No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 200 Council Of God.

Chapter 200  Council Of God.

[A/N: Where's Ren? Eh!? Fuck ya author-wait this one's intresting]

In the depths of an ethereal realm, a mysterious figure stood with a vice-like presence that seemed to defy human origins. His demeanor was enigmatic, to say the least.

With deliberate grace, he traversed this surreal plane, each step as if he floated above the mist, untouched by its presence. His long, silver hair flowed like liquid mercury down his back, adding to the otherworldly aura that surrounded him. In his hand, he held a glass of wine, an incongruous choice given the surroundings.

His piercing sapphire eyes scanned the myriad of fantastical creatures that filled the realm. They moved about, their forms shifting and merging with the mist that swirled around them. He seemed to be searching for something, a question in need of an answer.

As he ventured deeper into this surreal landscape, the mist seemed to respond to his presence. It twisted and coiled, forming an intricate, beautiful armor that covered his torso and lower body, enhancing his already regal appearance.

Before him stood a colossal structure, a mansion so immense that the term "manor" felt inadequate. It loomed like a city within this surreal realm, a testament to the power and grandeur of the being who called it home.

"Lord," a soft voice whispered, breaking the silence. The figure turned his gaze toward a diminutive fairy who dared not meet his eyes directly. Her tone was polite, laced with respect.

"We must leave for the council," she continued, acknowledging his role as the guardian of this elemental realm. The weight of his responsibilities and enigmatic presence hung heavily in the air as they prepared to depart for a gathering of otherworldly beings.

Crystalwing acknowledged his brother's presence with a nod as he raised his hand, causing the surrounding mist to swirl and increase in intensity. The air grew warmer, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.

Beside him stood his brother, Zephyr, a deity with striking blue hair that flowed like a river. Zephyr's appearance was ethereal, with piercing azure eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the winds themselves.

The fiery beauty was Embera, her appearance as captivating as her name. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her back like molten lava, and her slender form was adorned in a delicate, flame-colored gown. Her eyes glowed like embers, reflecting her fiery nature.

The last member to join them was Lysandra, a deity with mesmerizing cobalt hair that shimmered like a sapphire sea. Her elegant presence exuded a sense of tranquility and wisdom, and her cerulean eyes held the knowledge of ages.

"Let us proceed," Embera urged, her gaze locked onto her brother. The gods they were to meet were known for their impatience, and the time for delay had passed.

And these are the Sentient Guardians of the Elemental Realm, a place inaccessible even to the gods themselves – not in the past, not now, and not in the future. Only elemental creatures possess the means to enter this realm, beings whose very existence remains a mystery, even to themselves.

They predate all existence, possessing their own minds and consciousness, yet they once felt incomplete. It was as though they were abandoned, cut off from the outside world, and tasked with safeguarding the Elemental Realm against any intrusion from the realm beyond – the reality the gods sought to protect.

But who created these keys to safeguard the realm? The answer eluded everyone, including the Sentient Guardians themselves.

As they traversed the void, it felt like a surreal journey through an ever-changing dreamscape. The path they walked on was a shimmering bridge suspended amidst the cosmic abyss. Starlight danced around them, painting the fabric of reality with ethereal colors.

Gradually, the bridge led them to a colossal..... nothingness that loomed in the void.

It was a structure like no other, adorned with intricate patterns that pulsed with otherworldly energy. As they approached, the guardians felt the overwhelming presence of the gods emanating from within.

In the midst of this surreal and otherworldly place, the Sentient Guardians found themselves on a vast, white platform that seemed to stretch out endlessly. At first glance, it appeared devoid of any inhabitants, leaving the guardians puzzled and uncertain. The silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft hum of energies.

One of the Sentients dared to break the silence, their voice with realization. The void around them, which had seemed pristine quivering with curiosity, "Where are they, brother?" But Crystalwing, the leader of this assembly, silenced them with a raised hand. His senses were tingling, and he knew something extraordinary was unfolding.

As his piercing sapphire eyes scanned the platform, they widened with realization. The void around them, which had seemed pristine and untouched, now bore multiple rifts, like jagged scars across the fabric of existence. These rifts pulsed and shimmered with an eerie light, and each represented a gateway from which beings of immense power emerged.

The instability in the realm intensified as the waves of cosmic energy surged with each arrival. The guardians watched in awe and trepidation as hundreds of figures stepped forth from these rifts, each radiating their unique aura of authority and strength.

These were the Demi-Gods.....Every single one of them are Demi Gods.

Transcendent beings who had ascended to a level of power that set them apart from all others. They had gathered here, in a realm accessible only to the most elite and powerful individuals, marking an extraordinary congregation of divine might.

The gathering of Demi-Gods was a sight to behold, but Crystalwing's attention soon shifted to a group of figures descending onto the platform. Unlike the Demi-Gods, these newcomers did not possess the same overwhelming aura of divine power. Instead, they represented the Pheonix Clan, a formidable group in their own right, but they were considered outliers in this assembly of transcendent beings.

The Pheonix Clan-

"Intresting." Crystalwing began walking towards the the platform too.

As they landed on the platform, their presence added a layer of intrigue and complexity to the gathering. It was clear that the meeting of these diverse and powerful entities would set the stage for something extraordinary, something that could reshape everything.


The elemental guardians and Demi-Gods found themselves in an uneasy silence as they observed each other with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. It was a gathering of power, egos clashing beneath the veneer of politeness.

As the tense atmosphere hung heavy, the very platform they stood on seemed to respond to the presence of these exceptional beings. It began to vibrate gently, a subtle sign of some mystical transformation at work. The walls of the void started to converge, encircling the once vast open space. The transformation was nothing short of breathtaking, resembling the grand spectacle of an arena slowly taking form.

Eight imposing thrones materialized in the center of the arena, and the guardians and Demi-Gods took their places, forming a semi-circle around the thrones.

The seats, carved from weird stone, seemed to radiate an aura of authority and power. As the attendees settled into their positions, the stage was set for a momentous event, the likes of which had not occurred in for millennia.

[I appreciate the effort]

The voice that echoed through the arena carried a weight of immeasurable authority, and all eyes were drawn to the figure that had appeared on the central throne. A being of azure flame, radiating an otherworldly aura that made the whole humanoid figure appear as if it were forged from the very essence of fire.

Before anyone could fully comprehend the appearance of this enigmatic entity, the other thrones were filled with divine figures, each representing a fundamental aspect of the universe. Svarog, the God of Fire, brought warmth and vitality. Aine, the goddess of fairies, was the embodiment of ethereal beauty. Neptune, the lord of seas, held dominion over the vast oceans. Lord Geb was in control of the earth itself, shaping the very foundations of existence. Hera was the wind herself, whispering secrets and carrying the breath of life. Ellora, the source of light, illuminated both the physical and metaphysical realms.

Among them, a name that still sent ripples of awe through the assembly was Falkor, once their peer but now seated among the pantheon of gods, observing his former colleagues from a lofty vantage point.

With the arrival of Erebus, the last throne was engulfed in darkness, and a mysterious masked figure emerged. Erebus's presence was shrouded in myth and uncertainty, known to only a few who had witnessed the last battle of the gods.

[The Council Has Begun]

With the pronouncement that the council had begun, a sense of gravity descended upon the assembly, for this gathering held the potential to shape the fate of their elemental realms and beyond.

Crystalwing stood up and opened his mouth, cutting Svarog off in the middle, a gesture not typically considered wise.

"Who planted the Soul Watcher on a mortal?" His question was straightforward.

Svarog had always been tolerant of these types of intrusions, so nobody thought he'd mind.

[How dare you-]

Geb looked him dead in the eyes - even though they were in this state, there was no way he could use this tone to speak with them.

[""Shut up, Geb.""]

And a simultaneous sigh escaped from every god's mouth.

"What do you mean?" Svarog questioed.

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