Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 250 Class Up Requirements

Chapter 250 Class Up Requirements

"I don’t think I can class up in four days though. The amount of healing I need to do is a little ridiculous." Silvia sighed.

As a healer, her combat prowess was naturally low. Therefore, her class up options revolved around her support. BUT, the fact that she had to heal 1 billion points of health was a little ridiculous for her. Despite her efforts, she had only managed to heal around 200 million points.

To make matters worse, this was the result of a month’s worth of work in dungeons and around the faction.

"Don’t worry about that. I have a plan for you. As for Lyrica and Madi, I’ll supply you with the money so you can buy your materials. Hopefully anyways. If not, tell me what they are now and I’ll order them for you." Shiro suggested.

"You could?" The three were taken aback.

"Fufufu~ Of course. If you think about it, I have connections to a blacksmith, tailor and now an all round merchant." Shiro grinned, dubbing Nan Tian as the all round merchant.

"Heh~ You’ve been quite busy." Lyrica couldn’t help but praise.

"Well mum is never idle after all. She’ll probably overwork herself if she was human." Lisandra chipped in with a smile.

"True." Shiro nodding in agreement.

"So anyways, tell me about your classes and what you need. Lyrica you first."

"My class that I’m upgrading into is called the Solari Blade Dancer. It has several benefits regarding attack power and speed. It also enhances my race to Ascended Elf. As for the items, I need a Solari Core, Tempered Blade Essence and an Ascendance Stone."

"Hmm... Solari classes are indeed not too bad. I had to fight against a Solari Arch Knight the last time I went to Cairosa. It was somewhat annoying to fight against but if the class was used correctly, it can be very dangerous." Shiro nodded and noted down the things that she needed.

"Wait. Shiro, you fought against a Solari Arch Knight?" Silvia asked as a theory popped in her head.


"Could it be that he was Kier Ospar?"

"You know him?"

"Lots of people know him. But setting that aside, could it be that you’re Nytri, the one that had made an enemy out of several large families in Cairosa and had even rumoured to have killed a level 85 mage?" Silvia asked as things started to link up.

"Mn? Yeah that was me. But that’s not important. What’s important is what Madison needs to class up."

’Don’t dodge such a big issue!!!’ Silvia retorted in her mind. While Shiro didn’t want to cause problems in regard to a country, apparently, she had no problems completely flipping off a city.

"So I’m just going to ignore the fact that you pissed off the higher echelon of a city and tell you about my class. So you know how my current class is demon knight yeah? Well my next class is an enhanced version of this. Demonic Shield Guardian is my next class. What I need is an Enhanced Demonic Source, Hellfire Soul Gem and a Crystallised Demon Essence." Madison replied, listing out the items that she needed.

"Hmm... All three are quite rare indeed. Enhanced Demonic Source could only be found in high class C ranked demons. Hellfire Soul Gem is found after slaying an Elite Hellfire Golem and the Crystallised Demon Essence can only be made through alchemy. Hmm... what rank is your class?" Shiro asked.

"Rank?" Madison tilted her head.

"Yeah. Like the lowest class that can only bring you to level 20 is the lowest E rank class. These are classes like swordsman. My previous evolution of Snow Girl was at most a D ranked class even with the 5 stars. But once I evolve into a snow woman, it becomes a B ranked class. This means that I can upgrade it with stars till I’m the peak of B rank. At that point, I’ll have to class up to something else but with added bonuses of course. I’m just wondering what ranked class your Demonic Shield Guardian is for it to require those three items." Shiro explained.

"That’s the first time I heard of that." Madison replied in confusion.

"Same here." Lyrica agreed.

"Well it’s not too surprising I guess since only classes higher than a B rank will get notifications. I was just wondering if your next class was B rank or higher." Shiro smiled.

"Hmm... I don’t know since I never got a notification for it. But on that note, just curious but what rank is our class? Mystic Sylph Queen sounds domineering as f*ck you know?" Madison asked.

"Me? Triple S. But I’m not too sure on the limit of this class. Tier 5 classes are limited by A ranked classes. Meaning tier 6 legend is S class. I know that tier 7 is demigod so that’s an SS class. But with each class up, the gap between them increases all the more. If that’s the case, would SS class only be in the middle of tier 6? Would there be higher classes than triple S? If so, what are they called and what is their power like? Could it be called Quadruple S or would it be a different letter? X ranked class? Alpha ranked class? Quite interesting..." Shiro replied as it slowly became a monologue.

"Ah sorry lost myself a little then." She paused, realising what had happened. In her past life, despite having the artificial triple S ranked class that was recognised by the system, she had never fully realised its potential. This meant that her current sub class, Nanomancer could evolve much like other classes gained through the system.

But the question then becomes what level did she need to be for it to evolve? What can it do? Could she become a Machine Goddess like what the cultists had made her out to be in her old life?

Since Nanomancer is a jack of all trades type class, it meant that once it focused down a singular path, its power output would multiply by a few folds. But would that be worth it? The main concept of her Nanomancer class was to counter everything. Once she focused on one aspect, it would only lead to a weakness appearing within her set up.

This would be going against the very foundations that the Nanomancer class was built upon. But at the same time, she estimated that in terms of power, her class may lose out once she reached the Demigod rank.

However, this is where her current class came in. If her subclass was to lose out in power regarding one area, she’ll supplement that with her main class. Normally, people could have alchemist or blacksmith as a subclass since it was never as strong as their main class. But unlike other people, her old main class became her subclass.

With all of this combined, not only was she a monster that had double the stats, but she was also a dual class wielding powerhouse that could leave adventurer’s in the dust regarding total power output.

’So much to think about regarding my potential but that’s for the future. Right now I need to focus on developing my Sylph Class till the time my Nanomancer class is given the option to evolve.’ Shiro thought to herself and turned to Silvia.

"So what about you? You said that you’ll need to heal HP right? How much do you need?" Shiro asked.

Raising up a single finger, Silvia smiled wearily.

"1 Billion health points are needed to be healed for me to class up. In terms of studying and the such, I’ve almost finished it in my spare time."

". . . Pardon? 1 Billion?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah..." Silvia sighed.

"Oh only 1 billion. I thought it would be trillion. Then we’ll have a real problem." Shiro replied, returning her expression back to normal.

"What the f*ck?" Silvia couldn’t help but curse in confusion.

’1 Trillion?! 1 Billion was enough of a problem as it is!? What do you MEAN 1 Trillion!’ She shouted in her mind.

"Well since it’s only 1 billion, we can crank that out in a few days. The only thing I need to check is whether or not you’re prepared for it." Shiro grinned.

Everyone par from Yin paled since she had asked them this question every time she gave them torturous training. If she was to give you training without asking about if you were prepared or not, you’re safe. But once she does, oh lord may god help you.


"Would you let me go if I said I’m not ready?" Silvia asked.


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