Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 83: The Chunin Exams - 9

Chapter 83: The Chunin Exams - 9

Despite the horny daze Anko left him in, it didn't stop Daiki from scouring the gathered genin ready and waiting to take the exam with his eyes.

And it didn't take him long to pick out his target.

…Not the Star team though.

No, rather, he found an Iwa team, compromising of three males, all older than him, each uniformed in states of red dress a lot like the upper rank outfits that typical Iwa Chunin and Jonin tended to wear.

The red drew his eyes like a bull and his horniness was forgotten, his crimson iris' gleaming.

'They'll do.' he grinned savagely.

Especially since he could see they had an Earth Scroll.

Perfect, not only could he blow off some steam by slaughtering those damn rock humpers, he could test out a little something he wanted to try out and get what he needed to pass the exam at the same time.

It was a win, win, win for everybody! And by that, he meant him, and not them, because those fuckers didn't deserve to win anything. They were losers after all.

Minutes later, they were directed to the gates around the training ground. Daiki made sure to get one right next to the Iwa Team.

And kept his eyes straight forward and set.

And not long later, Anko announced the beginning of the exam, and every single team shot through the gates.

They each had five days to pass the exam.

Daiki wouldn't even need two hours.

He turned and looked to his right in the direction of where the gate the Iwa team entered through, and easily found them with his eyes. With the sheer range on his gaze, he could see the entirety of the forest for the most part just by sweeping his gaze.

If he had the three hundred sixty degree vision of the Byakugan as well, he could monitor the entire forest with his eyes literally closed.

The tree branch he'd landed on after entering the forest, splintered and fell apart as he took off with a body flicker, grin stretching his cheeks as he chased his prey.

As he travelled, Daiki focused chakra into his eyes, and a shimmering red dust formed around him spreading out from his iris', before rapidly submerging into his body.

He completely hide his chakra signature. Now, not even a sensor ninja would be able to sense his chakra even if he was right behind them.

It didn't take him long to catch up to his targets.

They weren't on the move long for all after all.

As soon as they had travelled far enough to reach a small clearing, they quickly jumped to the ground and formed a barrier of stone up over them, hiding them from view and protecting them at the same time, almost like a shell.

To bad for them, the Shinkugan could see right through any solid object with ease. And as long as he could see something with his eyes, he could also hear anything within that sight.

"So what's the plan Haruto?" One of them asked, he was among two that were kneeled down looking to one of them specifically, the one who was taking the lead specifically.

"We'll keep it simple," the one he asked, Haruto replied, placing a finger on the ground, "I memorized the chakra signatures of most of our competitors, so we can hunt them at our leisure boys."

The other one who hadn't spoken, an ugly, stout looking fuck with a fat round nose and water eyes grinned, "We should go after one of those rookie tree hugger teams," he suggested, "They had some real lookers, yeah?"

The first one nodded in agreement, "Yeah yeah, that Yamanaka was a real looker and her team looked super weak right?" he suggested, "I'd prefer to get my hands on that proctor lady though, Anko was it? Did you see the tits on that bitch? I'd love to see her act all cocky and full of shit like before after I got my hands on her."

"Not a bad idea, though I'd rather go for the team with that Hyuga bitch," Haruto sniggered and nodded, "Couldn't see much through that jacket of hers, but sensei told me that Hyuga women are amazing in bed and always have big tits as well, he and his team got their hands on one of their branch members back in the Third war apparently, said it was the best pussy he ever had."

'Alright, that's about enough out of you trash.' Daiki snorted in disgust, as if trash rock humpers deserved to ever get their hands on a Konoha beauty.

With just a thought, the Kiba blades appeared in his hands, summoned from the Dimension Force Seal and he flowed his lightning chakra through it.

A pair of powerful crackling aura's of lightning shimmered over the blades and Daiki pushed off the tree branch a hundred feet above where he was observing.

A split moment later, his blades carved through the earth dome like a pair of hot knives through butter.

The dome shattered apart, and he was in amongst them before they even realised it. The right blade lashed out and sliced right through Haruto's arm, lopping it off at the shoulder.

The idiot only had time for his eyes to widen and not even register the pain before his foot connected with his temple and smashed him hard, the Iwa ninja sent flying through the air from the blow.

"Haru-" the one who wanted to get his hands on Ino gaped in shock, but again, was too slow to do anything with the surprise attack

His left blade stabbed straight through his stomach and then lit him up like a Christmas tree.

He screamed in agony, before going limp.

He pulled his sword out and turned to the last, who had the sense to jump away from him.

The stone shinobi gaped at Daiki, before a furious snarl overtook his features, "You…you bastard!" he roared, running through hand seals, eight of them in rapid succession, landing on the snake seal to end with, "Earth Style: Stone Dragon Jutsu!"

The ground underneath their feet rumbled and broke apart, a large serpentine dragon made of stone shooting up from the crevice in the ground and shooting towards him rapidly.

Daiki mentally admitted, that the fact he could use a dragon style jutsu was impressive. The elemental dragon techniques were all powerful upper level B-rank techniques after all.

It was just too bad for him.

Daiki was his opponent.

He heaved one of the Kiba blades over his shoulder and tossed it like a javelin at the approaching earth dragon.

The blade pierced straight through the jutsu in the blink of an eye and pierced deep into the stomach of the Iwa shinobi.

He staggered back, gasping in pain, but remained on his feet.

Only for with a thought from Daiki, the blade to pull itself out of the wound and spin like a buzz saw around him, slicing off his arms.

He screamed in bloody agony.

And then his legs.

He screamed even louder.

Before the blade shot back through the air to Daiki's hand.

"DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT!" the rock genin roared, "YOU DAMN LEAF B-"

He never got to finish as Daiki appeared at his side, a merciless grin on his face, "Shut the fuck up you rock humping piece of trash." Daiki spat, cutting him off.

The Kiba blades returned to his Dimension Force Seal with a thought and he reached down and grasped the now limbless and dying Iwa genin by the throat and lifted him up.

"That was some pretty nice jutsu you had there, I think I'll see about plucking them right out of that useless little miner head of yours." Daiki's scarlet red eyes gleamed with malevolence.

They were the perfect targets after all, to see just how far into the minds of others he could reach with his doujutsu.

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