy. In some aspects, she’s more human than some of the people we’ve seen."

Silence filled the room once again and Madison stood up.

"I need to go apologise." She said.

"Eh?" Silvia tilted her head in confusion.

"For her to muster up the courage to confess such a big secret to us and for us to not respond is insensitive. Have you noticed that she hadn’t done anything to us? During our time in the dungeon, whenever she reveals a secret, she has always made a backup plan to keep that secret. Such as when she used her guns." Lyrica reminded as Silvia nodded.

How could she forget? Her two ’friends’ that would have endangered them were killed by Shiro the moment they tried to reveal her secret.

She understood that Shiro was a cautious person and for her to open up to them especially since she was a monster, was a huge gamble for her.

"She trusts us. For her, we’re people that she can share a dangerous life secret with. What kind of friends are we if we can’t even see her past her race? Humans can be just as dangerous as monsters. Shiro is Shiro, despite being a monster, she’s still our friend."

Standing up, Lyrica walked to the door. She was going to find Shiro and tell her that she didn’t mind.

Before she could open the door, two hands held her shoulders.

"We’re a party after all. Who said that this can’t be a new start for humanity? A party of both humans and monsters, I like the sound of that." Madison grinned.

"The same goes with me. Only those that are daring can leave a mark in history. No one has heard of a party constructed of monsters and humans. Being the first in history is a privilege that not many could experience." Silvia smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go tell our little queen about our choice." Lyrica smiled happily.

While the three came to an agreement, Shiro was walking towards the elder’s tower. She wanted more details regarding when the elven royals would arrive.

From what she learned from all the information she had access to, even if Lyrica rejected their proposal, they most likely weren’t people who would take no for an answer.

For these people, unless you could suppress them, it’s best that you compromise a little. Stroke their ego and come to a ’beneficial’ agreement for them in order to earn some time to get stronger.

’Even if they reject me, I guess I’ll do them one last favour before I leave.’ Shiro thought, preparing herself for the worse that could happen.

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