Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 318 Duan Han Ying

Chapter 318 Duan Han Ying

"So what do you want to tell me?" Shiro asked as she also made herself a chair.

During her time in the library, she had found some information such as her history as an adventurer and relation with her parents. She hadn’t really focused on her siblings since the media were more focused on her.

-Well how about your allies and enemies first? After all, you need to know who you can trust. That being said, you might make them suspicious since you don’t have my memories, do you?- Kuromi smiled while crossing her legs.

"Well, I guess I can just play it off as amnesia." Shiro shrugged.

-True. Well anyways, you can trust Yuki. From what I’ve seen from the letter, it seems like that guy still has her on lock down.- Kuromi sighed.

"Lock down?"

-Yeah. She’s currently stuck on Frozen Imperial Mountains. Unless she can break through into A class, there is no way that she can escape from the place. That being said, once she breaks into A class, there’s a different fate waiting for her. The only reason that she’s telling you to look for her after getting into B class is because I had knowledge on how to break open her confinement.-

"Even if you know, how would I know? Plus, it may have been updated after you died." Shiro shrugged.

-You’re right. But remember, you also have that celestial path of yours, don’t you? While I’m not too sure about its range of effectiveness, I can say that it’ll definitely have an impact on her prison as long as you play your cards carefully.-

". . . I’m not going to help her just because you said so. I may even reveal myself to the enemy when I’m low levelled after all. Helping her would bring too many risks." Shiro raised an eyebrow.

-Of course, I understand that, but, the reason as to why Yuki wanted you to come is because the guy is already in a place where it would be difficult for him to interfere. Though it’s not as if he can’t interfere so you definitely need to be careful. However, if Yuki was able to send you the letter outside of that guy’s attention, I’m sure she’ll have a plan for you. I’m guessing that she didn’t want to send you too many letters in case her route is discovered. That would most likely lead to him cutting off all access to the outside world.- Kuromi replied with a shake of her head.

"Well you’ve been talking about that ’guy’ for a while now so why don’t you tell me his real name and appearance?" Shiro asked.

-His name is Duan Han Ying. While I don’t know his main background, since he has so many powers behind him, I know that he is a level 500 Divine Monarch. His main skill set is shutting down the usage of mana and spells much like you so that’s something to watch out for.-

The moment that Kuromi mentioned Duan Han Ying’s name, her face darkened as killing intent exploded out from her body.

Even Shiro was a little taken aback since the killing intent was almost equal to hers.

’Damn, her killing intent is quite impressive. Give it a few years and it might surpass mine...’ Shiro thought curiously.

"Are you able to show me what he looks like?" She asked.

-I can, just give me a moment. I’m not sure how accurate this is but this is the last I saw of him.-

Snapping her fingers, a statue was formed from ice.

It was that of a handsome man who looked like he was in his mid 20’s. He had a set of refined features that made him look a little feminine in a good way. Long hair that reached his back and a fire marking that extended from his right hand to his back.

Memorising the appearance, Shiro turned back to Kuromi who had calmed down a little.

-While there are more people that you can be allies with, the only ones I know for sure right now are Yuki, my sister Keomi, my cousin Keiko and my parents. Mum and dad should be coming home from the front lines soon so you might want to be careful about what you do.

-You should know Keiko since she’s the leader of Rising Sun. She’s... a little over passionate but you should do fine. As for my parents, I swear to god you better not cause them any harm.- Kuromi warned with narrowed eyes.

"Hou? A family kind of girl huh? Sure. I can do that." Shiro nodded since she would be the same if her parents were still alive.

-Good. I’m already having some trouble sensing my surroundings so I’m guessing that the time we have is running out. Now that you know who you can trust and who you need to watch out for, I’ll give you some extra advice about magic. Because god damn, while you’re good with your guns and body control, your mastery over my magic is complete sh*t.- Kuromi criticised.

-When I was alive, I was quite proficient with most of the elements, but Ice is what I liked to use the most. You need to remember that ice is supposed to be a crowd control type of element rather than killing type. It’s supposed to be used to set up a kill rather than go for a kill. Your frozen slumber skill is an example of this. It’s perfect for setting up a kill since they’re frozen and restrained but on the other hand, Ice Drake’s Feast, Ice palace and even your Ice Demon’s Calamitous Domain is redundant in my eyes. Their focus is on attack rather than control and defence.-

"Mn, that’s true. Though the fact that you can just kill someone by stopping their brain and heart is undeniable." Shiro replied. With her fighting style, she liked to go for the highly aggressive route that would make everything she had a weapon. Even an element that was meant for control.

-And that’s where we differ. You like to go all in for an attack while I go for the prolonged battles where, I can set up for a killing blow. You wouldn’t need to go through a lot of your troubles if you had focused on making a control heavy skill set so that it could synergise with your Nanomancer class. One is control/defence while the other is attack. Why the hell would you make both attack focused.-

"Ever heard of preferences? I’m used to focusing on attacks anyways." Shiro shrugged. While she didn’t deny that Kuromi had a point, she had been fighting in an aggressive way for decades so it would only be natural that she continued to use this style.

-I know. But! At least focus a little on your Frozen Slumber skill. Damn, I wish I had this kind of skill when I was your level. I only got something like this when I was around level 150 you know?- Kuromi sighed.

Before they could continue their conversation, Shiro saw a notification pop up from her system.

[Preparations are complete. Undergoing refinement of user: Shiro. Optimising skill set.]

-Tch, already huh? Just remember, you can trust Yuki and get her help to work around people I know. You can probably just tell her that you have amnesia. Same goes with Keomi. And remember, please keep my parents safe.- Kuromi clicked her tongue and said quickly before the link between them was cut.

"Got it." Shiro replied with a smile. Since she was using Kuromi’s body, keeping an eye out for her parents shouldn’t be too much of a hassle.

After she replied, she felt a sense of warmth that instantly made her feel sleepy. Unable to keep her eyes open, she fell into a slumber as light wrapped around her body.


"So someone had robbed first and second brother? Nice. With the elders and my sisters supporting me, I should have enough capital to recruit a few more people to work with me." Blythe smiled while looking at the report.

"You have to be careful though. Despite both your brothers suffering from a small set back, they’re not going to be defeated that easily." Morthil replied.

"Mn, I know. But perhaps starting some small raids and poaching a few members may be beneficial. We’ll need to focus on guerrilla warfare since our side is a little weaker though." Blythe shook his head.

"And what if they partner up?"

"Well if they do partner up, I have that item, don’t I? Once I use it, it’ll reverse the situation where they’ll be fighting each other instead of me." Blythe smiled coldly.

"Indeed..." Morthil nodded.

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