Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 169: The Games (I): Politicking

Chapter 169: The Games (I): Politicking

Such an order was completely out of place and even more so that it was right in the middle of the horde, sure Rezar needed the orcs, but he was not going to bend over for them as this particular race responded better to strength and power. Sure it was stereotypical of orcs to be wild and brash, but in this case it helped Rezar a lot as power and very good way to show it was something he had in spades. Kitagawa was as loyal to Rezar as the day he took his oath, even more so we the Kitsune would give his life for his king should the need arises, and should Rezar give the order to kill, he would carry out with a speed even faster than the undead bonded to his king.

His tails flashed through the air and stabbed through the orc before anyone else had a chance to even breathe, Rezar knew that his orc had gone after him in the manner because Durga put him up to it. And while killing him wouldn't help matters, it more than did what Rezar wanted, and that was to get all eyes on himself. Kitagawa retracted his tails, and the orc fell to the ground, with six massive holes in his body, a sacrifice made to honor his king, Kitagawa bowed his head low as Rezar walked past him, placing his hands on the shoulder of the commander of his King's Guard. He walked towards to the very dead body of the orc, after shocking everyone by his rather brash and brutal actions.

"Let me make something clear, I am a king! The respect and honor I give away must be earned. I do not have time to play politics with you Durga, so for your sake and the sake of your people don't fucking mess with me! My temper is much to short for you to court death, now get this fucking ceremony along."

After he finished speaking he removed the hood on his head letting his grown out white hair to fly in the wind, he still had a fade haircut, but the middle of his hair had a significant and thick mop of hair that stretched back to the middle of his neck.

The moment his hair and eyes were exposed there was a slew of murmuring around them as everyone was left to the very obvious fact that a Death class user was here, and even worse he was smack dab in the middle of the horde where a number of things can go wrong and lots of people would end experiencing the true death.

Nevertheless the moment his hair and eyes were exposed, not to mention some amongst them were having spikes of perception of sorts that warned them off. Rezar felt as if he was letting off some sort of aura that made him seem especially scary and dangerous to the eyes of the people watching.

"Your Majesty King Rezar DeathWind, it is an honor and a welcome surprise to see the Bone King of Morte Bianca here amongst the horde. Your prowess and victories in battle is one we have great appreciation for, please forgive the slight on our part, but given that the perpetrator has already been taken care of, I reckon your anger has been somewhat abated." Rezar furrowed his eyebrows, Durga was definitely eloquent, but more than that he was acting like this was the first time they were meeting each other. Rezar didn't find it funny at all, but there wasn't much he could say, diplomacy was required at the moment and quite a fair bit of acting too.

"I heard that your people have plain games every year, but this year it is to decide who would be crowned King of the orcs. And behind that I hear the fairest of you all would be up as a prize, are the rumors true? Also it is said that anyone, Orc, Human, Elf, Dwarf or monster could participate in the games." Rezar asked, moving with the ball and playing along. Durga smiled as he nodded his head then turned with a flourish to point at the orcs that were all around them.

"Indeed, whosoever shall prevail in this year's plain games shall become king of the orcs, king of the horde. And in the spirit of fairness, because we know there's not much orcs can do when it comes to leadership Hahahaha!" when he said that all of them orcs around them seemed to burst into laughter as one particularly loud voice spoke up.

"All we know how to do is fuck, fight and fuck some more! Hahahaha!"

"Even when we're fighting we're fucking and when we're fucking we're also fighting!"

Rezar raised both his eyebrows up and turned to look at Priest who gave a shrug and raised his hands up as if to say he didn't know. The orcs were a civilization that were quite open about their love for the carnal acts, which was why it was what was most feared from them during wars. Whilst unlike goblins that would copulate with everything that has a vagina, or at the very least a hole in it's body, Orcs were very sexually active, literally drawing power from the act itself in much the same Rezar could gain stats from drinking blood.

"The plain games is open to all your Majesty and as you have proven yourself in the qualifying gauntlet, even more so than anyone else, replicating a feat that has only ever been done once in Orcish history. Slaying the Black Wyrm King is a feat as legendary as that of slaying a dragon, after all when it's all said and done the Wyrms are considered lesser dragons of the wingless variety. You have more than proven yourself worthy and capable to compete against me and the others in this competition for the right to lead my people.

But that is neither here nor there, the plain games begins in earnest tomorrow and that's when all of our kettles will begin to be tested in a series of trials to see one who is worthy and capable of the strength to lead the greatest horde in ALL OF ORC HISTORY!!"

Durga was an orc with charisma, and had a lot of it to spare. He had been able put the spotlight on Rezar's head and then quickly take it away to increase his popularity, riding on the coat tails of the achievements of Rezar to lay a stage where his voice would be heard and appreciated by his people and those gathered around him. Durga was a better politician than Rezar, now Rezar had to hope that he was a better fighter than the orc chief.

A few minutes later Rezar and his Retinue were lead to a massive tent, while it was not as larger as the one that had held master Szadin's slaves, this one was luxurious..or as luxurious as it could be for nomadic orcs. The tent had partitions, with really thick furs and leather skins dividing it into various rooms and a bath. Rezar obviously took the biggest, they had a small meeting before finally getting separated, each to his own room, and each to his own thoughts. Especially for the Kitsunes as they were still in the process of grieving their lost friend.

Rezar on the other hand was still feeling really weird, the hairs on his skin were standing on end, his blood vibrated and rumbled with each ever breath he took. His eyes were sharper than normal, his senses so heightened everything seemed to Bright and too loud and tastes too sharp. It was beyond crazy and it was making his seem less and less in control of himself, so he decided to have a bath, and by a bath he meant soaking himself inside the skull of a monster filled to the brim with hot water that smelled really nice.

Rezar raised his head to the ceiling and dozed off, his mind exhausted by the events of the day, relaxing along with his body. Rezar had a lot to think about, most of all about what mingle or sort of person he now was. It was hard to pinpoint what he was deep down, because his body was that of a vampire, but his soul; his consciousness was extremely messed up. Rezar felt like he should be having an identity crisis of sorts right about now, but nothing of the sort seemed to be getting around, but there were times that he had felt extremely different, like he was who he said he was and at the same time he was not. It was conundrum, but one he would not be able to answer as he felt hands snaking around his neck to touch as his chest, he jerked up, opened his hands and Vita Gratia in it's spear form ready to take a life.

"You should call down Bone King! I'm not going to hurt you." The sheer derision and disgust in those words would have chilled a normal person, but Rezar was no ordinary person.

"Who the fuck are you?" Rezar asked as he pointed Vita Gratia at the person standing in front of him.

"My name is Tepetal Goldbreaker, daughter and niece of Durga Goldbreaker and you Bone King will have to die!"

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