Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 62: The Grind Continues - 6

Chapter 62: The Grind Continues - 6

'I'll leave it up to you.' Isobu responded simply.

He nodded, "Actually, on the topic of your family," Daiki began, "On my last mission, thanks to some things that went down, I've come across some information about your brother since he left the village."

Sasuke's eyes abruptly widened in shock, before quickly narrowing, "Tell me." he demanded, no nonsense.

Usually, Daiki would probably make a quip about him being rude, but, he understood, this wasn't quite the right moment. Even just some passing information about Itachi, was incredibly important to Sasuke, his brother was the guys main driving force in life right now.

"What do you know about Jinchuuriki?" Daiki asked.

Sasuke frowned, brows furrowing in deep thought, "Power of the human sacrifice?" he said, "Is that some kind of suicide jutsu? Or some kind of power from killing people?"

"Not quite," Daiki shook his head, "Do you remember the Kyuubi?"

"Considering how often it gets brought up, no," he huffed, impatiently, "What about it? What does the Kyuubi have to do with this?"

"I'm getting to it, you need context to understand dude," Daiki rolled his eyes, "The Kyuubi is what's known as a Bijuu, nine of them in total, each with a specific amount of tails from one to nine, the Kyuubi being the strongest of them."

"...And?" Sasuke prompted.

"Bijuu can't die, it's as simple as that, when they're killed, they just reform," Daiki dropped, "They have to be sealed away, but not anything can work for that. It needs to be people to hold them for any length of time, these people are called Jinchuuriki."

"And bringing this up in regards to Itachi, means he's got something to do with these Jinchuuriki or wants them for something?" Sasuke caught on pretty quick.

"Quite," Daiki nodded, "The thing about Jinchuuriki, is that they can usually use the power of the Bijuu sealed in them, granted, that's simplifying it a lot and it comes with a lot of risks. But, being a Jinchuuriki comes with a bunch of benefits, like massive chakra reserves, incredible endurance, a natural healing factor and depending on the bijuu, special almost kekkai genkai like abilities."

"I see…" Sasuke responded and fell silent for a moment, before; "So I take it then, that Itachi is hunting these Jinchuuriki for some reason. Going from what you told me, for the power being one gives?"

"That, I'm not sure on, I just know he attacked a Jinchuuriki and has joined a group that's all about that," Daiki replied, he did know what the real goal was, but he had no way of explanation as to why, so he kept mum on the subject, "What I do know, is that the former Mizukage was a Jinchuuriki, a near perfect jinchuuriki capable of using almost all of the power of his Bijuu and your brother alongside the guy that Zabuza Momochi replaced in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, attacked him to steal his bijuu a few months after he went rogue."

Sasuke's eyes widened massively, "The Mizukage!?" he sputtered.

"He didn't win," Daiki quickly assured him, "His partner even got killed in the process which is why he was replaced when his sword was reclaimed. But your brother managed to escape and injured the Mizukage in the process, the thing is he apparently shot some crazy black flames from his eyes, his Sharingan was different as well from yours, it had some crazy shuriken-like pattern in them."

"Mangekyou Sharingan!" Sasuke hissed.

"Yeah, that's what he called it," Daiki confirmed, "The fire was called Amaterasu by the way. The injuries he caused to the Mizukage, was what made him lose against the rebellion against him like a year later and he died."

Sasuke clicked his tongue, "So that guy Zabuza failed to kill, died because of Itachi?"

"Kind of," Daiki nodded, "That's not the only thing though. You know how there was a rebellion for years in the Mist and everyone hated the Mizukage?"

Sasuke shrugged, "Zabuza said something about it when we was bragging to Kakashi." he replied.

"Yeah, see, the Mizukage was a pretty nice guy apparently," Daiki revealed, "Until suddenly he wasn't. The thing is, his personality changed over night, and I found out just recently as well, that it was because he was being controlled, by a man with the Sharingan who claimed to be Madara Uchiha."

"Absurd," Sasuke shook his head, "Madara is long dead, he was killed by Hashirama Senju over fifty years ago."

"It's mostly likely a pretender," Daiki agreed, "But he does have the sharingan as well, so unless he stole it from someone, he's most likely an Uchiha as well, especially since he and Itachi seem to know each other."

"Another traitor then?" Sasuke growled, before shaking his head, "Alright, this is a lot to take in. Do you have any proof about it?"

"I heard it from the horses mouth himself, or rather, the turtle." Daiki smirked, pointing at the Isobu shaped pauldron on his shoulder.

"What?" Sasuke blinked.

"I can't really get into the full thing," Daiki replied, "But you know how I'm pretty damn good with seals?"

"Vividly, my stomach especially remembers after you used that Force Palm Jutsu of yours on me the first time." Sasuke remarked dryly.

"Well, I've been getting better and better lately," Daiki nodded, "And during my last mission, I came across a member of the Seven Swordsman Of The Mist, or well a former one, like Zabuza that you guys fought. Him, and a bunch of other crazy traitor ninja from the Village of Artisans teamed up together, because the Bijuu inside the Mizukage, reformed in a lake in the Land of Rivers."

Sasuke said nothing, just digesting the words, he was letting Daiki continue obviously before saying anything.

"They planned to well, use the Sanbi to make a bunch of super weapons and then attack the Leaf with it," Daiki revealed, "They'd planned it out a lot. With special eyes that could hypnotise the Bijuu and special armour and weapons that could drain its chakra and weaken it, so they could seal it or rather him, themselves."

"I see, your eyes." Sasuke realised.

Daiki smirked, "Yep," he confirmed, "Basically, even with all their preparations, they were weak and exhausted, so I jumped in myself, sealed the Bijuu inside myself, broke it from the hypnosis and teamed up with it to kill them all."

Sasuke went totally quiet and just stared at Daiki. For a full on minute, he said nothing, and just seemed to digest everything he was told, "So you're one of these Jinchuuriki then and you can talk with this Sanbi that you sealed in yourself?" he asked.

Daiki simply nodded.

"So the Sanbi itself told you about Itachi then, and if it was inside the Mizukage, it would know all about the guy controlling him as well," Sasuke grimaced, before his eyes widened in what looked like panic, "Meaning, Itachi is out there right now hunting these other jinchuuriki, could have captured one or more already and gotten the power of these bijuu to himself!"

"He's not," Daiki was quick to assured him, "If the other Jinchuuriki disappeared, it would be big news like the Mizukage."

Sasuke froze, "How do you know?" he asked, pressing.

"Because Jinchuuriki are spread around the main villages, generally used to deter wars," Daiki explained, "Sand has the 1-tail, Mist had the 3-tails and the 6-tails, Stone has the four and five-tails, Cloud has the two and eight-tails, Waterfall has the seven-tails and Konoha has the nine-tails, and now the three-tails with me."

"Oh…" Sasuke swallowed, "This…this is really big then isn't it?"

"Pretty much," Daiki nodded, "If a Jinchuuriki goes missing, their village will start pointing fingers and it might just lead to the fourth great shinobi world war."

Sasuke clenched his fists, "…That bastard, it wasn't enough to murder our clan, but now this?!" he shook with rage.

Daiki didn't comment and just let the boy sort himself out.

A deep shuddering breath left the Uchiha and he stood up, "I need some time to think," Sasuke said, giving him a tight nod, "I'll get the money from you for this place later, but for now, I need to go."

"It's a lot to take in, yeah." Daiki agreed, bidding him goodbye with a small wave.

Once Sasuke left the place behind, Daiki looked around himself and nodded, "Guess I can start moving in and getting this place fixed up." he mused.

Thank fuck for Shadow Clones.


(We've jumped up roughly 60 follows/favourites on Jordinio Version guys. You guys are quick as hell. Good stuff, as promised here's a chapter after a 50 gains. For reference for those who didn't see the AN I posted earlier, for every 50 follows and favourites Jordinio Version goes up on Fanfiction - dot - net, I'll post another chapter of this story. If you want to jump in and boost the numbers for another chapter to come out, the link is in my profile page and there's still 10 hours left of this offer)

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