Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 60: The Grind Continues - 5

Chapter 60: The Grind Continues - 5

He wasn't at all expecting the place Sasuke showed him.

For one, it was way bigger than he thought it was going to be. It looked for all intents and purposes like a Japanese-style mansion, all sliding doors and everything.

And it was he repeated, big. The place had three bathrooms, multiple in house storage rooms, a large living room and kitchen, a dining room and eight bedrooms, one of them being a much larger master bedroom.

That was only the main house itself. On top of that, as requested, the place had a large koi pond, and he did mean large, it was at the front of the house, on both sides of the path leading towards the main house, the path built right over it. There were multiple gardens that while untamed now, were most likely used for growing fruit and vegetables. And to top it all off, at the back of the property, there was a large spread out yard, big enough to contain a large storage shed and moderate sized training dojo and still have plenty of space left over for him to train.

The place was run down for sure, because nobody had lived in it for years, but it was still connected to the electrical grids and stuff apparently, he'd just need to get them turned back on.

"So, what do you think?" Sasuke asked once they were done. They were currently sitting on the back porch, overlooking the back yard, "Want it?"

"Yeah I want it," Daiki looked at the boy as if he were crazy, who wouldn't want this place? "No way I can afford it though, this place is amazing." way fucking better than his shitty little apartment.

"I'll give it you to cheap," Sasuke shrugged in response, "It's not perfect or anything and needs works done on it, so isn't worth as much as it used to be, and if you don't have enough, I'll let you pay it in instalments over time."

…That could work. Sending a clone out every day when he was training to do a D-rank was already pulling him in a nice tidy sum. He could just do multiple he supposed.

And there were always missing ninja out and about somewhere to hunt down.

"Alright, that works out well enough for me," Daiki agreed, "How much you want for it?"

Sasuke shrugged again, "Like I said, pretty cheap, I'll give you it for ten million."

Daiki's mouth dropped, "That's it?!" he gaped.

Sasuke smirked at his shock, "I told you, cheap," he pointed out, "Besides, the Uchiha land in general has went down quite a bit in value over the last few years with nobody to take care of the place and you know, being pretty far from the interior of the village on top of what happened to my clan, civilians are a superstitious bunch, they think ghosts and demons or something are going to haunt them." a frown spread across his face as he finished explaining the reason why he was selling it so cheap.

Daiki winced, the air becoming a bit melancholy around them, "…Actually, demons and ghosts are a real thing." he pointed out, changing the subject.

Sasuke gave him an odd look, before huffing and rolling his eyes, "Bullshit." the older boy retorted.

"No, I'm not kidding," Daiki shook his head and laughed, "Hell is a literal real place, there's even a summoning clan that came from hell once, they got sealed in a bunch of doors though."

"Have you been doing drugs?" Sasuke asked incredulously. "Demons, sealed into doors? Do you hear how stupid you sound?"

"Hey man, Hashirama Senju could summon them, hell he used them against your ancestor Madara from what I hear," Daiki shot back, "Actually, I even know where some kind of demon fucker is right now, calls itself Kageboshi, it's not actually far from the village actually."

He'd actually confirmed the place it appeared in was a real place. The thing was pretty damn strong considering it took a shippuden three tail cloak Naruto to beat it.

He'd had the idle idea since Isobu told him about the origins of the Rashamon, about going after it and forcing it to become his subordinate.

Sasuke was still giving him a disbelieving look, "I'll believe it when I see it," he snorted, "So you want the house then?" he asked, moving on.

"Yeah, I'll take it," Daiki put the topic on the shelf for now and agreed, "Actually, this is a pretty big place, who did it belong to before?" it would have to be someone at least semi important, right?

"A cousin of mine," Sasuke shrugged, "His name was Shisui, this is where his family has lived for decades before…"

Wait…this place was fucking Shisui's house?

"As in Shisui of the Shunshin?" Daiki wanted to confirm.

"You know him?" Sasuke blinked, surprised.

"Only by reputation," Daiki explained quickly, "Dude was a badass, he made the shunshin actually full on viable in combat and mastered it so well he could use it on the fly with no hand seals, I heard people compare him to the Yondaime Hokage a few times."

Sasuke's lips quirked up, "…He was a pretty cool guy." he agreed lightly.

Daiki agreed. Shisui was such a fucking badass. And his Susanoo was so fucking epic, the green colouring of it was so nice and it had a full on drill arm.

To bad that cunt Danzo had to fuck everyone over. If he didn't, the village would have the full Uchiha clan still, alongside Itachi and Shisui, both who would no doubt be powerful S-class shinobi by this time.

Then he wouldn't need to worry about the Akatsuki as much. He would have a freaking Itachi on his side after all.

Fucking Danzo, he was why Konoha couldn't have nice things man.

Daiki frowned, looking at Sasuke.

…Should he?

He couldn't tell him all he knew of course, but, he had an excuse. And he could give Sasuke some information in regards to what Itachi had been up to using Isobu as an excuse.

And also put him on guard against Obito.

The dude was being a pretty good friend to him right now. And he was suddenly feeling a little guilty about the knowledge he had that pertained to the other boy.

Daiki pushed chakra into his eyes, enhancing his vision and allowing him to see chakra and through any obstacle.

Then turned his idly from side to side. The only people that could hide from these eyes, were people with these eyes. Not even Zetsu would be able to hide from him. Trick him, most likely yes considering he could perfectly mimic the looks and chakra of another, but hide from him? Not a chance.

'Nobody.' Daiki noted. The closest people were over a thousand feet away. There weren't even any anbu watching him or Sasuke.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" Sasuke asked.

"Just checking to make sure nobody is spying on us, these eyes of mine can do basically everything the Byakugan can except the three sixty vision," Daiki explained idly, before drawing the chakra from his eyes and focusing on Sasuke, "Nobody around but us."

"You expected there to be?" the other boy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can never be too careful," Daiki responded, 'What do you think?' he asked internally.

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