Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 181: Play For Power (III): Ambush

Chapter 181: Play For Power (III): Ambush

Right now with no skills to rely on, he had to rely on his natural abilities to get by, so while his racial skills were inaccessible, Rezar still had plenty of tools to rely on. The barrier was advancing rather quickly, but Rezar was also moving just as fast as he moved from tree to tree with a lot more ease than even Tarzan ever could. He kept his focus and all of his senses were practically stretched to the limit in order to prevent himself from being ambushed, that way he could actually be less open and won't be caught off guard next time. But the thing is, no matter how fool proof a plan you made, no plan ever survives the battlefield.

He twisted his body to the side, evading the arrow that was just send his way, he turned left to the trunk of tree branch he was now standing on and quickly scaled it, moving so fast and quickly with his legs and arms it was as if he was a spider or woodland creature. Two more arrows dug into the trunk, but he was already up and above the tree line. He only had a second to notice the position of three attackers, one of which was the orc female who lost her partner. Looks like orcs aren't knocked out for long, that was good information to keep for the future.

He didn't spend too long contemplating on anything as he jumped without hesitation, heading for her direction, before suddenly aiming down and falling with a lot more speed than before, his body accelerated as he went past three thick branches before stretching his hands out and grabbing an elf that thought he was well hidden. Before they reached the ground the panicked elf had fangs in his neck and a significant amount of his blood already running down Rezar's throat. They hit the ground with a sickening thud, a neck was broken, but Rezar was completely unscathed as he quickly rolled away, his speed notably faster as he vanished into shrubbery, claws out and grabbing the neck of another hidden ninja.

His head flashed forwards just as the Ninja cried out in fear and pain, but by then but was already too late as Rezar too two large mouthfuls and then pulled back, roughly wrenching the head of the ninja off his shoulders. He turned around and caught an arrow just as the tip of it pierced his neck. Because of how large orcs were, the bow she was using was larger, thick and stronger than the norm, the arrows were also longer and the force and speed it generated was off the charts. Fromm the look of things she was an accomplished archer, and she may or may not have access to her skills, but with or without skill she was really good.

Rezar ducked down as a massive axe swung where his head was and Durga showed up with a massive kick aimed at Rezar's chest. Rezar moved back, forcing the orc's leg to hit nothing but air, however the distance between his foot and Rezar's body was barely a few centimeters. Far enough that Rezar received no damaged, and close enough for Rezar to grab his leg and drag the orc closer, pivoting his body around as he let go of his leg and slamming his left elbow into the size of Durga's head with a massive bang as his right arm rose up to catch the arrow that had been aiming for the back of his neck.

Durga dropped like a sack of potatoes just as spear came from behind and ran Rezar through. Rezar didn't not even let out a grunt of pain as he felt his blood pour out of him, the person carrying the spear seemed to have a thing for brutality as he raised the spear up raising Rezar in the air with a small yell as his bright red blood poured out of his body and onto the earth. In that moment Rezar felt a clarity and connection with is body than he had never felt before. At first he had touched upon the threshold before, and not too long away when he could mentally will which parts of his body could be healed. And now once again he felt that connection, and it was to his blood.

His blood turned into multiple tiny lances that that stabbed into the armored tiger man that had his spear in Rezar's body, a green barrier grew up to cover the tiger man's body as a look of shock came over his face, but Rezar was not done, the spear had already been pulled out of his body and more of his blood were floating around him like bubbles stirred up after a bath. Rezar didn't stand on ceremony as those droplets of blood blasted outwards with him at the epicenter, causing a wide swath of destruction as those who were still hidden were blasted out of the way and severely injured.

A cloud of dust was raised from the multiple tiny explosions that happened, but by the time the dust cloud settled, Rezar was long gone, but with his disappearance the barrier had already drawn closer. So many of the. well this particular group of people who were still alive were severely injured and unable to make it out in time. Those of them who still survived continued chasing after the Bone King of Morte Bianca, and in the lead was a vengeful orc who had just lost the love of her life.

As for Rezar himself, he was moving through the forest at a speed far faster than he would normally be able to muster, he kept on looking back tying to see if there was anyone on his tail, but there was absolutely no one capable of keeping up with his current speed. He was turned forwards and kept running, a red mist formed from his blood cloaking his form and increasing his speed, a mist it might be, but if one was to look a little bit closer, there would see the mist shifting into the forms of hundreds of bats.

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