Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 73: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 11

Chapter 73: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 11

"Regardless, I'm here now in my capacity as a Jonin to test your worthiness to enter the Chunin Exams." Kurenai narrowed her eyes at him.

"How about no?" Daiki snorted, "I was humouring you before, but honestly, what gives you the right to judge me? I'll pass and just go see the Hokage, I get absolutely nothing out of humouring you."


Such self assuredness in his position. What Genin acted like this with a Jonin and seemed to think they were the ones with the high ground.

She really wanted to plant his face in the dirt.

"What do you want out of this then?" Kurenai found herself asking, her arms tightening under her bust and pushing her chest up inadvertently.

His eyes flickered to her cleavage, before he shrugged, "There's nothing you have that I want." he said and dismissed her with a wave of his hand, turning to walk away and head into his home.

Dismissing a Jonin as if beneath him.

This kid…!

"What if I get naked then if you beat me?" her mouth moved before her brain and she offered.

He hadn't been able to hide his interest in her body at least. Her brain caught up and agreed with her actions.

It wasn't like a Genin could beat her anyway. It was impressive he'd been on an S-class mission, but she'd been on multiple by time she was his age. Just because he was on such a mission, didn't mean he contributed much.

Daiki froze, before turning to her with a wide grin, "Well, you spied on me half naked for an hour, I guess it's only fair if I get to see you naked as well." he accepted, seemingly believing his victory was assured.

Kurenai winced, a flash of guilt assaulting her as she processed his words. She had been spying on a boy half her age, that wasn't a good look for her was it?

Instigating a fight with him as well just because of how cocky he was. So petty of-

Her eyes widened as he blurred and was suddenly in front of her, the weights on his arms and legs gone almost instantly and his fist lashing out at her face.


So fast, faster than a genin had any right to be.

His attack was so sudden and fast, Kurenai barely had time to react and could only get her hands up in a cross block and backpedal.

She hadn't expected him to attack instantly upon accepting.

Just as his fist made impact with her arms and they throbbed with pain, his palm opened up and suddenly a shock wave of force barrelled into her as the force of his blow lifted her bodily into the air.

She found herself flying backwards through the air, but ignoring it, she quickly ran through hand seals, 'Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death!' she resorted to one of her most powerful genjutsu on instinct as he powered rapidly after her with a shunshin.

…Only he didn't stop. She felt the chakra of her contact make contact, and…nothing. He didn't even blink.

His shunshin enhanced speed made it so he was on her before she even hit the ground. On instinct, she grabbed a handful of kunai and launched them at him point blank - she'd take a hit, but he wouldn't be able to avoid them from this close range!

…Only they flew right through him as if he were a mirage and before her away, the Daiki charging her faded away.

'Clone!?' she gaped, no, that was different from-

Just then, an arm wrapped around her throat, and another around her stomach pinning her arms and dragged her down.

"And dead if you were an enemy." Daiki's voice rumbled in her hear.

The boy's head was peaking just over her shoulder, since she was a few inches taller than him, his muscular arms pinning her against his chest and keeping her from moving.

"…How?" Kurenai could merely asked after floundering for a few moments trying to think.

"That clone was an over world genjutsu and genjutsu itself doesn't work on me," Daiki explained, "Don't feel too bad about about it Kurenai-sensei, I'm really just your worst possible match up."

Despite the situation, Kurenai couldn't help but snort, "Don't feel too bad? I just got beaten in less than ten seconds by a genin," she replied, "Genjutsu not working on you isn't an excuse, you overwhelmed me with your speed, strength, that shock wave that hit me, switching with the clone without me even noticing and getting behind me…"

Well, there was nothing for it, the Hokage wasn't downplaying the boy at all, "You're definitely capable of taking the chunin exams, as you said," she admitted, "You win." she conceded.

"And my prize?" the young teen asked and she could see him grinning excitedly in her peripheral.

She huffed, and again despite the situation, she couldn't help but smirk in amusement, "I'm a woman of my word, why don't we go outside out of view and I'll do as I promised." she replied.

She hadn't even imagined losing to him, never mind so thoroughly. Really, he earned it.

"Alright then, c'mon." He unwound his arms from around her, but not before taking a quick squeeze of her backside as he pulled back.

She jumped a little, before giving him a narrowed eyed glance and turning around to look him in the eye, "I never said you could touch." Kurenai reprimanded.

"And you never said I couldn't." the boy unashamedly grinned at her, and eagerly grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her alongside with him.

Her stomach twisted with a bit of heat…she always did like a guy who took charge.

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