Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 825: Am I, Namikaze Naruto, Scared?

Chapter 825: Am I, Namikaze Naruto, Scared?

In the office.

Iruka's face was stern as he looked at the two brats in front of him, Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto had his head slightly lowered, his big watery eyes blinking as he looked at Iruka, his expression pleading for forgiveness, mercy, and a plea not to tell his parents.

As for Sasuke, having been ‘knocked out’ by Naruto in front of everyone, his proud heart was already riddled with wounds. At this moment, his expression was cold and stiff, his body language clearly stating ‘Don't come near me if you know what's good for you’.

Iruka’s gaze swept back and forth between the two. After some time, he started to speak: “Naruto, Sasuke, sparring between classmates should have its limits. What happened today went too far!”

“Iruka-sensei, it was Sasuke who used Sharingan first. I only used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique in response.” Naruto retorted softly.

“Naruto, what did you say?” Iruka looked at him without emotion, adopting a menacing posture as if to say, ‘If you dare to argue again, I'll call your parents’.

Naruto immediately backed down: “I said that Iruka-sensei was right, I was wrong.”

“Sasuke, what about you?” Iruka looked towards Sasuke.

Sasuke was stubbornly silent.

Being defeated by Naruto had already left him feeling completely embarrassed, and now, Iruka wanted him to admit his mistake?

‘Who did he think he is, the principal!’

Sasuke gritted his teeth, refusing to speak.

Iruka got a headache from all this.

He couldn't understand the so-called Uchiha Clan’s pride that Sasuke carried, but he knew that if Sasuke grows like this, there will be problems.

But he also knew that no matter what he said, Sasuke would not to listen.

‘It seems that I can only call his parents.’

“Sasuke, I'll have a talk with your father…”

As he said this, Iruka suddenly remembered that Sasuke's father was the village’s advisor…

‘Well, forget it, I'll just have to visit them myself.’

‘Thinking about this, Naruto’s father is the village’s head…’

Iruka squints at Naruto.

Naruto immediately put on a flattering smile: Hehehehe hehe…

‘I really do like Naruto more.’

“Sasuke, you can go first.” Iruka said.

“Humph.” Sasuke snorted, hands in his pockets as he turned and left.

“Iruka-sensei, then I’m leaving too, goodbye.” Naruto also wanted to leave.

“Stop right there!” Iruka shouted.

“Iruka-sensei, you are too partial. Why are you letting Sasuke go but not me?” Naruto refused.

“I'll personally visit Sasuke's parents about this matter. As for why I'm asking you to stay here…” Iruka’s expression gradually turned grim, “Using shadow clones to deceive me is not something you can just get away with easily!!!”

Naruto’s dissatisfaction instantly crumbled: ‘It’s over, it’s over…’

Outside the office.

As soon as Sasuke walked out, he saw Sakura, Ino, Karin, and the other girls from the class. They all had their hands over their hearts, looking deeply worried.

“Sasuke-kun, are you alright?”

“Sasuke-kun, Iruka-sensei did not trouble you, right?”

“Sasuke-kun, let me take you to the nurse's office?”



Sasuke shouted expressionlessly, “Get out of my way!”

“Sasuke-kun…” The big licking dog, Sakura, tried to grab Sasuke's hand with one hand while holding her heart with the other, but was pushed away by Sasuke's slap.

“Don’t touch me.” Sasuke said emotionlessly, passing through the group of girls mercilessly.

“It’s all Naruto’s fault!”

“That’s right, if it weren’t for Naruto, Sasuke would never treat us like this!”

The girls feel indignant at the injustice, throwing the blame on Naruto’s head directly, and decided to block his way together to teach him a lesson.

Karin knows Naruto best, so she shouted the loudest, and even Iruka in the office could hear it.

He opened the door with a serious face: “Don't you have anything better to do? Go run fifty laps on the training ground!!”

“Why is it like this?”


Although the girls are unwilling, under Iruka's stern gaze, they eventually resigned themselves to their fate.

After they left, Iruka returned to the office and continued to educate Naruto on the Will of Fire.

‘But when did the office’s window open?’

Iruka looked at Naruto suspiciously.

Outside the Academy, Naruto walked lightly, whistling, with his hands behind his head.

Yes, at the moment Iruka sent Sakura and the others away, Naruto left a shadow clone and then made his escape through the window.

As for the consequences if he were discovered…

‘Hmph, am I, Namikaze Naruto, scared?’

Just then, the shadow clone left behind in Iruka's office was blown up.

Receiving the memory, Naruto quickly ran to Kanpū’s house.

“Kanpū-sensei, Kanpū-sensei……”

Naruto pounded on the iron door. Seeing that no one came to open it, he climbed over the wall directly and found Kanpū sleeping on the wooden corridor in the backyard.

“Kanpū-sensei, help me.” Naruto shook him awake, tears streaming down his face.

“What trouble did you get into this time?” Kanpū asked with a yawn while he stood up.

“That, actually today…” Naruto recounted what had happened at the Academy today with his head bowed.

When Kanpū heard this, he patted Naruto’s shoulder and said with a deep voice: “you have to understand one thing. If your parents hit you, it's because they love you. If they didn't love you… they would have killed you long ago.”

Naruto was puzzled: “What do you mean, Kanpū-sensei?”

“Just get ready to be beaten.” Kanpū shook his head, and said.

‘If you only use Multiple Shadow Clone Technique during your spar with Sasuke, your parents might not resort to violence, but fooling your teacher with a shadow clone?’

‘And to do so more than one time!

‘Not to mention Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, even I, Gekko Kanpū, can’t stand it!’

‘It's just too much!’

Kanpū was very disappointed.

“…Kanpū-sensei.” Naruto pleaded with a sorrowful face, clinging to Kanpū’s leg.

Kanpū pushed him away with disdain, and said: “Naruto, we must keep our distance, lest your mother say that I was the one corrupting you.”

‘If Sister Kushina got angry, I can only run away…’

‘So Naruto, your Kanpū-sensei can only feel sorry for you…’ Kanpū sighed.

“Kanpū-sensei, what should I do?” Naruto asked pitifully.

“The best way is to settle this matter privately. As long as you get your Iruka-sensei’s forgiveness, maybe he won’t tell your parents.” Kanpū advised.

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes lit up: “Kanpū-sensei, aren't you good friends with Iruka-sensei?”

‘Wanting me to use backdoor methods?’

‘How impudent!’

‘Of the two things I, Gekko Kanpū, hate the most about in life, the first is using backdoor methods!’

‘Don’t force me to make mistakes just because you think you're a savior.’

Ichiraku Ramen.

Kanpū slammed the table angrily: “Iruka, if you don't help me with this bowl of ramen, you're not giving me, Gekko Kanpū, face!”

Iruka glanced at Kanpū suspiciously, then looked towards Naruto, who was sitting next to Kanpū with a nervous face, and then at the bowl of ramen in front of him… His face twitched slightly and he said, “Kanpū, this ramen…”

“A thousand mountains and rivers cannot compare to friendship, so don't make things difficult for the child, okay?” Kanpū said.

“Are you referring to Naruto…” When it comes to the issue of child education, Iruka is decisive and serious, “Kanpū, Naruto’s problem could be big or small, I think…”

“Look, Naruto, your Iruka-sensei isn't giving me, Gekko Kanpū, face. I can’t help with this matter, goodbye.” Kanpū patted his bottom clean and was about to leave.

‘This is the first time in my two lifetimes that I, the great man, have used the backdoor method.’

‘(*/ω\*) I'm so ashamed.’

“Don’t leave, Kanpū-sensei.” Naruto hurriedly hugged Kanpū, not letting him go, then turned to Iruka with a pitiful look.

Iruka is embarrassed by this.

Kanpū sat down, then sighed emotionally and said, “Actually, I don’t want to come to you either, but Naruto's mom is too fierce. If you let her know that Naruto fooled you with a shadow clone, I’m afraid Naruto’s legs won't be safe.”

Naruto nodded vigorously.

“Is it that serious?” Although Iruka was angry at Naruto, he didn't want to break his legs.

Kanpū asked: “Iruka, do you think we should use violent means to educate children, or should we guide them gently?”

“Of course it is the latter.” Iruka didn't even think twice before answering, “Although violent means can achieve results in a short period of time, in the long run, the gains are not worth the loss.”

“The violent means are what Naruto’s mother is best at.” Kanpū looked meaningfully at Iruka.


Iruka showed thoughtful look: ‘Naruto’s mother is Yondaime Hokage-sama’s wife… I seem to have heard of her nickname during the Academy period…’

‘The Red-Hot Habanero?’


Upon careful consideration, Iruka felt that Kanpū’s words made some sense, ‘So, should I temporarily not tell Naruto’s parents?’

“Naruto, just this once!” Iruka said seriously.

“Yes! Thank you, Iruka-sensei.” Naruto was overjoyed, and his whole figure wandered around on the seat like a monkey, giggling nonstop.

Iruka shook his head with a smile. The reason was so easily letting Naruto go was partly because of Kanpū, but more importantly, while Naruto was mischievous, he has a good heart, just like a sunflower that is always facing the sun. Iruka likes him very much, and can’t bear to see the Red-Hot Habanero crush this flower bud.

After dinner, Iruka went straight to the Uchiha Clan.

‘Well, Sasuke’s mother is said to be especially gentle… Cough, Sasuke’s mentality problem is getting worse and worse. He must be helped back to the right path early, or he will have problems sooner or later!’

Iruka's expression turned solemn.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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