Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 69: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 7

Chapter 69: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 7

Mystical Palm Jutsu training-

"Ah, damnit!" Tenten cursed, picking up the dead fish sitting on the ground in front of her and tossing it through the air.

Well, it wasn't going well.

Daiki, mid-hand stand push up watched it soar into the sky and disappear over the tree line, 'Maybe some normal fish alongside the koi?' he mused.

"I just don't get what I'm doing wrong!" the girl jumped to her feet and kicked a small rock laying nearby, sending it up through the horizon, following the fish.

To be honest, neither did he. As far as he could tell, she had the necessary chakra control, she was able to activate the jutsu and she had no problem maintaining it.

Even with his eyes, he couldn't see anything really wrong with her control over the jutsu. It should be working.

And she confirmed she was able to heal small cuts as well.

'Perhaps she has a problem visualising the technique end?' Isobu offered his input, 'Unlike most other jutsu where you merely shape it, this technique I've noticed through your usage, has a mental control aspect to it because of the multiple ways it can be used.'



Pushing up with his hands, Daiki flipped into the air and landed on his feet seamlessly, even though he was wearing eight thousand pounds on each limb now.

He could probably clap some ninja just by throwing one of his weights at them.

"What do you think about when using the jutsu?" Daiki asked her.

"Hm?" Tenten looked at him and shrugged, "Nothing much, well, like I try and visualize it working now, but other than that nothing else, I just use it like any other jutsu."

Huh, Isobu was spot on the money.

'Much like you yourself, you tend to miss the trees for the forest, focusing on the final goal rather than the step by step process.' Isobu added.

Hey, he didn't do that!


He had to weigh the pros and cons of doing shit anyway, one wrong step and he could get fucked over right proper.

Besides, much of the things he'd like to change, needed a vast amount of strength to do anything about.

Strength he didn't have without Isobu himself backing him up, which wasn't an option right now when he wanted to hide his status until he was strong enough for it not to matter that the Akatsuki would come after him.

"Yeah, that's your problem," Daiki pointed out to the girl, "The Mystical Palm has a bunch of uses despite only being a single jutsu, like it can heal, it can be used to examine the body itself, it can be used to numb pain, the healing part is actually one of the simpler parts of it."

"Wait, really?" Tenten blinked, "That's it? That's all I'm missing?" she gawked at him.

"Pretty much I think." Daiki confirmed.

"No way," she shook her head, then scowled, "That can't be it. I've been working on this jutsu for an entire year now, more even! Nearly two! It can't be that simple!"

Eesh, she was pissed. Well, he couldn't blame her.

"Sucks to suck," he snorted, "Or well, the guy who taught you this jutsu sucks ass at least." hmm, now that he thought about it. There was no mention of the visualizing part of things in the scroll he got either, he'd just associated that kind of thing with a lot of fiction so went about that route automatically.

That might be an interesting avenue to explore with other jutsu now that he thought about it.

"You can't be serious." Tenten shook her head, but despite her refuting his words, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Well, let's find out if I'm right or not then." Daiki smirked at her, summoning a kunai to his hand and then promptly stabbing it straight through the middle of his palm.

"What're you doing!? Are you crazy!?" Tenten gaped, going wide eyed in shock.

"Nah, I'm a badass," he shrugged, ignoring the pain, he was getting good at that actually, ever since he got his shit absolutely kicked in by that cunt Suien, pain was just weakness leaving the body as it grinded to an all new level, "I'm a badass who currently can't make hand seals though who will bleed out and die if you don't heal me."

No he wouldn't actually, hell, no ninja would bleed out and die from something as slight as this.

It did spur Tenten into action though.

She was only a few feet away, but she rushed to him so fast one might have think she had learned to teleport.

She grabbed his hand, ripping the kunai out, blood spurting from the wound and quickly formed a familiar hand seal, green chakra forming around her hands and being directed into the stab through his hand.

It took a few minutes, and neither made a sound, her because she was concentrating so much and Daiki because he didn't want to spook her out of her little zone, but finally, the wound began to slowly close.

Good thing it was shallow, kind of. And well, Isobu would take care of the bone.

"I can't believe you did that, are you stupid?" Tenten growled at him when she finally finished, sweat matting her forehead, "You could have seriously hurt yourself, and what, just to make me take your advice and try it out on the spot?"

Daiki's smirk had not disappeared, in fact, it just grew bigger, to shit eating proportions, "Hey, I was right though wasn't I?" he smugly pointed out, "Besides, have you thought that maybe I just wanted to hold hands with a cute girl?"

Tenten blinked in surprised at his words, before looking down at their hands, specifically, her cupped ever so gently around his own.

Her cheeks flushed, and she quickly let go of him and stood back, "You really are just an idiot aren't you?" she shook her head, "With those weights and crazy physical conditioning you do, you're totally cut from the same cloth as Gai-sensei and Lee."

"Hey, now that's just insulting," Daiki huffed, crossing his arms, "I'm my own brand of idiot actually. An awesome, ultra powerful and epically sexy idiot, I'll have you know."

No lie there. He was built like a god, with muscles carved from marble, and a super ultra epic Manda 2.0 that even Manda himself would recoil in fear from and bow down before.

Tenten couldn't help herself, erupting into a slew of giggles, "You're so full of yourself," she said, before sighing and smiling gratefully at him, "But, thank you, I've finally got this jutsu down thanks to you."

"No biggie," he shrugged, though he was curious, "Why have you been so determined to learn this? All the time you put into this could have been used on something else instead when you saw you weren't getting anywhere."

Tenten sighed, "It's been my dream since I was little to be like Tsunade-sama," she revealed, smiling a little melancholy smile his way, "I want to be a legendary kunoichi like her, but I've never been able to even come close to the path she went down. I don't have a super lineage or superhuman strength, I absolutely suck at medical ninjutsu as you can tell, I blew getting a summoning contract because I was too absorbed in the thought of a legendary one like the slugs…"

She shook her head and then met his eyes, "I gave up on ever being like her, but I wanted to at least get this jutsu down at the very least, it was like a test for myself you know?"

"I mean, you don't need to be like her to be a legendary kunoichi, or be stronger than her," Daiki pointed out with a shrug, Tsunade was kind of a low bar personally for him considering how strong he wanted to get, "Besides, there's other summoning contracts out there and the Slugs aren't even all that powerful and most of her superhuman strength comes from a jutsu of her creation."

"Hindsight and all that, right?" Tenten rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, "Honestly, I've got my own path now, weapons and summoning are my things now, though I wish I realised that before I made a fool of myself in front of the tortoise summons and…" she trailed off, cheeks flushing.

"And?" Daiki raised an eyebrow.

She looked embarrassed now. Was it something juicy?

"And before…before I tried gambling to be like her," she admitted self consciously, "I kept getting kicked out of gambling halls, and one guy even said I'd never be like Tsunade because she had legendary huge boobs and I don't!"

Daiki couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. He didn't remember anything like that happening.

"Oh c'mon!" Tenten whined, "It's not that funny!"

"Kinda is," Daiki refuted, before getting his laughter under control, "Either way, you're doing pretty fine now and you've got nothing to be ashamed about on that front."

She paused and furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?" she asked, confused.

Daiki grinned and shrugged, before gesturing to her with a wave of his hands, "You've got a pretty big set of tits on you, nice ones too," he pointed out and unashamedly look down at said pretty big tits, "You're pretty damn hot in general, probably one of if not the hottest girl in our age group in the village." she was definitely up there for sure.

For a moment, Tenten just gaped at his up front compliment, cheeks blazing red, before she sighed and palmed her forehead, "Don't just say that to a girl, don't you have any delicacy you idiot?" she groaned.

"What's that, can you eat it?" his grin got bigger.

She snorted, "Not cute Daiki, not cute at all," Tenten retorted, before sighing and smiling at him, "Still, thanks for the compliment I guess, you're not so bad looking yourself."

"Babe, I'm hotter than the sun," Daiki refuted with a shrug, one only had to look at his glorious muscles to understand that, "So, now that you've got that down, how about we go grab a bite to eat?"

"Are you inviting me out on a date?" Tenten raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yup." he nodded.

"…Okay." Tenten nodded, accepting his offer.

"Good shit," his grin returned and he held his arm out for her, "It's customary where I'm from for a girl to hold onto the guy on a date."

"Nice try, but no," she replied dryly, "Now that I know how big of a pervert you are, I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you buddy."

Well, couldn't blame a guy for trying.

Hours later, after the sun had set, Daiki returned home, a wide grin on his face. He'd had a great ass fun time with Tenten.

After eating, she'd actually shown him about some places he didn't know of, like, an arcade. He didn't know Konoha had an arcade.

The games weren't electrical and stuff like from his other life beyond a few, and were mostly things like accuracy toss games for winning prizes, but there were a few interesting things like sparring rings where young shinobi and kunoichi could pick fights and spar with each other for fun.

Honestly, it was a good time and Tenten was good company, she bounced off him pretty well. His personality, not his dick mind you, though he'd like that too.

She was apparently so used to playing the straight man or rather woman, with Rock Lee and Gai, that his upfront attitude apparently didn't bother her all that much.

That and he knew she got a bit of a kick out of him checking her out and complimenting her, he didn't need to use his eyes to read her mind for that either, the little half smiles she tried to hide from him were enough proof of that.

He paused by the pond and eyed it, but he couldn't see shit in there without shifting his vision.

'How's your day been?' he asked internally.

'Quite enjoyable thank you.' Isobu replied.

'Did anybody check the place out while I was out?' he asked.

'No, none that I could sense at least.' Isobu informed.

Good enough for him. Isobu was pretty skilled when it came to noting the presence of others, even Anbu had trouble hiding from him.

He was a smart and skilled turtle bro.

Shrugging, Daiki continued on making his way into the house. He was heading straight for his bedroom for now. He was about to dispel his clones for the day, so none of them popped during the night and woke him up.

He paused as he entered the bedroom though and stared.

There, in the middle of his bed, was a familiar piece of black chest armour, with a note on top.

Instinctually he walked over and picked up the note, reading it;

'That was too easy Daiki, find something more challenging to steal next time! ~Toka'

"…Well that was fucking fast." Daiki gaped.

Man, chameleon's were so fucking awesome.

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