Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 43: The Land Of Loot - 6

Chapter 43: The Land Of Loot - 6

The thing about Isobu's abilities, was that they were natural and innate to him. Almost like a bloodline limit to perfectly honest.

Using them was incredibly simple, as long as he had access to Isobu's chakra. Of course, it helped a lot, that Isobu was very willing to show him how to use it.

As in, their minds were utterly linked, and they could switch position on who was in control and who wasn't.

So learning how to use Isobu's abilities, was as simple as giving him free control over his body for a brief time and having the Bijuu use his abilities through Daiki's body and showing him how it was done.

He almost felt like an Uchiha for a brief time with how easily he picked up a bunch of new Jutsu just by literally having a big ol' turtle use said jutsu through him and copying how it was done.

It was a bit weird to find himself standing a massive dimly lit void beside Isobu's huge body, the only light being a small lake of chakra that Isobu claimed was Daiki's own.

And then griped about it being too shallow for him to submerge his body in and swim around in.

Daiki vowed to have a chakra capacity so large in the future that even Naruto would weep in envy!

'The only downside to all this I suppose, is if I ever lose you, I'll lose access to your abilities as well.' Daiki mused, perched over the top of a cliff side, overlooking a small mining village.

It had only taken him a few hours to get here, and he barely felt winded at all, actually, he felt full of energy. Jinchuuriki stamina was great, and he'd only gotten the very beginnings of it.

Even as he ran his way over, he could feel as Isobu fed his chakra into Daiki's own and force it to grow bit by bit. It wasn't expanding massively, only increasing by what amounted to a fraction of a fraction of the total amount he actually had, but, it was a constant thing and it piled up.

'You'll have much worse things to worry about than losing just my abilities if that happens,' Isobu deadpanned, 'Like being dead for one.'

'Maybe,' Daiki nodded, though that just meant he had failed in the great grind that was his life, 'But, I think if I grab a piece of the Stone of Gelel, I could survive it.' it granted so much longevity one could appear almost immortal, after all, a little mundane ferret that had eaten a small piece had been alive for multiple hundreds of years.

That kind of longevity would even put Kushina's to shame, and she would have survived the extraction of Kurama if she had gotten treatment quickly, or you know, not got gored through the stomach by one of the literal mountain sized Bijuu's claws.

Speaking of Kurama though…

'Hey, can I like eat some of you?' Daiki asked, 'That's what those Gold and Silver guys from Kumo did to your brother and they got to keep a bunch of his chakra despite not even being jinchuuriki.'

If they could do it, why not him?

'What? No!' Isobu outright sputtered, losing his composure utterly, 'What is wrong with you Daiki? Do you like power that much? Just make a separate seal with my chakra in it, I'm not letting you devour my flesh just so you can keep my abilities you weirdo.'

Well, it wasn't like Isobu couldn't regenerate it, so what was the harm.

'You've gotten a healing factor yourself now, why not let some tiny creature chew on your insides then get back to me?' Isobu deadpanned.

'I'm good.' Daiki decided to drop the issue.

Well, those Gold and Silver brothers were lame anyway with their obsession with gold and silver medals. He supposed he could just copy what was done to that Sora kid in that one filler arc who had a bunch of Kurama's chakra sealed in him.

'Yes…you do that.' Isobu agreed.

Oh well, it was just a thought. The grind never waited and never ended. And he had plenty more to work on once he got back to Konoha as well.

A whole slew of water ninjutsu to go about learning.

Courtesy of Isobu. Or well, rather, Yagura.

It was too bad that he couldn't just use the jutsu himself through Daiki's body like with his own innate abilities, but eh, not everyone was perfect, not even a super kaiju turtle.

'I've never had to use hand seals before,' he could see Isobu shrug in his minds eyes, 'Nor have I got any training in actual ninjutsu. I can show you the jutsu he used, the hand seals for them and how he trained, but you'll have to puzzle out the rest yourself.'

And that was perfectly okay with Daiki. He was already feeling yucky deep in his balls that he was getting so much without having to go through the grind. Being able to suddenly use all the jutsu of a real proper kage, would be just far too convenient.

…Also, the grind had been kind to him.

'Your love of training aside,' Isobu spoke dryly, 'Perhaps get your head in the game? It's about time to jump into action is it not?'

Indeed, he was perched atop a cliffside, a few hundred feet above the mining area of the town, specifically perched directly above a large building, that probably once belonged to the leader of this settlement before Raiga came in, killed him and took over.

He knew it was where his target(s) were, because of all the thugs dressed in black cloaks guarding the perimeter.

'They probably already know I'm here.' Daiki mused.

'If the boy Ranmaru isn't asleep, then yes, they're probably waiting to see what kind of move you make before retaliating.' Isobu agreed.

The smart move, with an enemy all clustered together like that, would be to bombard them with ninjutsu. The problem was, while he was sure he could do that and kill Raiga if he wasn't fast enough with Isobu's power…that left the risk of damaging Ranmaru's eyes.

Honestly, the only threat was Raiga himself, the thugs he'd recruited were all civilians he forced to work for him and trained himself. Training by a powerful Jonin or not, shinobi training wasn't that simple that one could reach what it took to be even a Genin without building a proper foundation first, and unless your name was Itachi Uchiha or Kakashi Hatake, that foundation took years to build.

They wouldn't be an issue to get through.

So attacking head on was his best bet.

'Go for the kill instantly,' Isobu told him, 'I do not remember much of Raiga personally, but I do remember the Kiba blades. They are incredibly powerful and will pierce even through my chakra.'

As soon as he said so, Daiki felt the familiar feeling of raw, unadulterated power surge in his veins, thick red bubbles of chakra oozing out of his tenketsu and forming a cloak around him, three tails immediately forming behind him.

As soon as the three tailed, version one chakra cloak formed over him, Daiki moved, erupting down with a shunshin propelling his enhanced speed to even crazier degrees.

The cliffside he was perched atop shattered completely from the sheer force and speed of his take off, and the world blurred around him, he slammed into and through the room of the building, tearing its foundations apart and the impact of his landing shaking the earth beneath him like a rumbling earthquake.

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