Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Izanagi, The Third Pair of Mangekyō Appears?

Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Izanagi, The Third Pair of Mangekyō Appears?

The life simulator instantly restored all of Uchiha Akira's chakra and healed his injuries. He had originally intended to combine this with the Eighth Gate to exploit a loophole.

However, what he didn't expect was that once the Eighth Gate was opened, it could only be closed upon death. This was something Akira hadn't foreseen.

Seeing himself still in the Eighth Gate state, with an overwhelming aura, his body enveloped in a red steam of blood, Akira felt like crying. The Eighth Gate was indeed powerful, but watching his own blood boil, evaporate, and his body carbonize and wither was an excruciating pain, akin to burning himself alive.

The simulator's restoration forced him to endure this agony all over again, which nearly brought him to tears.

But since things had come to this, he had to maximize the power of the Eighth Gate.

Suppressing the pain, Uchiha Akira's eyes scanned the area, once again searching for Uchiha Obito.

This time, with his injuries fully healed, he hoped he could finally finish Obito off. However, after carefully scanning the surroundings, he couldn't find Obito anywhere. This left Akira feeling frustrated. It seemed his miraculous recovery had scared Obito off. At that moment, Obito was indeed using an Earth Release technique to escape from Konoha Village, taking advantage of the distraction caused by Akira's sudden recovery.

He was still shaken.

After using such a forbidden technique like the Eight Gates, how could someone survive? What secrets did Uchiha Akira hold?

Clearly, Obito would need to pay much closer attention to Akira in the future.

As for discovering his secrets? Obito resolved to investigate further but decided to avoid direct contact with Akira until he had more information.

Even though opening the Eighth Gate was supposed to be a death sentence, Obito couldn't be certain that Akira would actually die this time.

Back in the Uchiha district, Uchiha Akira had become a hero to the entire clan.

Every Uchiha stared at Akira with fanatical eyes.

Although Akira was only seven years old, he had executed a successful assassination plan, killing both Shimura Danzo and the Third Hokage.

To the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Akira was now undoubtedly a hero.

As Akira's gaze swept over the surrounding Konoha shinobi, each one lowered their head in submission.

At this moment, with the Eighth Gate still open, Akira resembled the legendary Uchiha Madara, capable of dominating everyone.

Suddenly, Akira's body collapsed to the ground, once again succumbing to the backlash of the Eighth Gate.

This time, everyone silently watched without saying a word.

He had nearly died once, only to suddenly become lively again.

Would he recover this time as well?

Originally, watching Akira approach death was a heavy moment.

But now, with the Uchiha holding onto hope, the atmosphere didn't feel as heavy.

And so, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Uchiha Akira's body gradually turned into a charred husk, his life force weakening until it finally vanished entirely.

Naturally, Uchiha Akira had died.

"Dead? He's really dead!?" The Uchiha were shocked to see Akira die like this.

Then, the mood became somber again.

Many Uchiha even began to weep softly.

The strongest genius of the Uchiha clan had ultimately sacrificed himself for the clan, hadn't he?

And he was just a seven-year-old child!

Gah, gah...

But just as the atmosphere grew unbearably heavy, a crow suddenly appeared out of thin air, landing on Akira's charred chest.

This crow had a pair of Mangekyō sharingan with the four-cornered windmill pattern in its eyes!

"A Mangekyō? This crow actually has a pair of Mangekyō sharingan!?"

Seeing the crow that appeared out of nowhere and the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in its eyes, countless people exclaimed in astonishment.

A Mangekyō Sharingan-it was a legendary power within the Uchiha clan!

First, the clan leader Fugaku awakened the Mangekyō, then Uchiha Itachi gained his own, which was already shocking enough!

And now, another pair of Mangekyō sharingan had appeared?

When did the Mangekyō Sharingan become so common, like Super Saiyans in the Dragon Ball world? Originally a legendary existence, but now they seem to be popping up everywhere, just like when Super Saiyans became commonplace.

"Is that Shisui's Mangekyō? A pair of Mangekyō has been reunited? It seems that the

Sharingan taken by Danzo has indeed been reclaimed by Akira."

Seeing the four-cornered windmill pattern in the crow's eyes, Itachi immediately recognized them as Shisui's Mangekyō.

At the same time, he knew that Danzo must be dead.

Otherwise, Shisui's eye wouldn't have fallen into Akira's hands.

Just as everyone was staring at the crow that had appeared out of nowhere, marveling at its

Mangekyō Sharingan, something surprising happened.

The crow's left eye suddenly went blind, slowly closing shut!

At the same time, Uchiha Akira's charred body on the ground vanished like an illusion!

Seeing this, the elders and Fugaku realized that Izanagi had been activated!

But using a Mangekyō sharingan to perform Izanagi? That was an extravagant choice, to say

the least.

However, considering Akira's options, other than someone else's Mangekyō, he only had his own three-tomoe Sharingan!

Even though the Mangekyō was of higher quality, ultimately, one's own eyes are the most important, right?

Thus, with a pre-set transfer seal using the Mangekyō Sharingan to activate Izanagi, while

the elders felt it was a shame, they could still accept it.

As Akira's body disappeared, just like a mirage, another Uchiha Akira appeared out of thin air

before everyone's eyes, looking as healthy and unscathed as ever!

"So, in the end, Izanagi is the only way to exploit the Eight Gates' loophole?"

After reviving, Akira glanced at the crow's now-closed Sharingan and sighed inwardly.

If the life simulator alone could have allowed him to bypass the Eight Gates' death toll, he might have made the technique a regular part of his arsenal.

But now, it seemed that unless he was truly at death's door, the Eighth Gate was something he

should never open again.

"Revived? He didn't die?"

Even as Akira silently reflected on the Eight Gates' limitations, the Uchiha clan members were dumbstruck by his revival.

Those who had been weeping moments before stopped in their tracks, staring at Akira in

shock, feeling utterly perplexed.

At first, they thought he was dead and mourned him. But then he suddenly healed, and they


Then he died again, and they grieved once more, only to have him revive yet again.

Was he playing with them? Was this some kind of life-and-death dance?

The Uchiha clan members didn't know what expression to wear as they faced the revived


Meanwhile, the other shinobi in the clan grounds were even more stunned to see Akira truly

come back to life.

This was the power of the Uchiha? Not only could he open the Eight Gates and kill the Third Hokage, but he could also avoid the inevitable death that comes with it?

How was this even possible?

"So, opening the Eight Gates doesn't necessarily mean death?" Might Guy muttered in disbelief, feeling as if his entire worldview was collapsing.

"This situation is difficult to replicate. Just now, one of the Mangekyō Sharingan closed. It

must be some kind of eye technique with a significant cost," Kakashi observed more keenly than Might Guy, quietly explaining the situation.

"So the Uchiha's Mangekyō really is powerful. It can even bring someone back from the


Despite understanding that the revival came at a steep price, Might Guy remained in awe. After all, this was a resurrection technique! Wasn't a heavy cost only to be expected? Similarly, the other Konoha shinobi also realized that the Eight Gates' death toll had indeed taken effect-Akira had died.

But the Uchiha's ability to resurrect him had been displayed before their very eyes.

This left the Konoha shinobi even more shocked.

Was this truly the power of the Uchiha clan?

Could they even bring the dead back to life?

"The power of the Uchiha... this is the power of the Sharingan... what a magnificent power!"

Hidden in the shadows, Orochimaru, who had also witnessed this revival, trembled with


He extended his long tongue and licked his lips, his entire body quivering with delight.

What was Orochimaru's greatest obsession? The Sharingan?

In truth, his deepest desire was immortality.

He had already been fascinated by the power of the Sharingan; now, seeing it resurrect someone from the dead, Orochimaru's excitement knew no bounds.

His obsession and passion for the Sharingan intensified even further. Meanwhile, the ANBU and Root shinobi, who had yet to disperse, whispered among

themselves after seeing Akira's resurrection, inquiring about the situation of Danzo and the Third Hokage from the ninjas who had arrived later.

Finally, from the mouths of those who had followed, they learned the truth-Danzo and the Third Hokage had indeed been killed by Uchiha Akira!

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