Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 93: The Chunin Exams - 19

Chapter 93: The Chunin Exams - 19

Daiki had a massive grin on his face as he sped away from Sakura and her unconscious teammates, ascending up higher and higher into the tree line out of sight.

He stopped for a moment once he was out of her viewing range and eyed his hand, idly squeezing it and remembering the feel of her soft, pliable, perky ass and they way it bounced back against his squeezing and that jiggle it had.

Damn, just damn.

Her ass was already pretty damn big, but give her a year at most and some proper hardcore training and she would have one crazy ass bubble butt. She'd have a dump truck among dump trucks.

She'd well surpass the ass of Kurenai.

'Wonder who's ass is better, hers or Tenten's?' Daiki mused. He'd not gotten a feel for Tenten's yet, but the older girl definitely had a grade A derriere herself for sure, superior to Hinata's even and Kurenai's if he was not mistaken.

He'd definitely have to compare one day.

'For now though, I've got something important to do.' he shook his head and continued on.

He was making his way towards the clone he'd sent off a while back, the clone wasn't actually far off and just within the general perimeter and out of sight high up.

He reached him just a few moments later, landing on the branch, finding his clone shirtless, with another clone having been formed and pouring over the Cursed Seal on his neck.

"Hey boss." he was greeted by a pair of nods.

Daiki nodded back, "Find anything?" he asked.

The non shirtless clone grinned at him, "Oh yeah, it wasn't all that hard to decipher, especially with what we know," he replied, "I can see why Jiraiya and the like would have been confused though when they had no idea what Orochimaru was doing with the seals in the first place."

"Oh?" Daiki hummed in interest, "How so?"

"The beauty of it is in how simple it is boss," his clone grinned wider as he began explaining, "It's just like our Four Symbol Seal, a seal specifically made to contain a chakra entity, the thing is, it doesn't even come close to the Four Symbols Seal, it's completely trash in comparison, like, I bet even Gaara's seal for Shukaku is better than this thing. On top of that, because the shard of Orochimaru was basically formed through Senjutsu I'm thinking, nobody else could understand what was going on or do anything about it, barring maybe Jiraiya."


Now that he said it like that, had Jiraiya even looked at Anko's Curse Seal before? He didn't remember any mention of it or anything like that. Surely he did though, it would be stupid for him not to have been called into do so.

Then again, Jiraiya wasn't a master of senjutsu either and had no knowledge of Jugo, so he could have easily just missed it all as well.

"Wait," Daiki blinked, a thought coming to him, "If it's based on that type of seal can't we-"

"Use the Four Symbols Seal as a basis to upgrade it?" his clone finished with a knowing look, "I definitely think we can, and if I'm right, it should amp up the speed it draws in natural energy, and besides that, you're missing one thing as well boss."

"And what's that?" Daiki asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, increasing the rate the seal could draw in natural energy itself was an amazing boon in of itself.

"The seal is empty now without the Orochimaru shard." his clones grin turned wild, before he dismissed himself in a puff smoke.

Memories submerged into Daiki's mind and his eyes widened as he learned all his clone had of the seal and the possibilities he had come up with.

'I see!' his eyes lit up with realisation.

He could store the Star Chakra within the Cursed Seal, after augmenting it with the Four Symbols Seal and the Chakra Filter Seal, and set it up to draw natural energy in to the Star Chakra itself to help it grow and then filter through into his own coils like Isobu's chakra. Not only would that increase and enhance his chakra reserves, but drawing on the Curse Seal actively, would give an even bigger boost!

….Especially if once he got his hands on it, he added the Stone of Gelel in there as well!

Laughter erupted from Daiki's throat and echoed ominously through the forest, even as his first clone stood up and approached Daiki himself to help him with upgrading the original seal on his own neck.


For all he made out that improving upon the Cursed Seal was simple, and not all that complicated sounding…

It actually kind of was. Applying the Chakra Filter Seal and Four Symbols Seal, wasn't a problem in of itself. It was, connecting them to the Curse Seal itself that was and tidying up the connection channels.

All in all, it took multiple hours of work to get it done. By time Daiki's clone finished up with the seal on his neck, the sun had long since fallen and they were into the wee hours of the night, or rather, early, early morning.

It was kind of boring actually. All Daiki had for passing the time, was staring straight ahead, and while he could see the entirety of the forest in any one direction with his Shinkugan, there wasn't exactly much to focus on in the direction he was looking.

Only Team Seven, and they weren't exactly a barrel of fun right now. Naruto and Sasuke were still unconscious, being fretted over by Sakura, whom had, immediately after Daiki left them behind, began to set up traps.

He couldn't even train his chakra control or anything like that, because the seal being refined was connected to his chakra network.

Beyond that, the most entertainment he had was listening to the rumbling roars and snarls of the giant beasts inhabiting the forest itself and the screams of pain and terror of other competitors in the exam.

He did get to see a Kumo team run into a pack of giant tigers, each not far off the size of the one he caught for his cute little apprentice Hanabi.

They were torn to shreds and eaten up quite quickly. A pity, they could have perhaps known some useful lightning jutsu for him to yoink, and they were the only Kumo team in the exam too.

Such a shame and a waste.

His clone clapped him on the back of the head, "That's you boss." he said, before dissipating, the memories of the clone enveloping Daiki a second later, letting him know exactly what the clone did.

Standing up, Daiki cracked his neck and grinned, "Let's try this out then." he hyped himself up, bringing his hands together into a Ram hand seal and focusing on the Infinite Armour on his shoulder.

He focused only on the Star Chakra within it, and funnelled it out into the air, holding it there, a sphere of light purple flame like chakra forming in the air in front of him.

Then, he focused on the Cursed Seal, specifically one of the functions of the Four Symbols Seal and chains of kanji spread out from the seal itself, enveloping the sphere of purple chakra and began draining it into the seal itself.

In moments, it was done, the experience of sealing Isobu inside himself, made this a simple affair.

With the Star Chakra now within the Cursed Seal, Daiki drew on the power of the seal itself, and felt as the power spiralled through his body, strengthening him.

"Oh…this is good." Daiki grinned widely, sharp teeth being bared to the world. He could feel a distinct increase in the power he gained from the seal straight away compared to how it was before.

It wasn't quite double the gain in strength he gained using it before, but, maybe half that if he was estimating, which was still a substantial boost.

And the power increase wasn't the only thing to change. He knew after all, with the dits made to the seal, that the matrix appearance of the seal itself had changed, from three Sharingan-like tomoe's, to three broad bolts of lightning.

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