Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 255 Assassin Princes Earring

Chapter 255 Assassin Prince's Earring

Looking at her new gun with a small smile, she disassembled it and filed away the finalised blueprint. She was going to mark it as in development for now since she could always increase the power limit of the weapon as she levelled up.

This also meant that she could add more compartments to the weapon itself.

As much as she wanted to take the weapon for a test run right now, she had to get all of her items from Chen Yu since today was the third day. Only one more day remained until the elven royalties arrived at the faction.

Grabbing her phone, she raised an eyebrow when she saw the number of notifications from Chen Yu.

[Shiro: Sorry about not responding. I was busy for the past few days. What’s up?]

[Chen Yu: Finally! Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that all of your stuff is here. Branch master had even found you a disguise item that should help you hide in the elven continent. Honestly, you’re very lucky. Branch master ran into this item while it was being auctioned off in the best auction house in the world.]

[Shiro: How much did it cost?]

[Chen Yu: Master said that you could give him your affection if you’re worried about payment.]

[Shiro: Well he can go f*ck himself.]

[Chen Yu: Thought so. That’s why he just said that you should keep doing the sect missions for him. There are a few that you can do in the elven continent so this is perfect timing.]

[Shiro: Alright. Just send me the tasks by text and I’ll check them out later. Are you at your room right now?]

[Chen Yu: Yeah I am.]

[Shiro: Got it. I’m coming over now. This time, make sure you don’t sully my pure maiden eyes with your little brother ok?]

[Chen Yu: F*ck! If you could be called a maiden and pure, the girls in brothels would be goddesses!]

[Shiro: Hehe~ Lil Chen, if this how you should be treating me? Remember what B*stard Tian wants to do to you?]

[Chen Yu: Of course I do. If I offend you, I’ll lose my ass to your hands. If I offend the branch master, I’ll lose my ass to a lot of people’s hands. It’s a goddamned lose-lose situation! My princess! Be considerate please!]

[Shiro: Fufu~ Depends on your behaviour Lil Chen~ Anyways, I’m coming over now. See you soon~]

[Chen Yu: See you later. F*ck, what did I do in my past life to be involved with a calamity like you.]

[Shiro: Some would call it a blessing you know~ It’s not often that you can meet someone like me (Grin).]

[Chen Yu: Don’t make me hurl. I’m closing the chat now. See ya.]

Smiling to herself, she put the phone away.

"Do you two want to come with me or are you going to practice some more?" Shiro asked with the latter half of the question directed at Lisandra since Yin isn’t doing anything right now except eating.

"I want to stay here and practice some more. I feel like I’m on the verge of condensing my mana to the next level. I should reach Lyrica’s level soon." Lisandra replied with a smile.

"Mn. Good, you can do it." Shiro encouraged.

However, when she looked over at Yin, her lips twitched in disappointment.

’Why is the adopted daughter better than the blood related? Why didn’t I get Lisa as the blood related daughter, hais....’

"Mum, please don’t look at me like I’m not helpful. This baby is just relaxing my mental state right now. That way, I can ensure that I’m at peak form when we fight."

"If you relax anymore, you’ll become a god damn potato." Shiro retorted in disdain.

"Potato’s can still be used to grow more potatoes. If I become a potato, you’ll have to deal with ten times more me’s. Can you handle that mum?" Yin replied with a smug grin.

". . ."

’Can I fry this unfilial daughter for phoenix meat? At least an increase to my INT stat is more helpful than her right now.’

"Lisa, you can use your sister as a target for your mana practice." Shiro said and flickered out of the room.

Silence enveloped the room as Yin slowly turned her head to Lisandra.

"Lisa, surely you won’t treat your big sis harshly right?"

"I’m sorry."

"Wha- GAHHHH!!!"


Flickering through the city, she arrived at Chen Yu’s window and phased through without knocking.

"Yo!" She called out with a grin.

"Tch. I knew you wouldn’t knock." Chen Yu said with disdain.

Currently, he was sitting in his chair with a rather small package on the table.

"Is this it?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Yeah. Inside should be the storage bracelet with all of your items inside it including the disguise item." He replied while pointing at the package.

"Got it. Thank you Lil Chen. Unfortunately, I’ll be gone for a while when I go to the elven continent. You’ll be quite lonely." She grinned and ruffled his hair.

"Gah! I told you not mess my hair up." He complained, quickly backing away.

"Haha, see ya~" She waved and left the room in an instant.

"Tch. Here for the items and leaves the moment she got them." He clicked his tongue. Messaging Nan Tian about her getting the items, he placed his phone down and laid on his bed.

In the time she’ll be gone, Nan Tian should be bothering someone else that was closer to the elven continent with regards to Shiro.

Thankfully, this meant that he’ll finally have a few weeks or maybe months of peace and quiet.


Feeling a soft rumble, he knew that Nan Tian replied.

[Nan Tian: You’ll be switching places with Yue Xing. She’ll be responsible for Vericia while you follow Shiro to the elven continent.]

"F*ck! Why me!" He cried out in shock.

[Chen Yu: Wouldn’t it be easy for Yue Xing to just talk with Shiro? Why do I need to go over?]

[Nan Tian: Because she’s more dangerous than you. She’s a hardcore s*x addict and you know it. She doesn’t mind either gender. Compared to you, she’s the one I have to be more on guard with.]

[Chen Yu: Wait you’re afraid that she’ll assault Shiro?]

[Nan Tian: No. I’m afraid that she’ll piss Shiro off and get killed.]

". . . ." Chen Yu was speechless since he knew that the aforementioned situation was indeed possible. If Yue Xing was to see Shiro’s beauty, she’ll definitely try to lay her hands on Shiro. But the result of that would only be death since Shiro wasn’t one to just let that happen.

[Chen Yu: So you don’t care about my life? I can get killed at any moment too you know?]

[Nan Tian: You’ll be fine. At worse, you’ll lose your life. At best, you’ll lose your ass.]


[User Nan Tian has gone offline. Your message wasn’t seen.]

"Damn it!" Resisting the urge to cry, Chen Yu wanted to turn back time and reject the mission of coming to Vericia when Nan Tian had asked.

If he did, he wouldn’t be trapped between an impenetrable wall (Shiro) and another impenetrable wall!!!! (Nan Tian)

While Chen Yu was cursing his luck, Shiro was checking through the contents of the bracelet while making her way towards Lyrica, Madison and Silvia’s location.

Seeing that everything they needed to class up was in the storage, she looked at the disguise item.

[Assassin Prince’s Earring (Broken) Orange]

An item that belonged to the Assassin Prince who was hunted down by the world. While broken, it retains some of the power it had held during its prime.

Passive Skill: In Plain Sight

An enhanced version of the skill Disguise that would take more mana cost per inspection but is harder to bypass.

Cost: 10,000 MP per inspect.

Duration: Until user deactivates.

Cool Down: N/A

Looking at the earring, Shiro raised her eyebrows slightly. Despite being broken, it was still an orange ranked item.

"Hmm... not bad. My disguise skill is pretty good already. Since this is an upgrade version, it’ll definitely help out in the elven continent." She muttered with a satisfied smile.

Flexing her fingers, she recycled the item on the spot. With the skill, In Plain Sight, stored in her database, she could create a ’host’ for this item at any moment she wanted.

But the best she could do right now would be to disguise their levels since the royals would have probably done some research on them.

’Since Lyrica and Madison haven’t levelled up yet, they can disguise themselves to remain at the peak of D class so that they can lower the enemy’s guard a little.’ She thought to herself.

Either way, she needed as much help as she could get before going to the elven continent.

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