Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 205: Training (I): Called

Chapter 205: Training (I): Called

The moment Rezar stepped on the coral island, be could feel the difference, there was a heaviness in the air, but apart from that there was something primal that he just could quite place his finger on. This dragon was really more than it seemed, and that was understandable as it didn't stand for an element, but father an aspect of an element when it is combined with another. The coral seemed and looked a lot different when it was above ground than when it was below. The colors seemed to pop even more, but now there was a soft of deadly grey haze hanging all-over it. It was pretty much the very definition of what you would call creepy.

Rezar walked along a path, ignoring the crunching sounds his feet made as it was pressed against sediments of rock and dead seashells. Even though this place was looking a lot more different, Rezar was still able to find his way back to the place he met the dragon. His path was relatively straight forward so he didn't have to worry too much about a bunch other more complicated stuff like loosing his way, which would have been tragic as Rezar wasn't perceptive as he once was.

"You shouldn't hover, sure when dealing with me a certain level of discretion is advised, but you are a King. Your very presence should command authority, And that's lesson no 1."

Rezar blinked his eyes in confusion and quickly sighed after, guess he would also be revising a bunch of things that Priest had taught him. Thinking about the old man had brought an annoyed look to his face. Priest had disappeared on the day of the Rejuvenation and nobody had seen him since then. It was a worrying thought for Rezar. But he already had people looking everywhere of the old man. Safe to say Priest was Rezar's oldest and closest confidant, without him around a lot of things just didn't feel right.

"You better keep your focus on me Young King, what I teach you take will not only save your life, it will save the lives of your people." Rezar shifted his attention back to the Dragon, showing off a trait of humility that was not or ever expected to be used in describing Rezar.

"Now that the world has changed everything has become intrinsic and completely chaotic. In this world young King, power comes from within, and what lies within can be just about anything. As long as it's yours, then it becomes a source of power. I will teach you to channel and master your power.

I have studied and experimented and realized that magic is now the source of all our skills and abilities, but all magic is in flux, it changes to match our bloodlines, traits and any other factor of our strength. You're a vampire, your magic is one of blood and death, but there is more to you than is being exposed, which means there's something else hidden in your magic.

You must be still, breathe and get in touch with your magic, control and understand it. The process will unlock the Magic Mastery skill from the magic skill tree. Apart from that, having access to your magic would make the world you see and experience a whole lot bigger. You must connect with your magic, now close your eyes, and breathe."

Rezar got confused but then again there wasn't much he could do about what the dragon had said. But he did close his eyes just as she said. Honestly speaking he hasn't had much time to reflect and look deep into himself, there was absolutely no time to understand who and what he had become. But he guessed this was just as good a time as any to look into his soul...or something like that.

Rezar didn't have to do it long or go through some mysterious or enlightened epiphany, he felt a spark within him that spread through every nerve and tissue, going so far to have channels of it's own. His perception of the sparks in his body was something similar to fire, but at the same time it was like fire and like the wind. Fierce And ever changing, yet moving with the beats of his heart and with a flux and rhythm that belonged only to the world itself. Rezar opened his eyes to see the dragon staring at him while a haze of blackish gold and red hung over his body.

Suddenly his perception was stronger, brighter and much more clear, so much so that he could tell just what person or animal had walked or swam past. It was incredible in every sense of the word, but he got the feeling that there was still much to be explored and explained. Rezar turned to the dragon with a smile, extremely pleased with himself, but all she did was snort and immediately, words made of a golden script showed up out of thin air, and soon enough those words turned into pictures showing men and women in different combat forms.

"I created this Martial Arti three days ago as I was looking for ways to get stronger. It's still under revision, but I'll keep on working on it. This Martial should be able to help you bring out the best potential held within your physical stats. As for your magical or metal stats, more conventional training and being put in somewhat difficult situations will help you. Besides there is reason why they say life's the best teacher, never the less you should practice all of the forms and ingrain so deeply into your body, your bones would ache anytime you're not trying your best to practice it. I will figure out the next step for you when you've at least gotten into the Bronze tank 3. In the meantime please try your best.

Read didn't really know what to say, he was grateful for the advice and the fire took to his path, but honestly speaking how was he supposed to practice forms when he had no idea which one was first or in which context he had to carry them out. Safe to say it's going to be a long day.



[Rezar Deathwind] = [Age: 16] = [Class: King] = [Rank: Bronze 0]

[Race: Vampire] = [Bloodline: Storm Dragon// Death God//(HIDDEN)]

[Mind: 10] = [Magic: 10] = [Constitution: 10] = [Strength: 10] = [Speed: 10]

[Traits: Locked]

{Skill Trees}

[Vampire: Supernatural Body (0) +] [Necromancy: Summon Skeleton (0) +] [Magic: +] [Arms: Dual Swords (0)//Staffs (0)//Chains (0) +]

[Skill Points: 27]

This was no different from starting all over again, looking at his stats page left Rezar even more annoyed than the usual, but like he had come to realize, there was no use crying over spilt milk. And it wasn't so bad in this case as he already had skills unlocked, but from what he could see, this was no better than not having them at all, as they were all showing a very big fat zero. He could no longer use skill points to level up, and apart from that his race was no longer half vampire, he was well and truly a vampire now. But he had bloodlines, that's what's surprising to him.

The storm Dragon bloodline probably came from his ingesting of the heart blood of the storm dragon, he found it funny that an act made in a desperate moment to save his life was now going to decide his path forward for most if not all of his current lifespan, which as he has found out, is pretty much forever. Then there was the death god bloodline, that open didn't surprise him too much, it would be weird to others, and maybe he would have this strange earlier if he hadn't been through the things he has, but having death for a mother was as naturally as saying he was just sixteen years old.

There were no skills from magic, that wasn't too bad. There was much he didn't know about the skill trees, but he suspected it was still based on the same method as the previous version of Elysium. As classes were decided based on environment and what not, skills might be decided based on stats, traits and other skill trees. Or he would just have to pick a skill from the skill tree and then follow it down to its sub trees. He also had twenty-seven skill points, but at the very moment he didn't think he had a need for utilizing it.

He had four skill trees, which means he only has one more slot left for a skill, and this was a slot he felt should have been filled. Because he has a hidden bloodline, and Rezar had the all too inkling suspicion that this bloodline had to do with his interaction and immunity to holy damage. It was actually the bread and butter of his extremely ridiculous healing ability, but it wasn't shown here, and from what he could see, it would be too farfetched to say that it was completely erased.

Rezar got to the coast, the sea was eerily calm for a world that has just been turned over its head. in the distance he could see an island made of corals, in fact this was probably the city that he had discovered the dragon in, so it wasn't too farfetched to say that she was somewhere in there with her egg. But he didn't head over, not because he didn't have a way to get over there, even weakened he could just as easily swim the distance if he has to, no it's just that he had other commitments, which in this case has to be the group of cloaked vampires heading towards him.

The red cloaked figure leading them was none other than Gynaika, and apart from his undead, she was the only person he has not met yet. Of course there was more surprise to her arrival as trailing behind her was Tristian, the former goblin king with what was pretty much an annoyed look on his face. Rezar felt a little worried, these two keeping each company couldn't be good, but now that they were all in a new world Rezar had to wonder how much use could Gynaika actually be to him now that probably her divining skills were as fucked as everything else.

"I've had a divination!"

"Fuck!!" Rezar cursed out aloud before showing Gynaika a bright smile and opening his arms to her like she was his favorite person in this world. If he was going to play this game, then he had to play it well.

"How are you Gynaika? Are you okay? Hope there were no injuries or losses." It was not just Gynaika who was caught off guard by his suddenly chipper attitude it was all of her followers and even the former goblin king. Rezar had to hide a look of embarrassment, obviously his acting was a little too obvious.

"There are some injuries. But none of that matters now. The Rejuvenation has disturbed and displaced a large dungeon of Alien snake men. They can't stay in Canyons anymore as they would probably be dragging with the native monsters there, so as I speak they're being driven in our direction. We have to meet them on the way here, or they'll rush past us burning everything in sight. From what I can see, they should be here in about two weeks to a month depending on how fast they choose to move."

The moment she mentions see, Rezar looked into her eyes on reflex and shuddered as he was forced to look away just as quick. His eyes were throbbing and seemed as if they would burst out from the back of his skull. Her eyes were silver, not white as you would expect from blind people, but a bright shade of silver that seemed all too eager to destroy the eyes of whatever or whomever looked into them. looks like Gynaika was really not useless, it was a bittersweet moment for Rezar.

"Very well, Lenore, Kitagawa and Jason should be done with their respective tasks in about a week, we should worry about outfitting every able bodied member of Necron and preparing them for a battle. We should take the time we have and train as hard as we can. Because from what you're saying; we would need it. I need you to calm the people, you and the other vampires should also stay out of the sun. for now, let's just see what we can do for now, our survival would need the cooperation of everyone, if not. I worry for us all."

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