Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 167: The Moon That Hides

Chapter 167: The Moon That Hides

{Elysium had two moons, but one very obvious fact was that not many people had noticed the second moon or the fact that it was in fact not an actual moon. Rezar had noticed it before, fleeting as those times might be. Whether or not Elysium had two moons was a bone of contention for many as it would seem as if it was a bunch of inconsistent information of a writer incapable of properly keeping track of his own story. But none the less there was a second moon, and it was not a moon was a ship. I worry for the people of Elysium, because what lays within the confines of that ship is horrors unspeakable, and death from the sky in more ways than one, it was an apocalypse waiting to happen.}



The Serak picked her way through the long white halls of the central core, keeping the engine of the Dark Ark running has always bee her job, as it was the job of her father and his father before him, and so too will it be for her children after. But from what she could see it seems living in a massive hunk of metal deep in the sky for thousands of years was no longer going to be their reality. In the time their people had arrived above this planet, they had been unable to get past the atmosphere as the planet itself seemed to be protected by a force they couldn't understand.

But now that force had weakened, so much so that other races from within the vastness of space had taken the chance to send in scouts and resources that would help them occupy the planet with a lot more ease. At first they just wanted a new home to live, but after being stuck here for so many years and forced to build and grow an army to defend from battles in space from other races, they were no longer looking for a place to call home, a few hundred years of constant space battles and salvaging can do that to you. She moved around a corner, her four arms raising up in shock at the person in front of her, she quickly got down to her knees and kept her head board.

"Hail to the Supreme Commander!" her voice quivered, but it was strong and full of conviction, the imposing figure in front of her seemed covered by a ball of light as his broad shoulders and well muscled four arms fell stoutly by his side.

"At ease child, I hear you're the chief engineer in charge of the Central Core prime engine?" He asked, but it was more like he was stating a fact, and just asking was a formality. She felt pressured, the supreme commander observing formalities with her was grounds to get killed by fanatics who saw him as a God encapsulated by mortal coils...the funny thing is she would also have let that happen to her, she didn't feel worthy.

"Yes supreme commander, I and my ancestors have been responsible for it's upkeep." She replied, her head still faced to the ground in extreme reverence.

"Ahhh the Nek'tra'kit family. Your family's reputation precedes them, the family responsible for a failed coup in the past that cost us the lives of hundreds of younglings. There is much shame on your heads." She bowed even lower at that, if the floor beneath her could open up and swallow her, or just shoot her out into the vastness of space, she would have gladly taken that opportunity to die. She too felt great shame at the sins of her ancestors, and it was such a shame as they were once a family of Prime commanders.

"But your family has paid it's penance, and even more so they have redeemed themselves by weaponizing the prime core engine, giving it the capabilities to terraform a large surface area of the planet into a place more habitable for our people to live in. I will reinstate your family back as one of the Prime commanders, your seats have been empty for generations, and you shall take it, as one of me Queterata. And then we will take the world below us for ourselves and for our children."

All of a sudden she felt as if it was harder to breathe, this was such an great honor, not the fact that her family name would be exonerated, it was the fact that she was being honored to be a Queterata, a Queen! As one of the females of her face capable of birthing younglings she knew there was a price on her head. And to be chosen by the Supreme Commander to be one of his wives was more honor than she deserved, it didn't matter she was already mated and had a young one just twenty cycles old, they had to understand the severity of the task she has been given, it wasn't easy to get fucked by Supreme Commander and bear his younglings, the future leaders of her people and maybe one of them might actually become the next Supreme Commander.

"Supreme commander this is such and honor, one that I'm am severely unworthy of, but I will not let you down and will perform my duty to you with due diligence, you will not regret this decision." She said as her forehead hit the floor, giving the perfunctory how of slaves to show just much this meant to her.

"You belong to me now, your body and your mind. I'll need you prepare the world breaker cannon, we shall carve out a place for our people to live in on this wretched planet." Her heart swelled with excitement and joy as she asked.

"Supreme commander, where would our new home be, where have you chosen to have our people set our new roots?" he looked down at her, eerie blue eyes and pale white hair covering his forehead with a grace and finesse unmatched by any other.

"We shall take that holy city of theirs, that Theocracy that they're all so proud of. The most powerful of all their lands shall be mine for the taking. And since you belong to me now, I believe you are now permitted to say my name, if just this once." She got up to her feet, scrambling her way up as her chest seemed full to the point of bursting, there was now way she would say his name bowed down, such disrespect was not worthy of the man that would soon be later with her.

"Supreme Commander..... Ely'is'um. Your wish is my command."

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