Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 79: The Chunin Exams - 5

Chapter 79: The Chunin Exams - 5

Even with his eyes closed and not using his ocular abilities, Daiki could literally feel the gazes on him after he pulled his little punch and snatch.

Even Kankuro at his side was outright gaping at him for a few seconds before buckling down and getting back to his own test.

It took him a few more minutes into the test to realise something though, '…I need to wait a full hour for this to end.' he grimaced.

A total waste of time. That was time he could be using for training. Sure, there were quite a few people around that he knew as well…but he couldn't exactly talk to them to pass the time, seeing as it was an exam after all and no talking was allowed between people.

…Why did he think taking these exams instead of just accepting his promotion was a good thing?

Resisting the urge to sigh, Daiki channelled chakra through his eyes and peered through his eyelids, idly letting his head loll back and forth as if bopping to a tune only he could hear.

He was really just taking the time to examine everyone and see what they were up to.

As it turned out…not a lot.

Neji and Hinata he could see easily, had their Byakugan activated and were already copying answers down from someone else…possibly even from him. Sasuke had his Sharingan activated and it looked like he was copying the movements of a guy a few tables down from him.

Gaara was using his sand eye, which was interesting, but nothing Daiki could replicate himself.

Honestly, the most interesting was probably Tenten. She'd somehow got a mirror onto the roof without anyone noticing and was manipulating it with ninja wire, hiding the wire in the flashes of light coming from the ceiling lightbulbs above. Not only was she getting the answers for herself, she was manipulating the mirror for Lee to see up into as well.

Lee was lucky Tenten was on his team, or he'd be up shit creak without a paddle like Naruto i-

Just then, four small rock walls rose up around the area where Naruto was at, blocking him and the two beside him from view.

It caused quite the commotion, and two of the chunin proctors quickly smashed the walls apart, only to reveal Naruto, a massive grin on his face, and the two guys beside him, both unconscious.

Daiki only managed to catch sight of two wisps of smoke and just barely thanks to his eyes behind the two unconscious examinees.

And with no proof Naruto did it, they couldn't deduct points from him either.

'Huh…was that the Earth Style: Barrier Jutsu I showed Sasuke?' Daiki blinked.

So Sasuke actually did teach it to Naruto. 'How the hell did he make four walls at once?' he wondered for a moment.

Shadow clones maybe? It was definitely shadow clones that knocked the two beside him out at the very least.

…Interesting, Naruto actually got the answers on his own merit because of a jutsu he'd shown Sasuke and offhandedly mention teaching to Naruto.

That was new. And something He'd need to keep his eye out for, Naruto went stupidly far with a limited amount of jutsu under his belt, he got exponentially more threatening for each single jutsu he gained and played with to make a stupid amount of variations with.

…Also Naruto just totally copied what he did. Visual learner indeed. It probably helped that Naruto actually had the balls to go through with something like that in the first place as well.

Probably a good thing he did as well, since he wasn't beside Hinata this time around.

Still, now it was back to boredom.

He couldn't even just send messages to Fu and chat with her to pass the time either. While nobody else could get the message of the Wave Transmission Jutsu if he attuned it to her chakra, they'd still be able to sense his chakra, and he'd get pulled up for assumed cheating, maybe.

There were others blatantly abusing chakra, but Ibiki specifically had his eyes on Daiki, his eyes kept coming back to him and examining him. Why, he didn't know, probably to do with his blatant cheating and abusing of the rules, but either way he didn't want to push his luck, he didn't know if the guy was a sensor ninja or not.

He was distracted for a moment, by his seatmate calling out that he needed to go to the bathroom, and one of the proctors who had been silent up till now, standing up from where he was sitting and agreeing to take him.

Daiki's eyes sharpened behind his eyelids with interest.

From Kankuro's fingers, thanks to his eyes, he could see strings of chakra travelling along to the Chunin…

Who was not a Chunin at all, but rather a puppet in disguise.

He already knew that of course, but his interest was piqued by the Chakra Strings themselves.

'So that's how you use them.' Daiki mused, watching keenly how the other boy manipulated his chakra to create them.

He was compressing his chakra at the tenketsu in his finger tips, making it a near tangible, physical thing. He could only see the strings thank to his eyes, but now he had a very good idea on how they were created.

Lowering one of his hands out of view, Daiki focused chakra at the tip of his index finger and decided to try and copy him.

It took a few seconds, but compressing his chakra at the tenktsu and forcing it out, was quite easy. His training with chakra flow and creating elemental chakra made it a cinch actually.

A thin strand of chakra extended out of his fingertip.

And flopped around uselessly like a wet, slimy noodle dangling from a tree branch during a windy day.

…Well, he had the technique down at least. He just had to train with it to get proper control with it, that was all.

He already had a good idea of how it worked by sticking to and controlling things as well, he assumed it was an application of the surface walking technique…

"Alright maggots, pencils down!" Ibiki called out thunderously, bang on the second the clock at the front of the classroom hit five, "Turn your test papers over, it's time for the tenth question."

A wide, malicious grin spread across his face and he looked all around the room, making sure everyone's attention was on him, "Now, the tenth question has some special rules, very special rules," he said before pausing, letting a tense silence build up before continuing, "Simply speaking, you can choose to leave right now, but if you decide to stay and take the tenth question, if you get it wrong, you fail and so do your teammates. If you leave, your teammates have to go with you.

It's all or nothing, especially since, if you fail the tenth question after deciding to stay, none of you will ever be allowed the chance to be promoted again."

All around him, Daiki could see many lock up in shock, go wide eyed and more, a variety of shocked and horrified expressions being directed at the man.

"You can't do that!" someone near the front spluttered, voicing his complaints.

"Yeah, he's right! You're just a Leaf ninja, you don't have the power!" another agreed, and moments later, there was a chorus of shouting and agreement from others spread throughout the room.

"SILENCE MAGGOTS!" Ibiki roared, killing intent flooding the room and shutting them up instantly. Daiki had to withhold a whistle, it was some pretty nasty killing intent the man had developed, though it didn't even come close to the mere presence Isobu gave off when he first met the Bijuu, "Your little peanut brains might not understand, but I have all the power here. All your leaders agreed to this the second they sent you here, this is my exam, and if you talk back to me one more time, every person who opens their mouth gets automatically stamped in the face with a big fat F for failure."

And they shut up real quick at that, not a single one willing to open their mouths after that.

The tension in the air was heavy as shit, Daiki could even see one kunoichi trembling just in front of him.

"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, pushing up to her feet and looking around, presumably for her teammates, "But I can't be stuck as a genin forever!"

"Fail!" Ibiki barked, "Now get outta here you trash." he jerked his thumb at the door, making the kunoichi and her two teammates trudge out sullenly.

They were not the only ones, bit by bit, over the period of a minute, more and more gave up and trudged out of the room like little bitches.

Well, not many more will leave. After all, Naruto should be about to light a fire under their asses and get them motivated.

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