Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 62

Episode 62. Auction house and sword

demon Muriel The auction house that exists in the entertainment district The night when money flows.

Jones, the ruler there, was briefing on the participants of today’s auction.

“The Sword Demon participated.”

“I assumed you would come. As much as the things that will come out this time are things.”

Even if he’s a madman, he’s just crazy about swords, so he won’t cause a big accident.

There would be no big guy who dared to attack the sword demon in the first place.

Subha even reported it.

“Ya Yongmin, the candidate for the next head of the Miao tribe, has come with his escorts. And Dragan of the deep sea refused to participate, saying he was busy this time.”

“okay. What happened to Old Man Dwarski, who said he might come the other day?”

“They say they will dispatch a representative who owns their own pattern.”

Unless there is an unexpected corpse in the meantime, I don’t know why Morne, who has not attended the auction, is participating in this auction.

To be honest, except for the sword that the Sword Demon was interested in, all the items that were to be released today were completely useless.

There wouldn’t have been a corpse at this auction that would have interested Morne.

Is there something I don’t know about mixed in among the auction items?

‘I’ll have to look at what Morne’s agent is buying.’

Jones, hiding his black feelings, asked again.

“Another peculiarity.”

“Someone entered the redemption district wearing a Bloody Dan mask.”

“Dan’s mask? yes i got it Go out and see.”

Jones nodded and wiggled his ornate ringed hand.

As the subordinate disappeared, he scratched his head while blowing long smoke from the tobacco he was holding in his mouth.

“It’s a Bloody Dan mask… … .”

Bloody Dan was found dead without a mask in a completely unexpected place.

There was no certainty that the dead person was Bloody Dan, but it was an event that was possible to guess because Dan’s last movement was a meeting with Piman.

He was presumed to have died after fighting the gravekeeper Piman, but it was suspicious that the mask was missing, but it seems that the real owner of the incident has appeared.

‘I’ll have to see what he’s doing.’

* * *

The auction house in the red light district was attached to the arena.

As we walked along the street and looked around, there were people with shady aura going around here and there, befitting the name of the entertainment district, and there were pimps and scammers aiming for their money.

‘I can see all the villains I haven’t seen before.’

From serial killer Michael Hidan to human hunter Jack Hill to tearing and killing Balan.

The villains, who are usually hard to find here, caught my eye just by turning my head.

However, there was no need to get involved with them, so I walked in a straight line toward the auction house, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

There was nothing to be gained by arguing for nothing.

‘It’s over there.’

A gatekeeper was blocking the entrance to the auction house, which was operated along with the arena building.

The entrance he was blocking was the entrance to the auction house, and there was another entrance at the back of the arena.

I handed the doorkeeper a paper cut out of the letter I had received from Morne.

“Confirmed. Come in.”

Unlike the golden banquet, the night where the money flowed had a filthy feeling.

There was no separate VIP room, just a podium, people dancing here and there, and even a bar selling alcohol.

‘There’s no club.’

The gloomy atmosphere reminded me of a club.

The only difference is that it has a slightly more decadent atmosphere.

“oh. Are you a guest?”

As soon as I entered the auction house and stood still, a woman clung to me, as if thinking it was a hogu.

He wasn’t human, he looked like a half-blooded elf.

“There is still a little time before the auction starts. Would you like to talk to us during that time?”

Dressed in a bewitching outfit that exposed her skin, she spoke to me with a coy look, but I shook my head silently.

Do you think I came here wearing a mask?

I couldn’t see even the slightest gap.

“That’s too bad.”

She left that one word behind and went fishing for another fish.

By the way, the faces of the people who participated in the auction are familiar, perhaps because they were covered.

‘Hawkshooter Michelan Cats, Yayungmin, Cursed Eyes Flutman… … .’

There seemed to be about 30 participants in the auction.

Some, like me, were seen covering up their appearance to hide their identities, but there was a high probability that they were aristocrats or at least celebrities who did not fit in the shadows.

However, more than their identities, I was more concerned about a man emptying his glass in a corner of the auction house.

‘Sword Demon Hosan.’

A villain who has reached the verge of becoming an Aura Master.

In terms of skill, he was a famous villain on a par with Payat the other day.

A character with great greed for swords, he was a murderer who carried 5 swords only on his back and 3 swords on each side of his waist.

The reason why he became a villain was because he committed murder because of his greed for the famous sword.

‘Even in the game, if you have a famous sword or a named class sword, a sword demon event will occur.’

The time the sword demon appeared was random.

If you’re unlucky, they’ll come within a week of getting a named-level sword, and if you’re lucky, they won’t appear until you clear the game for several years.

Of course, this all happened in the game, and the Sword Demon wouldn’t know that I had Galaksur, so it didn’t matter.

Hosan is a villain who kills people at will, but he is usually calm.

As long as you don’t fight first, there won’t be any problems.

While waiting for the auction while listening to the shouts coming from the underground arena, a person who appeared to be the host finally came up to the round podium.

“You waited a long time. Then, shall we proceed with the auction right away?”

Two huge staff members soon put the first auction item on the podium.

Progress is so fast.

“First auction item! What’s in this box is the mutant Keltus. It has two heads and six legs. The starting price will start at 20 million.”

Keltus was a monster that looked like a praying mantis.

Unlike the praying mantis, it was a mammal, and like a mammal, it was a monster covered in hair.

No matter who wanted to buy something like that, in the end, there was someone who made a successful bid.

To wizards, the existence of mutant monsters is a pretty good test subject, so it seems to be sold.

After that, all kinds of slaves, monsters, and organs of different races appeared on auction items, and cursed items that wanted to be used for what they could be used also appeared.

‘I want to buy mine quickly.’

As if reading my thoughts, the same booklet Morne had told me appeared next.

The explanation was just an encrypted map, but the organizers didn’t seem to know it properly.

And the competition in the booklet was also not severe.

‘It’s not common for people to buy a map without any information.’

All the bidders were just poking at each other out of curiosity, and no one jumped at me wanting to win the bid like I did.

In the end, I won the booklet at a reasonable price without any problems.

As soon as the winning bid was decided, I gave up on the next auction and went straight to the payment.

‘I can’t stay here for a long time and get involved in strange things.’

As soon as I left, the eyes of the auctioneers turned to me.

I think I know how they feel.

It would seem peculiar that I came all the way here just to buy a booklet.

When I arrived at the place to pay the bill and was handed over the booklet, I showed Morn’s pattern.

The employee who confirmed the magically processed pattern delivered an unexpected message with the words that it was confirmed.

“customer. Our manager wants to talk to the customer for a moment. Would you like a moment?”

The manager of the night when the money flowed was definitely a man named Jones.

As the owner of a place like this, he was a man of bad quality, but it was hard to ignore him.

As far as I know, he has a very strong ego.

I wanted to refuse in my heart, but I didn’t want to cause any trouble.

“If only for a moment.”

“yes. thank you Please follow me.”

As soon as I followed him up the stairs, I was able to enter the ornately decorated floor.

In the spacious space, there was a huge bathtub made by digging the floor, and there were naked women and a huge man covered in jewels.

The author is Jones, the owner of the auction house.

“Thank you for taking the time to do this. I am the owner of this place, Jones.”

“What did you call me for?”

Jones, who slightly frowned at my question, then pointed to a chair across from him.

“Let’s sit down and talk.”

At first, he sat down at his invitation.

However, it was prepared so that the sword could be drawn at any time.

“I understand that you have come as Mr. Morn Dwalski’s agent. How are you, Monsieur?”

“I will speak less about him.”

You know me as the representative of Morn.

In any case, as long as I didn’t know the situation, the more I opened my mouth, the better.

“hmm. It’s a little strange that you can’t tell me that much.”

“If you are asking about Mr. Morn, I have nothing more to say. Can I get up and see?”

“I really doubt that you are the representative of someone you don’t know?”

As Jones finished speaking, his men hiding here and there appeared.

Fearless, I said calmly.

“I don’t know why you are doing this.”

“well? At least I know you’re a suspicious guy. That mask you wore is Bloody Dan’s mask.”

“I don’t know what that has to do with the current persecution.”

“Take off the mask first. Then I’ll make sure you’re really Morn’s agent.”

I’m speechless.

Why are you holding the pod like this?

“Please understand my situation. If you’re not Moun’s representative, then I’m in trouble too. So let’s take off the mask coolly and just check it out.”

If Morne’s agent is right, I will use that story as an excuse to get away with it, and if I am not Morne’s agent, will you harm me?

Still, I couldn’t reveal my identity.

A fight seemed inevitable.

‘It seemed shallow.’

Judging from the other person’s attitude, even if I had refused to talk to them, I think they would have followed me and stabbed me in the back of the head.

Rather than this, it seemed that we should use force properly.

I slowly got up from my seat and drew my sword.

“knife? Morn’s agent is the sword? It’s getting more and more suspicious.”

“The suspicious thing is your black lies, you bastard.”

He swung the sword straight away.

Then, the upper and lower parts of Jones’ two subordinates fell apart.


The women by Jones’ side screamed and ran away, and Jones, with a puzzled expression, cried out.

“What are you doing! Kill that guy quickly! You attacked first!”

“Fuck the subject you threatened first.”

Who are you to blame for the subject of drawing the sword first?

Still, if he killed Jones, things would get out of control, so he decided to attack only his men.

Slowly – hook!

The sword wind could still only be used as the first attack.

After that, I had no choice but to move my body and fight.

They were quite talented, but I, who had been trained by Deshurn, was not what I used to be.

In an instant, they cut off more than 10 of Jones’ men and grabbed Jones as he crawled towards the exit.


“What’s a heeki that doesn’t match his size?”

I asked, wiping the blood from the sword onto Jones’ classy-looking clothes.

“Why are you screaming this shit? Aren’t you afraid of strangers?”

“I didn’t know that I was the representative of someone I really didn’t know. I can’t trust the person wearing the Bloody Dan mask… … .”

“That’s why you brought the pattern like this.”

“If I had to make an excuse, you could have stolen that pattern as well… … .”

Eyeballs roll.

You lie to the end.

I pretended my hand slipped and scratched his stomach with a knife.

“Oops, a mistake.”


“Jones. it’s jones Let’s talk properly. If I keep talking too long, I think I might make another mistake.”

“I will tell you the truth. So please put the sword away!”

This is where you want to bargain with me.

I tried to make another mistake, but soon I saw someone coming up, and I looked at the entrance with the stairs.

‘Sword Demon!’

why are you here

Sword Demon Hosan met my eyes while going up the stairs, and then climbed all the way up and looked around.

“Ho Ho San! save me! assassination! It’s an assassin! I’ll reward you, so hurry up and take this guy… … .”



The sword body, which was half exposed in Hosan’s scabbard, soon disappeared with a clang sound.

Then Jones, on whom I was sitting, had his throat cut, and blood gushed out.

‘Crazy man!’

Ordinary people unseen it so quickly that they drew their swords and inserted their swords.

I thought I was strong and I thought I was crazy at the same time.

Did they kill you just because it was noisy?

No matter how strong the mountain is, it would be quite annoying.

But I couldn’t say anything.

It was just watching Hosan’s eyes.

A tense moment passed and Hosan’s eyes turned to the sword I was holding.

“That sword. I think I’ve seen it in a book. What’s your name?”

It’s a big deal.

All of a sudden, Hosan started to take an interest in Galaksur.

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