Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 273 Valtrana

Chapter 273 Valtrana

Letting Helion rest on the bed, Aarim gestured for Shiro to follow her for a bit.

"So you had a question for me?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Mn. Let’s choose elsewhere since this isn’t exactly the best place for the talk." Aarim replied.

As Shiro was following behind Aarim, she looked at Aarim’s stats to see how she was doing.

[Aarim LVL 54 Armageddon Battlemage]

"Eh?" Raising an eyebrow, Shiro was surprised at Aarim’s class. From her estimates, she had been trying to get the veteran source mage. For her to change her choice at the end, it must mean that it was a hidden class.

’She probably obtained some good items for her to class up then.’ Shiro smiled since that was what had happened to her.

Due to the items that she received from the quest, she had unlocked her Mystic Sylph Queen hidden class. If it wasn’t for her items, she would have gotten the corrupted elemental sylph and might not have come into contact with Nimue or Iziuel.

Arriving at what seems to be Aarim’s new apartment, Shiro followed her in.

"So can we talk now?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Mn. Be straight with me. Who are you?" Aarim narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean? I had amnesia before I came to New York so I don’t know anything." Shiro shrugged.

"We both know that it is a lie. If it wasn’t, why would you have such a big reaction towards this item?" Aarim placed the broken statue of the light hero onto the table. This was same statue that Shiro had broken when they visited the underwater ruins back in Cairosa.

"I just didn’t like the face of the statue. If reminded me of someone I despise." Shiro responded while glancing at the statue.

"Is that so? Then explain to me, why is it that after I classed up, you are most definitely the creepiest ’person’ that I have ever met?" Aarim narrowed her eyes.

After classing up, she had a passive skill where she could see the nature of people as a figure over their bodies.

For the ’nature’ of Shiro, she could see a shrouded figure of black fog looming over her body with a part of blood red eyes.


Aarim heard a cracking sound as the fog revealed its teeth and curved its lips into a maniacal grin.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she deactivated her skill and looked back at Shiro.

"What are you trying to say?" Shiro chuckled softly as she knew that Aarim was onto something.

Flexing her fingers a little, a tiny trail of ice started to freeze towards Aarim’s feet undetected.

"I’m just curious. If my guesses are correct, then the dungeons are more than what they seem. They’re not fabrications of the imagination but rather fragments from different worlds. For this statue, it came from the world of Aria and I’m guessing that you’re a monster from Aria as well."

"Hou hou~ That’s a rather bold claim don’t you think? You might accidentally offend someone you know?" Shiro kept her smile but her eyes were serious.

"While I do admit that it’s a rather bold claim, I have reasons as to why I think is. If it wasn’t the case, then how can you explain everything that you’ve done along with other factors. One of these is the fact that my last requirement for class up was that I be friends with a C classed intelligent monster. Out of all the C classed people that I know, their backgrounds check out which only left you. A girl who literally appeared out of nowhere one day. It just so happened that when you arrived in New York, a monster was filled under the name of Shino. There’s a big chance that the name is a mistake so I based it off of the monster information instead.

"A snow girl that had the power to kill a boss all by herself. When we first met, you were an Ice Mage that couldn’t talk and had a lot of power for someone of your level. Isn’t it so coincidental that everything checks out rather well?" Aarim smiled while resting her chin on her hand.

"If that’s the case, then I’m sure you know that you’re in a lot of danger should I be said monster."

"Possibly. But after knowing you for quite a while, I believe that you’re not like the rest of the monsters. Plus, the only reason that I’m confronting you about this is because I’m curious about other worlds. I want to know the reason for dungeon’s appearance, why the world had changed and most importantly, could monsters just be a form of reincarnation like what the hindu’s believe in? Rebirth based on karma." Aarim replied.

"So you desire knowledge?" Shiro asked.

"Indeed. I tried to become a veteran source mage since it is rumoured that the highest form of that class tree will show you the truth of mana. Why is it omnipresent and why does it regenerates so fast? Don’t you find it weird? How some areas have more mana while others don’t.

"Should the world be classified as an open room and the mana is air, it’s almost impossible for one side to have more air than the other. If this is the case, then is the mana being controlled by someone? Who could be so powerful as to supply the entire world with mana. To begin with, what even is mana? Why does it seem inexhaustible?"

"Ha? Like I care." Shiro leaned back nonchalantly.


"I don’t care about questions like that. You can say that I’m taking it for granted but what’s the point of finding out? If you understand everything, life will be boring. Knowing the source of all things will only remove the mystery and beauty of life." Shiro smiled and stood up.

Aarim looked at her in confusion since she believed that finding out about the truth had always been a core foundation of humans. They wish to fill the gap in knowledge which bugs them so.

However, seeing that Shiro had no desire to fill in that gap of knowledge, Aarim could only sigh.

"Say, is the offer to join the party still available?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh? You still want to join despite believing that I’m a monster? Are you not afraid that this may bite you back?" Shiro narrowed her eyes.

"When has there been no risks in the world? Plus, if I follow you, who I believe to have come from a different world and is a monster, I may be able to see things I never thought possible." Aarim chuckled.

"Then let me warn you now. The chance of death is quite high should you make the wrong choices."

"I’m willing to take the chance." Aarim replied fearlessly. Despite the fact that Shiro’s ’nature’ was something so ominous, it was surprisingly docile. As if Shiro had control over it and kept it on a chain.

In order to fuel her curiosity along with other things, she wanted to follow Shiro for now.

"In that case then I welcome you aboard. We’re currently in the elven capital of Miriel and I only came back recently because I needed Helion to upgrade one of my armours. Unfortunately, now that my armour has been broken into a thousand pieces, I’ll have to go to a raid or farm dungeons so that I can get some new pieces of armour." Shiro shrugged her shoulders.

She didn’t mind having Aarim in the party since she was a strong mage. Even if she found out about her being a monster, the moment she tries to sabotage the party in Miriel, she’ll be dealt with accordingly.

Should the result of her sabotage put them in a near death situation, she’ll disposed of regardless of their past connection.

"So, does the party have a name?" Aarim asked curiously.

"A name?"

"Ya. We can’t just be called ’a party’ by other people now can we?" Aarim replied as if it was a matter of fact.

"Hmm...." Pausing for a short moment, Shiro wondered what kind of name they should have. In her past life, the party she was in had always been known as the hero’s party.

There was no need for a name since everyone knew of the party since the hero was the leader.

’What shall we be called...’ Shiro wondered herself.

"We should discuss this with the others. But for now, how does Valtrana sound?" Shiro smiled.

In Aria, Valtrana was what people had called heretics that went against god. As she was nurturing party members to stand beside her when she finally faces the light hero or rather, the light god, Valtrana was a fitting name.

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