Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 96: The Chunin Exams - 22

Chapter 96: The Chunin Exams - 22

Daiki landed on the ground beside him a minute later, hands casually resting his his pockets, "See, now you have an example to follow and get better, I'm a kind guy like that," the muscular genin mused aloud, Idly crouching down for a moment and reaching into Amaya's pouch and pulling free an Earth Scroll, "And since I was so kind and let you live after you annoyed me, how about answering a question of mine?"

"…Fuck you!" Amaya spat, "I…will tell you nothing! I will kill you and everyone you have ever cared about, I will take all the women you care about as my personal fuck pets and breed them into submissive broodmares that will birth the next generation of great rain ninja!"

"Cool story bro." Daiki shrugged, not making a move as the man feebly rolled onto his side and pushed himself up onto his knees and slowly made hand seals, much slower than the ones he made before.

"Feel the power granted to me by Lord Kandachi!" Amaya roared, glaring up at Daiki, "Summoning Jutsu!" he slammed his hand onto the ground.

Daiki casually jumped back as a massive plume of smoke erupted from around them, and Team Ten bore witness to dozens of massive tentacles, each as thick as a person was wide shooting through the air, piercing through the smoke and racing after Daiki.

Spinning mid-air, Daiki avoided one trying to wrap around his upper torso, at the same time he held a hand out and a single straight sword appeared in his right hand, a fang like spike on either side of the blade, lightning sparking into existence over the weapon.

Daiki swung, cleaving through one of the tentacles and landed, jumped back and avoided another before cutting clean through it.

The huge tentacles were down to ten….then dozens more erupted from the smoke, blowing it away and revealing the beast that was summoned, Amaya laying on all fours atop it.

It was a huge, gargantuan sea shell, flaring out at the back into an almost tale like shape with vents along it, and twin shelled horns erupting from the highest point of the shell.

"Tremble in fear before the mighty Conch King, most powerful of all summons from our almighty Rain Village! Second only to the great and powerfu Ibuse of the Salamander Clan, personal summon of Hanzo-sama himself!" Amaya cackled.

More and more huge tentacles erupted from the opening in the shell of the huge conch summon, so many they surrounded Daiki like a wall with no openings and converged upon him.

For a moment, it looked like he was done for, there was no openings for him to escape.

Only for the huge tentacles to be rent asunder, the sound of thunder booming through the air.

Standing in the middle, barely moved, was Daiki, but now, he held a second sword that was a complete copy of the first.

"How the hell can that be the most powerful of the summons of Rain and at the same time be second? Are you an idiot?" Daiki scoffed, "Also Wrong answer dude, you're really not gonna like how I get my answers now."

"You've showed your hand now boy, no point bragging now! I see, your true strength lies with the blades! But that will do you no good! No physical attack can breach the impenetrable shell of this summon!" Amaya ignored him and laughed, "Use your Hydro Blaster Jutsu Conch King, kill him dead!"

The massive shell summon trembled, pulling back the remains of its tentacles into the crevice opening on the front of it, before opening wider, an orb of water shimmering into existence at the front of the beast and growing larger and larger until it was nearly half the size of the summon itself.

"Idiot," Daiki shook his head and gave a hard toss to the hilts of the swords in his hands and letting go. Yet, they did not get sent flying, instead, they began to rotate rapidly mid-air, generating mass amounts of lightning chakra around them and fed it towards Daiki, while Daiki himself made a single hand seal, "I'll just ignore the shell then since you felt the need to tell me its weakness."

"Die!" Ayama roared and his summon shook before lurching forward, air emitting in great quantities from the vents on its tail shooting it forward rapidly through the air towards Daiki at the same time the Conch King unleashed its jutsu, firing it off in the form of an absolutely gargantuanly large water pressure cutter.

"No you." Daiki thrust both hands together and the sounds of the world itself was drowned out by roaring thunder, a massive beam of pure electricity and force erupted outwards and meeting the huge water pressure blast.

Despite the size and power of Daiki's jutsu, it was completely dwarfed in scale by the Conch King's own jutsu.

Yet, that did not at all stop his own jutsu from piercing right through the much larger jutsu, tearing it apart and shooting right through to slam into and right through the shell of the Conch King and out of the back.

A piercing shriek erupted from the huge shelled summon and it trembled in agony, the scent of cooked flesh filling the air as the lightning jutsu cooked it from the inside out, even its mighty shell could do nothing against a non physical element that slipped straight through its defences.

It fell silent moments later and went utterly still.

"No, no no!" Amaya screamed in horror, pushing himself to his feet, "How? How! Conch King how could you loose to this plebeian?! Were you weak trash all along?!" he started stamping his feet

"No, you're just an idiot who doesn't know how to use it, you relied on it instead of supporting it like a real summoner," Daiki scoffed, his swords now just idly floating in the air beside him somehow, "Now why don't you come down from there, stop your childish tantrums and stop wasting everyone's time."

'...Everyone?' Shikamaru froze.

"…This…I refuse!" Amaya screamed, reaching into his pouch on his leg, drawing two kunai and launching himself through the air towards Daiki, "I will drink from your skull!"

Making a single hand seal and bringing his kunai to bear, the man blasted forward, moving in a blur so fast now, none of team ten even saw him move.

"No." Daiki's voice echoed simply, thrusting out hand into the air.

A loud gag resounded as Amaya suddenly appeared, held helplessly in the air by Daiki's hand around his throat, "Even with the shunshin you're just far too slow, now, you brought this on yourself." the muscular leaf genin commented, scarlet red eyes beginning to glow ominously as he looked up into Amaya's eyes.

A second later, the rain genin began to scream in pain, body thrashing wildly in Daiki's grip, the two kunai slipping from his grasp and falling to the grass.

He screamed bloody murder in agonizing pain, eyes rolling up into the back of his head.

But it only lasted for a few seconds before Daiki gave a jerk of his wrist and Amaya's neck bent to an odd degree as it snapped.

Daiki dropped the corpse to the ground a second later and hummed, "Hmm, not a bad haul I guess." he mused aloud.

He stepped over the corpse and walked over towards the Conch King, still silent and un-moving.

As he approached it, the Conch King's shell opened slowly, trembling mightily and a mere two tentacle appendages slowly rose out of it. It was preparing to fight still.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you," Daiki assured the summon, "The fact you stuck around to fight instead of dismissing yourself after taking that jutsu of mine head on even though your summoners has died is pretty awesome of you, though he was clearly not deserving of your loyalty."

The tentacles froze at his words.

"Honestly, I wouldn't have even killed the guy if he just decided to shut up and piss off," Daiki shook his head, coming to a stop a mere five feet from the huge shelled beast, "Still, you did help my enemy and I don't usually show mercy. I'll let this go though if you hand over your summoning contract. I already have a summon clan of my own, but I'll find you a much better summoner than that trash."

For a moment, the Conch King did nothing, but then slowly pulled its tentacles back inside its shell, only for one to slide back out a moment later, wrapped around a large scroll.

It deposited the scroll in front of Daiki.

"If only that guy was as reasonable as you, he wouldn't have ended up like he did, that's what happens when you wave your tragic backstory around and use it as an excuse to do stupid shit though," Daiki shook his head in clear amusement, "You should head back to your home now and recover, I did hit you with one of my strongest attacks after all."

The Conch King shook up and down slightly, as if nodding, before erupting into a plume of smoke and disappearing, returning home.

As it did, Daiki placed his hand on the huge summoning scroll and it disappeared, before glancing over at the bush team ten were hiding beneath.

"You can come out now, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, I beat up the scary rain ninja." He called over, laughter dancing in his eyes.

Three pair of eyes widened.

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