Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 150: A New Adventure

Chapter 150: A New Adventure

[Temple of the goddess of Life and death has been completed! +15 magic to all residents of Necron. Birth rates increased by 35%, increased stats for all undead and death aligned creatures by 10%. +20% to territory defense and production]

The fact that he was leaving whilst receiving the item alert would be considered irresponsible by most. But never the less that was one thing that was already completed within the territory boosting it's strength. But as it stands right now he was heading for the Breone mountains. And from what he's heard the journey would take a while, but never the less it was imperative that he made connections with the dwarves. They were skilled craftsmen, and there were some things he had that could only be built with their help.

As for the Dustin Crowe merchant company, they were able to come to an amicable agreement. Rear agreed to share, or rather it was Gynaika who made the deal to shared 30% of the profit earned from mining and the production of any materials as long as their towns on the coast and the islands facing Necron that they owned were handed over.

Normally asking for such a deal would have been extremely crazy, and even more so when they agreed to it. The islands they now occupied along with the towns they had made on it now belonged to Necron, but in exchange they got a 30% profit of everything the kingdom of Morte Bianca earned for the next ten years. After that a new deal might be renegotiated. It seemed as if now it was Rezar who was paying taxes to them, but he wasn't really worried about it. Allies or not, he had made sure to keep the information about Elysium experiencing it's first and only update a secret.

Of course it would he too far fetched to say that power as expansive as the Dustin Crowe merchant company would not have found out about it already. But even if that was the case, he and his people would he ready to face the music when it plays, and he was hoping and planning to make sure that he would have a lot more power and clout once it was over. He had two months left to consolidate his power and influence within the wildlands of Bahrenburg.

But beyond that he had a lot of other things to pay attention to. With the temple done, and with the sheer amount of money the Dustin Crowe Merchant company had given to them, a lot of projects could be completed. Rezar had purposely avoided upgrading the village so that there would be more facilities that would upgrade with it. It could be considered a bug that quite a few people could exploit when they were developing their territory, of course the cost of blueprints and the materials need would always be a lot, and even more so for Necron who had people always eager to alter the blueprints to suit the plans and visions they had for Necron.

Nevertheless after the temple, what would follow would by a power plant, but one that ran on magic and would be used to fuel the city. That would actually be the crowing achievement of the Muriel elves, creating a power source with magic, and this was going to be their basis for weaponry. Looking at the designs of the power plant that was going to be built deep under Necron with access to the sea, Rezar was reminded of an arc reactor from another old movie. Funny enough that's what it's also called, except this Arc reactor was short for Arcane Reactor.

But those were all in the details and we're actually things Rezar didn't understand too much, which was why he was traveling now. He found he liked going to new places, meeting new people and getting them to be afraid of him or to submit to him. That was probably an unhealthy hobby as it made him seem like a power hungry conqueror, but Rezar was way past the point of caring. He enjoyed moving around to places he didn't own and then making it his, what could be better than that.

Rezar had also gotten blueprints for a lighthouse, a magic tower where specific mage classes could be trained, a factory to process ores in bulk, an airship hanger, a naval base, warships, airships. And skills for the town spire, so along with the most skill, there was now a light shield skill, and a skill that buffed the rate of regeneration for the residents. They had grown stronger, and he knew this was just the beginning.

In all honesty he had no idea what sort of change the upcoming update would bring to everything he's built, he's made his peace with the fact that he would lose all of his strength, he had no idea what would happen to his skills, but he would do his best regardless. He shifted his head to the side watching as Kitagawa and Screet huddle together on their Necrotic forest wolves and whispered to each other.

As opposed to his love-hate relationship with Lenore, Screet got along famously with Kitagawa, much to the annoyance of Jason and Brutus who used to be the ones Screet hung around the most. But nevertheless the children of midnight and his small group of undead with is not limited to three wraith wolves, including Alpha their leader, Screet and Brutus, and ten hobgoblins that went along with them riding forest wolves of their own. Apart from Kitagawa there was also 5 other members of the children of midnight following behind their king.

Their journey this time didn't have to take them through the Kerwood Forest, they could skirt around it's edge and walk on the open plains before the massive canyons of Toromont, but then again they really wouldn't be moving out in the open like that, because regardless of how strong they were, the monsters that dwelled within the canyons weren't the kind that you could hold with. And in that regard Rezar felt that he needed to do something about those monsters, because even after the update, Rezar still had the feeling that they would be there, and in what shape or form he had absolutely no idea.

The plains before the canyons were also areas that Rezar wanted to claim, especially when it came to building the road he needed to connect most of Bahrenburg. But apart from that, the canyons of Toromont were sitting on the biggest deposits of natural ores and minerals, it's hard to tell, just what kind of treasures lay within and beneath that nest of monsters. Not even the Leviathan's lair could compare to it, and whoever gets to claim it, even a piece of it, would end up very rich for a very long time.

They rode hard into the day, and little ways into the night. They were mostly undead within the group, tiredness was not something they were familiar with. But for the sake of the people who were very much still alive amongst them, they all decided to make came in a little clearing 100 or so meters into Kerwood Forest. Rezar couldn't exactly estimate how many days it would take them before they actually got to the territory of the Breone mountains, but he hoped it wasn't too long. A hard day of travel and he was still within the boundaries of his own territory.

If his calculations are correct, another three days of riding would seem him getting to his own border. He could move faster, but that would be a severe waste of magic, and his body was only half undead, he was still pretty much a living being with a certain amount of stamina, even though it was a massive pool. Never the less, even if it wasn't just taking himself in consideration, Kitagawa and the people who followed him to serve as Rezar's protection were still people confined by their flesh.

Rezar was not at all adverse to sleeping in the open, this was him having an adventure, something that he's wanted to do in a very long time and even if it would be hard for him to admit it, he was having fun. The issues of who would keep watch was up to Kitagawa and the rest of the King's Guard and with Screet around, Rezar doubted there would be those stupid enough to want to try anything. So he would happily close his eyes and dream of nature and the wild, and of many more adventures to come.

Rest came to the king of Morte Bianca easily than he would have cared to admit, but his sleep was anything from peaceful. Because as the waking world shifted and turned, the Kerwood Forest itself whispering of murder abound and malevolent thoughts in mind; the Bone King dreamt. And it was a dream he has had once before, but this time it was even more vivid.

A hallway of blue burning touch and two doors of black and white on both ends, just like before this was seemingly a choice. But what does each choice entails it was beyond hard for Rezar to understand. And just like before he drowned as the choice was made for him, blood held him and tried to suffocate him. He woke up, shaken and terrified from his nightmare, but even more so caught of guard by the blade that was no pointed at his neck and the massive green face that was staring back at him...Orcs!

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