Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 200: Reset! Revamped! Reboot!: Elysium End

Chapter 200: Reset! Revamped! Reboot!: Elysium End

The world seemed to go dark as a tidal wave as tall as the heavens washed Necron away, red lightning flashed in the sky as the very fabric of reality itself seemed to crack and break within itself. Time slowed to halt and sped up as day and night went haywire. Rezar had no perception of the world at all, his stomach churned and roiled, terribly shaken from the insanity that reality had no become. His perception of the world was terribly eschewed as up became down and down became up, the light was darkness and darkness itself became the light. Funny enough through all of this crazy experience he could feel Lenore's hands in his, he would have let go but she was having none of it.

Her grip was like a vice, unwavering and unshaking and refusing to give any quarter, it was ludicrous that with everything that was happening she just. Refused. To. let. go. And it was not as if her palm was quite nice to touch, it was calloused, sweaty with fear and anxiety, something that Rezar considered a weakness and quite frankly unhygienic. But it was there, and while he didn't understand it, he felt that in one way or the other this mattered, the fact that her hands were interlocked tightly with his even when all of his sense were off key and the rules of reality were rapidly being rewritten. her hand felt. Real.


There was a stillness, a peace that Rezar would liken to a calm before the storm, or the calm you would feel when you were right in the center of it. It was so calming that Rezar found it extremely horrifying, this was just to peaceful for him to be able to enjoy. For as long as he could remember peace was not something he has ever had, and to feel this- this stillness, it was unnatural. Hopefully it ended quickly, but it didn't, rather the world seemed to regain its sanity, or rather reality was reborn and renewed, and what it now gave the world, or worlds, for better or worse. can never be taken back.

Rezar opened his eyes, the sea was farther away now, across a vast plain of dark brown earth, littered with shells and sea weed and corals, and the very dead bodies of aquatic monsters and animals. Necron was safe, surrounded by an expansive field of green and a stone wall so sturdy it looked like it had survived an apocalypse. The cove was gone, now the budding capital city of Morte Bianca stood on a plateau, that pushed upwards to a massive hill that house Rezar's Mayor's house, or what was it called again. The buildings were intact, and so being its people, the caves and the walls of the coves had become massive hills that turned into a valley with three openings.

One faced the sea to the west, another faced the Breone mountains and the great desert to the east, and the third face the Kerwood forest to the south.

Three passes roughly 25 meters wide, were the only entrance into the luscious and fertile land that was now home to Necron. And right in the middle of this city, the spire, which had just been a pillar of blue and gold had become an exquisite arch with arcane symbols standing on a platform of the brightest silver. Snuggled quite fitly in the middle of the arch, was a crystal he recognized as a dungeon core.

Kerwood forest was larger, the trees now grew so tall they seemed to touch the sky, birds and creatures of all sorts flew with leisure in the air above, completely free. The earth no longer shook and the air was crisper, for the first time ever, Rezar could truly breathe, he could feel the wind as it rubbed over his skin. Goosebumps rose all over his body as the pounding of his heart and the blood rushing through his body brought even more of the feeling of being alive.

But just as he knew he was alive, he knew there was also something off, he felt colder, in a nutshell he felt more dead. But it wasn't bad per say, he felt connected fundamentally to so many unexpected things, so many unexplainable things he felt connected to his mother. He took a deep breath as the vacuum that held them aloft suddenly disappeared and they started falling down to the ground. Rezar felt his heart fall down to his stomach, he didn't need anyone to tell him, he knew everything was gone. All of his skills, all of his stats, they had all vanished and he was left bare, normal, the same as everybody else, and the dragon just watched.

Never the less it was the world that had changed, Rezar still remained whop he was even if his body had also experienced the same change. He swung the equally caught off guard Lenore and had her wrap her hands around his neck as she held on to him from behind while they fell. If he was feeling weak, then definitely she was feeling the same. Rezar separated vita gratia and shot its chains downwards, stabbing it into the wall and letting the chains retract and drag him and his passenger to the wall.

His body smashed into the wall, cracking bones and jarring his insides, but never the less his was home and he was alive. He looked up in the sky, but the dragon was nowhere to be found, it was almost as if she was never there in the first place. Rezar didn't think too much about it as something else drew his attention.

[The world of Elysium has experienced an update!]

[The world has become the universe and a lot of changes have come on in this new world order. The following are the list of things that have changed! Pay attention for your very existence depends on its content!]

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