Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 31: Waterfall 10

Chapter 31: Waterfall 10

He twisted his foot behind him and was about to rush them-

When a hail of kunai and shuriken fell through the air above him, aiming for his head.

"Tch!" the man clicked his tongue, jumping back to avoid them, and all eyes were drawn up to the trees.

Where a familiar orange clad blonde stood a hundred feet above on a branch, arms crossed and a smirk on his face, "Heh, looks to me-" the blonde began, hopping off the branch and shooting down towards him, his hands flashing into a cross shaped hand seal, "That you're outnumbered old man!"

There was a series of puffs of smoke around Naruto, and suddenly, where there was one blonde shooting down through the air, now where was over thirty.

"Annoyances every-" Suien tried to complain, but Daiki took advantage of the distraction, arms shooting up, he unleashed every single weapon he had in his Dimension Force Seal, multiple dozens of kunai, shuriken and swords blitzing through the air towards the Jonin faster than bullets.

At his side, both Sasuke and Fu ran through hand seals.

"Fire Style: Dragon Fire Jutsu!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Sasuke spat out a massive roaring dragon of flames, while Fu unleashed a powerful gale force wind that could uproot trees from her hands.

"Eh!" the mint haired girl made a sound of shock as her wind slammed into Sasuke's attack, and the roaring dragon of flame utterly ballooned in size to dwarfing proportions.

With Naruto coming from above and all around, his series of weapons and Sasuke and Fu's unintentional combo jutsu…

They really do go all out.

Suien may have been faster and stronger than all of them, but even that only went so far when he was surrounded on basically all sides!

Naruto's clones rushed him lashing out with a series of bone crunching punches and kicks from all sides, while his weapons and the raging flame dragon swept over the enemy Jonin.

They were silent, the only noise being the crackling flame of the inferno that was burning into Suien's position-

And Naruto hopping away from the fire, clutching his smoking bottom, "Hot, hot hot!" the blonde yelped, slapping his own ass to put out small embers that were burning into his backside, "Can't you watch your aim you jackass!" he spat at Sasuke when he finished.

"How about you not get in the way of my jutsu idiot!" Sasuke shot back.

"Heh, you guys are a riot." Fu laughed heartedly, before crossing her arms behind her head, "Man, that was easier than I thought it was going to be."

Daiki frowned…it was.

But, something was off.

He didn't sense the guy escaping the attack at all, actually, in the end, he didn't even try from the brief glimpse he got before the attacks slammed into his position.

But, what was even more off putting-

Where was that familiar death wail of agony that usually happened when somebody burned to death? Or, where was the scent of crispy fried human flesh?

"Wait, something's wr-"

He never got to finish, because abruptly, a massive amount of steam began to emit from the fire and it rapidly dwindled down.

To reveal Suien, but wholly different. He was wrapped from head to toe in a churning armour of pure water.

"I can't believe I have to use my ultimate jutsu against a bunch of weak brats because I wasn't taking you all seriously," the jonin spat angrily, before shaking his head, "No matter, it's simple. Now that you've seen my Water Armour, you just have to die."

He lifted his hand as he finished, and punched out with a simple jab.

From that jab, a gigantic fist of purely compressed water shot through the air towards them, not unlike a huge bijuu chakra claw.

It was absolutely gargantuan and despite its size, shockingly fast. Only Fu had anywhere to run with something this size!

On instinct, Daiki launched himself into the air, forward to meet it and slammed both palms into the jutsu, pumping all of the chakra he had left, that wouldn't kill him into his Force Palm Jutsu.

The concentrated shockwave that blasted from his hands, tore right though it, leaving the jutsu to collapse apart like a pair of splitting waves.

His eyes widened immediately after though, as Suien appeared in the shadow of his jutsu, so fast Daiki didn't even see him move and he couldn't do anything as a water enshrouded hand wrapped around his neck and thrust down.

His back slammed into the ground a split moment later, hard enough to crater it inwards and his spine erupted into agony, then choked as the hand tightened around his windpipe and the man began strangling him to death, with Daiki helpless to do anything else.

"Daiki!" he heard someone shout, he…couldn't tell who, everything was going dark.

His eyes rolled up and he could just make out Sasuke, Naruto and Fu rushing to help him, but the man choking the life out of him, lifting his other and with a snort, and from his fingers, erupted massive pillars of water that slammed into the three of them and subsumed them, carrying them out of sight.

'…Bastard…!' Daiki used all the remaining mental faculties he had to to curse the man in his head.

For a brief moment, his gaze drifted up, and he may have been hallucinating as he neared death, because, for a brief second, he thought he caught sight of Kakashi running through a rapid set of blurring hand seals-

But then he was just gone.

"Enough sensei!" a sudden voice bellowed out in a rage, and he felt the fingers around his throat ease up, allowing him to suck in great big gasps of air and fill his lungs.

"Heh," Suien snorted, completely forgetting about Daiki and letting him go, turning towards the lake, "So you finally crawled out of your hiding spot you little spineless coward?" he spat.

Coughing and hacking, Daiki feebly turned on his side and looked to the lake, and there…it was Shibuki.

But, completely different from before.

He an oddly shaped glass bottle in one hand, filled with a mysterious looking liquid, it was like water, but silvery in colour instead of clear.

And, there was a massive raging aura of chakra blazing around Shibuki's body, so powerful and tangible the very air seemed to roil and twist, a powerful seething aura of chakra that reminded Daiki of a bijuu chakra cloak almost.

And his eyes, so different from the shaky, cowardly things from earlier. A blazing rage stood out in them now as he glared bloody murder at Suien.

"You…you're right of course, but, I can't stand aside anymore...I wonder, is this how my father felt back then? I finally understand…" Shibuki trailed before, before snarling, "I'm your opponent now sensei!"

As soon as he said so, the water he was standing on erupted into a massive geyser.

It wasn't a jutsu, but from the sheer speed and force Shibuki erupted forward, closing the distance between him and his former sensei in the blink of an eye.

Suien only had the barest of moments to bring his arms up to block the sudden punch, yet, even with his armour, the sheer force behind it lifted him up and sent him flying back like a missile.

Yet, even as he flew back so fast Daiki could barely see him, a massive of water tentacles erupted from his water clad body, each compressing into spiked ends and lashing down at Shibuki.

Daiki's eyes widened when he noticed one coming right for him as well! He couldn't move!

He feebly pushed himself up, before collapsing again.

Shibuki clicked his tongue, rapidly he appeared beside Daiki and ran through a few hand seals, the bottle of water dropping from his grap, before opening his mouth and spewing out what was almost a literal tidal wave in scope.

It was so huge it blocked everything out of view for Daiki.

'Holy shit.' he gaped.

The Hero Water was fucking insane!

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