Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 289 Throne World

Chapter 289 Throne World

Taking a casual stroll towards the base, Shiro was playing around with her nanobots. After their upgrade, her degree of control was definitely on a new level.

Speed of production along with quality of production were enhanced as each of her weapons experienced upgrades to their power.

Making her hand cannon Genesis, she was surprised at the upgrade it had undergone.

If she was to use this with her Celestial path, she could almost guarantee that she’d be able to shatter Redirm’s barriers without too much trouble.

Twirling the gun in her hands, Shiro had a cruel grin on her face as the base came into sight.

While she was slowly approaching the base, she could see the ground open up as 7 level 100’s appeared including Redirm.

"Yo, the b*tch who ran away from a level 65 has appeared once more. How’s your body after I kicked your ass last time?" Shiro provoked with a laugh.

"Tch, would you look at that, an overconfident b*tch has come to offer her body to us." Redirm retorted as he glared at her in anger.

"Overconfident? Maybe. Why don’t we test it out?" Shiro chuckled.

Activating her Celestial Armaments, Element Shift and Celestial Element Wheels, she chose her newly upgraded Astral Ice as the element.


Icey mist exploded out of her as everything within a 100 meter radius was frozen over instantly.

"Attack!" Redirm shouted out while flicking his wrist up.

Erecting several invisible barriers in an attempt to stop the mist, he had the other level 100’s to circle around and attack her at full force. If she was to use her creepy sword like before, he didn’t want to think about what would happen.

"Ara~ 6 level 100’s for a single level 65? How privileged I am. Don’t tire out too much though, I’m pretty intense." Shiro whispered creepily while flickering next to one of the level 100’s using Rift Walker.

Before he could react, several nanotech chains materialised in mid air and halted his movements.


Breaking the bones in his arm, she bent her body back abnormally to dodge the attacks from the other level 100’s.

Swiping her hand horizontally, two copies of Genesis appeared in her hands as she shot Celestial Path enhanced bullets towards the assailants.

Not only were the bullets enhanced by Celestial Path, they were also embedded with lightning element to increase their destructive prowess.


Shattering both their barriers, the level 100’s widened their eyes in surprise.

While they did receive information regarding her ability to use nanobots on top of a strange mana cancelling skill, it was a sight to behold when they saw it in person.

Flickering away with their movement skills, they looked down on their arms with a frown.

The lightning had managed to sear their skin pretty badly which meant her INT stat was quite high despite the huge level gap.

"What’s this? Already retreating? How poor." She giggled while flashing through the battlefield.

Ducking and weaving through attacks with incredible reaction speed and flexibility, she bypassed the level 100’s and appeared before Redirm.

However, before she could attack, a leg entered her peripherals.

"Tch!" Clicking her tongue, she pivoted on her foot and grabbed the leg.

Just as she grabbed the leg, a influx of fire burst out of him, forcing her to let go and retreat quickly.

"Oi, do you think us level 100’s are pushovers?" The man glared at her with a frown while the fire raged around his body.

"I don’t know? Why don’t you tell me after looking at the situation?" Shiro smiled while massaging her wrist.

Narrowing her eyes, she realised that they had slowly gotten used to her sudden bursts of speed.

Flicking her wrist, she summoned the recently repaired Ataraxia and Akram. Thankfully, Ataraxia had a self repair option so it was ok even if it broke. However, it was also due to this that its durability was a little on the low side hence why it was snapped with a single attack by Redirm.

"Fu..." Breathing out slowly, she narrowed her eyes.

Path of Ascendance – Asura Sword Path + Celestial Path + Phantom Path!

Combining the power of three paths, her body flickered towards the man who had tried to kick her.

"Menacing Taunt!"

Suddenly, a wave of blood l.u.s.t washed over her as her vision darkened till only one man remained in her view.

"Oi oi, do you really think a taunt like that can stop me?" Shiro chuckled.

Flipping backwards, she created several nanotech camera’s and scattered them throughout the field.

Making a pair of glasses, she could see through all of the camera’s and ignored the man who had taunted her.

While it was a little weird seeing herself in third person, her insane decree of body control and combat experience had allowed her to adapt to this new view relatively quickly.

"Sssss..." Breathing out sharply, she flooded her body with mana and reinforced her limbs as best as she could.

Refraction + Sword Domain!

A flurry of swords appeared in the man’s view and he didn’t know what sword to block. Raising up a flame guard, he was shocked to see the swords phase through his defence.

Realising the danger that his teammate was in, Redirm quickly erected a barrier around him.

However, the promised strike never happened.

"GAHHH!!!" Quickly turning their heads to source of the scream, they saw Shiro stabbing her swords down the throat of the tanker while he was rushing towards them in an attempt to assist.

’When did she get here!?’ The closest member thought while sending a few ice spears towards Shiro.

"Heh." Curling her lips into a smirk, Shiro entered the rift and evaded the strike.

"Careful! She is highly adept at using illusions. Don’t take everything at face value and keep your guard up!" Redirm warned as they regrouped and looked around in wariness.

Quickly healing up the tanker, they had him stand in front with his taunt skill ready at any moment.

"Hahaha, you know, with the lot of you bunched up like this, it’s only making my job easier right?" Her voice rang out. She was eerily calm as Redirm had a bad feeling.

"Nanotech Throne World."


Dragging all of them into her throne would, they realised that they were in the middle of an empty compound while hundred upon hundreds of nanotech guns floated in the air. Behind the guns were waves after waves of shadowed out mechs, floating castles and giant continental grade weapons that would erase a country with ease.

As for the guns that floated around them, they could see snipers, shotguns, hand cannons, assault rifles, orbital rail cannons and more.

Each one is a blueprint that Shiro could make at the moment and they were all aiming towards the group.

"Nanotech Armoury – Focus Fire." Shiro commanded as every gun fired their attacks.

Widening their eyes in shock, the best thing they could do at the moment was to use their berserk skills and put up their best defences.

However, since Shiro was able to disrupt the mana, even if they used their berserk skills, any defence they put up was useless in front of her attacks.


Countless explosions rang out as Shiro looked at it with a smile.

While the destruction was impressive, the speed of which her mana drained was even more impressive.

Within a single round of fire, she had used up 7 million points worth of mana. Whether that was because of the fact that her mana links were broken or that it was just the immense drain of her throne world, Shiro didn’t know and didn’t care either since she had a way to quickly regenerate most of that lost mana.

Gripping Ataraxia, she activated the heavenly Kara and funnelled all of the durability of the sword. After all, the heavenly runes took the item’s durability rather than mana which meant that it would shatter the item once it was activated for a long time.

But for a weapon like Ataraxia which could repair itself when given time, it was akin to a MP potion that didn’t have the side effects.


Shattering apart, Shiro watched at her sword Ataraxia was reduced to dust while her MP had regenerated by 4 million points.

’Hmm, after getting some MP back, I now have around 6 million MP left. Not bad.’ She mused to herself while stopping the barrage.

Closing her Throne World, she waited for the dust cloud to settle down.


Hearing a weak groan, Shiro’s lips curved into a sadistic smile.

In front of her, 3 of the initial 7 level 100’s were alive albeit barely hanging onto their lives. Redirm was part of the three that survived as he and the other two were missing large chunks of their bodies.

"Hahaha, truly unlucky. The four that died have been let off easily but you three, hehehe, I won’t let die like them without a good round of torture."

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