New Game+

Chapter 494 Pridgeon’s Retreat


A portal opened deep underground in a particular land in the newly reformed Mesopotamia within the Caliphates.

The waters rushed out of it, but various ports were opened so that the entire underground wouldn't be flooded.

This was the secret force that helped Israel rise and had armed the numerous Jews that had returned to their land and massacred the nearby countries.

The plan of Pridgeon had finally taken shape. Jerusalem had grown stronger, and that country was also made into the front of what many Presiders believed to be the base of Pridgeon. But in reality, a massive fortress was being made underground. It was even taller than the Babel Tower that Egypt caused to rise.

The massive moon was now hidden underground and was folded within a strange power that made part of it remain in the realm beyond the third dimension. The forceful displacement was now more refined.

Numerous metallic parts began to crash down as an object had finally appeared in the third dimension.

Various techs that altered the dimensions and its laws were forcibly keeping the moon in one piece. But the damages, cuts, and missing pieces of this ship had made it unstable. It looked as if the moon would break apart at any time!

Gordon's battered and beaten Throne also slipped out as he escaped several explosions behind him.

"GYAH! PLEASE MAKE IT!" Gordon screamed as various rockets and missiles fired back in the dimensional opening that appeared.

Several ships and exoskeletons rushed in, but many of these ships already had dead pilots, and they all came crashing into their area.

Finally, Pirdgeon's Throne appeared.

It was damaged, and the dome that covered the Throne had been destroyed. His own Skinsuit was also damaged, and blood flowed down his body.

Gordon's Throne barely remained flying as it began to fall and crashed into the metal floor.

"Close it!" Pridgeon shouted as the moon's power began to harness its energy to close the opening into the fourth dimension.

The massive energy of the moon forced the closing of the portal.

The gateway that led to another dimension began to collapse as several rockets and missiles were being thrown into the area through some magnetism.

The underground base where the massive moon appeared began to shoot at the incoming objects that zoomed out and chased the Thrones and the ships that flew in as the gateway was closing up.


The moment the gateway closed, it created a rippling shock wave that caused even the air to be crunched.

And then there was silence.

"DAMN IT!" Pridgeon roared angrily. The battle caused him so much more than he bargained for.

That a massive Universe Energy surged underwater, Pridgeon knew that an intense battle had occurred and sensed the movements of several Presiders.

He brought Gordon, and the two quickly altered the dimensions to travel and appear deep underwater.

But the appearance of Andronze and the appearance of a strange power that allowed Lanterk to displace and forcibly teleport their own forces and ships turned the three-on-two into a disastrous battle, and all three fought a devastating battle.

Andronze provided an army that now harnessed a unique power that was able to keep Myrth busy!

Four-Point Technology debuted in that battle. Andronze's creation of a pyramid somehow allowed her to create miniature pyramids using the water. This gave her forces an extra layer of defensive and offensive abilities.

The deployment of this tech was shocking as it also allowed Andronze to create teleportation that allowed the pyramids to make warp jumps and could even combine attacks creating a devastating laser beam that reminded Lanterk of Meryl's strongest attack.

Pridgeon and Enderks were caught off-guard from the telekinetic pull that could also forcibly teleport their ships, and this led to a chaotic battle where ships would suddenly be sent to a strange realm.

The death toll for both Presiders was terrifying.

Soon, all of Enderks armies died in battle.

When Pridgeon decided to flee as he received the focused attacks between the two groups.

The act of retreating itself was difficult for Lanterk kept interfering by using a metallic resonance that could alter the ship of Pridgeon and used the Void Realm to invade the attempts of stepping into the fourth dimension.

The battle carried over to the fourth dimension as Lanterk managed to send suicide squads inside to wreak havoc constantly.

And so, Pridgeon kept fighting as it fled, but the unstable world of that dimension had caused the moon to crack as a large cut somehow struck it wide open without any explanation.

And finally, the group was able to return back to the Caliphates.

He returned empty-handed and had to use Universe Energy for his escape.

Gordon was next to him and also had a pained expression. He had already started his transformation to becoming a proper Mid-Tier thanks to all of Pridgeon's help, but in the underwater battle against Lanterk, he only had all his tools taken away.

"That damned Lanterk!" Pridgeon cursed.

"His powers were clearly something beyond a Top-Tier. He had kept his incarnation at the very brink of turning into a Principal, but he had the numerous techs that could wield matter so freely!"

"That was... Dimensional Upholding! And that Andronze! She-! She could also do it?! What alliance did those two have?!"

"No. The power of Andronze wasn't based on Lanterk's tech. Lanterk had used his powers of magnetism to create a Universe Energy that linked metals to his Nefilus suit. It was half a step to Dimensional Upholding. But taking that science and applying it to the water is not possible! That was Andronze's own techs."

"What?! Then that means...! Andornze is a Principal?!" Gordon screamed in shock.

"This is why you are weak, Gordon. You still don't understand! Andronze was a Mid-Tier! But being here on earth and facing the many horrors forced her to grow. She must have had techs to study it, but the fight of life forced her to grow! And that Enderks! From what I can tell, he is on his way to becoming a Top-Tier! That battle was a way for him to challenge his heights! The age of Conquerors is coming! That is why people in our home say that the Prime Wars is coming. People have been ascending and getting stronger. The battle shall soon come!"

Gordon was in a daze. Only now did he realize that his mindset was never enough to be a Conqueror.

"And what was that power that sliced through the Fourth Dimension? That wrecked my ship! Well, at least I wasn't the only one who lost a lot. Enderks and even that Garenjazz lost a ship!"

"What? But Garenjazz fled!"

"His main force did! But it was a trick. Many of his ships remained, but Lanterk's techs managed to pull it out of whatever dream world it hid in!"

"What about Myrth?"

Pridgeon turned silent.

"That... she's shockingly strong..."

"PRESIDER!" A cry was heard as a Pioneer riding a strange massive pod with numerous monitors rushed in.

"Something happened in that battleground?" Pridgeon asked without showing any hints of surprise.

"Ye-yes! A massive explosion that led to the ocean erupting upwards was caught by many satellites!"

"Our battle would have already done that. Nukes were blown up in that sea!"

"No! It wasn't like a nuke! That sea had long been in chaos, and many nations were already looking over that ocean! But a sudden towering eruption appeared! The seas rose nearly a kilometer high in that area! Tsunami warnings were made across South America and Africa!" The Pioneer showed the videos.

The massive eruption and how the water rose could be seen.

Gordon was shocked.

"Just on cue. Gordon, I was retreating because I could sense that Myrth was angry. Good thing I trusted my instincts. So she's that strong, huh? While Shakstress and Gordon have unique techs, Myrth desired to blow things up and sought a primitive yet effective path for her science. But it's scary. That shows she's close to building a Combat Suit. If she does, then she could be a Principal that could immediately match Mid-Tiers." Pridgeon explained.

"What? Then... How are we going to kill her?!" Gordon asked.

"See how weak you are? If you don't grow, you will die too! I'm not bothered. I already found my way to Conquer." Pridgeon laughed as he turned around.

"Initiate the plans! Call Shark Umberton! Tell him that the day for Joshua to reclaim the lands is now!"

"Yes, Presider!" The Pioneer agreed.

"Israel shall rise. And many will think that it will be my base. You Presiders are all fools! The Progenitor and the Lost Primordial remain to be the biggest threat! If you set aside the people of the Earth and focus on killing each other, you will all perish! So now, Israel shall rise! It shall rise to power! It shall rise to corruption and arrogance. And let those Presiders strike it down! Jerusalem will be the battleground!" Pridgeon laughed.

As all the Presiders began to flee to their respective homes, the Unlocked armies were all waiting and were ready to pounce on the weakened groups.

Somewhere in the outskirts of the Caliphate region, a young man had sat back down.

He carried a large crystal sword and began to sheathe it back in.

"Tsk... Too weak!" The man complained.

"That was fairly good, Omricon." Hermes chuckled.

"In any case... We should be sensing Andronze returning now. That underwater explosion was something, wasn't it? I hope it wasn't Andronze who did that..." Austin sighed.

"Yeah. Even I don't want that. I'd have a hard time blowing the bomb of that back. But I'm more worried about the Tyrant Empress. It'll be the first time she will actually fight!"

"Egypt will be the battleground. We won't stop until Egypt is destroyed! Alright, four winds! Time to get busy!" Hermes smiled as he sensed the power arriving.

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