Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 126: Attack On Goblins 10: Massacre

Chapter 126: Attack On Goblins 10: Massacre

The army of goblins slowly marched forwards, there has been substantial losses, especially with the death of their second general, but they were remiss about going back empty handed.

Besides they didn't have that much of a loss and still had roughly 1800 soldiers, more than enough to put pressure on the Bone King and his territory. However, he was still a dangerous opponent, and because they weren't too sure about the plans he had, they decided to march all night.

A small goblin peeled off from his formation, his bladder full to the point of bursting so he quickly went for a tree that was a little way away from the army. As he relived himself, he couldn't help but to start groaning in pleasure, he's not had a chance to relieve himself in 10 hours, this chance was not something he was willing to let go, and even more so he was going to enjoy it as best as he could. Or at least that was what he planned to do, until there was the sound of branches being broken behind.

He quickly turned around, hastily and clumsily trying to get his armored shorts into its proper position. He turned, looking back, left and right but there was nothing, only the silence of the forest and the sounds of the goblin army marching onwards. He turned his body to face his front, only to come face to face with piercing red eyes and gleaming white fangs, he didn't even let out a sound before he was bitten in half. And then there was darkness, red eyes fading away into the gloom as the trees swallowed their forms.

*Awooooooo! *

The eerie howl sent a shiver up and down a significant amount of goblin spines. The environment all of a sudden got a lot colder as mist began to float into the environment, slowly blanketing the area as entirety of the goblin army became covered in a blanket of white and cold.

It wasn't the wraith wolves who began the fight, it was Brutus who bulldozed his way into the army, in the most literal fashion imaginable. His spectral from and ivory horns literally gored a few dozen goblins in moments, reaping lives and spilling blood before disappearing into the mist. And that was when the panic finally settled in, the goblins turned on each other, with their visibility impaired, they were completely unable to recognize who was a foe and who was an ally.

Rezar walked within the mist, moving around the goblins as they ran helter skelter, hurt each other or became preys of the wraith wolves who could slide in and out of the mist, taking lives like they were reaping plants. The mist was an impressive touch from the Kitsunes, their illusions were dangerous, and it was so dangerous because of how real they all seemed. They were able to breed chaos with just a flick of their tail or just a simple word from their mouth. While he wouldn't admit it to Priest or Lenore, the idea of keeping the Kitsunes had turned to be a good one, regardless of the anger he was feeling at the moment.

Rezar moved back, evading frenzied goblin as he swung his spear every which way, Rezar let the spear sweep past him before he moved forwards and grabbed the goblin at the top of his head. His claws dug into its skull as blood poured out and his eyes rolled back into his head. The blood rushed up into the air, creating a cloud that was rapidly getting bigger and bigger by the second. He threw the body that had been completely drained of blood aside and moved forwards.

He watched as a pair of wraith wolves dragged a hobgoblin every which way, their spectral jaws digging into his body, pulling him every which way. The Hobgoblin tried fighting back, he fiercely swung his sword at their body, but it didn't do anything as the weapon just went through their shadow form, and it was in that moment another Spectral wolf came from behind and sunk its jaws into the throat of the Hobgoblin. Rezar smiled at the pained shriek the Hobgoblin released, as he walked on across the battlefield, moving as if hundreds of living being weren't dying around him.

[Raise Undead]

With his arms spread, the power of this skill was spread away from him in a visible shockwave, and everywhere that Shockwave passed the dead bodies of the goblins rose up and became one with the legion Rezar was slowly creating. They did not need to be given orders and directions as the will of their master was theirs also. The zombie goblins happily pounced on what was left of their comrades, ripping them to shreds, bringing death in the most horrifying way possible.

This would be considered a final clash between this contingent of the Goblin king's armies and Rezar's, but unfortunately this was never a fair fight in the first place, right from the first altercation with Jorgen's army, it has been nothing more than a massacre, one that those who would survive this fight would never forget.

The Goblins had the numbers to claim hegemony of the Kerwood forest, and the thing is they had just as much civilians as they had soldiers if not more. They bred really fast, they did not have as much power as would be considered normal seeing how much of a basic cannon fodder monster race they were. They were the best workforce a person can have, and they were able to adapt to their terrains and swarm enemies with their numbers.

They made good fighters too, especially when they have evolved into their Hobgoblin forms, but eventually they were all just goblins. They had too many things going against them to be able to stand against Rezar, and it was surprising because Rezar and his people had though this would have been a very hard fight, but it seems the reality was very different from what they expected.

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