No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 218 Rune- Craftsman.

[Ren Hilton's POV.]

"Umm, so what do you think?" I asked Smokeball.

'Hmm, is this guy crazy rich or is he in love with you?' he paused as I slammed on the ground.

'What! Don't blame me. No one is this inclined to help someone, and since you are underage, he's a predator!!' He was saying whatever came to his mind.

Either way, I don't swing that way.

I still looked at the wooden box in front of me. It was a very vintage type of box, heavy too. The lid was already open, and inside was a platinum-plated triangular pendant with a long chain. The inscription that was supposed to be on the pendant was on the chain, with the final rune in the center of the triangular pendant.

Unlike the one in Beast Mastery class, this one was a lot slimmer.

"More like jewelry accessory... he has good taste," Blaze commented.

And yes, this is the Convergence Amulet that I asked Alver to get for me yesterday. This morning, a man, one of our professors, came to my door with this box and said that my elder brother sent it to me.

I was a bit confused, but I accepted it as I was in a deep slumber. The name on the box was, of course, mine, but when I opened the box, this thing was inside. He actually found me an S-Tier Convergence Amulet in a single night.

This is ridiculous... even if you have enough money, that doesn't mean you can find such a rare artifact in a single night.

"That's why I said you should keep an eye on him," Blaze continued to blabber, but I ignored him.

Picking up the locket, I found a small note under it stuck to the box.

[Hello, well, you, Ren, I guess you received what you wanted, and I kept my promise.

I am going to Viceburg now. I'll keep in contact with letters and ask you if there are any problems while executing the plan and... remember the price of the Amulet is about three thousand gold coins, and I will keep the orphanage untouched and keep the expenses on my tab, just saying~]

...He is trying to list what he has done, huh?

I am really interested in how much money this guy has.

"He invested this much money in you after just one meeting yesterday?" Blaze is normal for doubting, but both Alver and I know that once Viceburg is cut off from the Empire, the revenue it'll generate will make this investment look like a speck of dust in comparison.

"Wanna try it out?" He asked and--

"Nah, I am hungry," I am pretty sure that I could smell something great. Since the level-up, my senses have heightened a lot.

I changed my clothes and took a bath. I'll try this out at the end of the date as I am sure that today we have Runecrafting.

I missed about the first two lectures because I was too lazy to go, but now I think I should. If I am able to carve some runes by myself, then it'll be good to understand the mana flow.

"You could've taken that elemental manipulation subject then. It would be better, right?" And here I am questioning why this guy still hasn't-- "Is this because you think you are so special because you can manipulate the raw mana in the atmosphere and its density while also using techniques that can discern the pattern of the elemental spells while the formation of it and the pull between the mana and elements?" And I think I have been mistaken. He actually is an oldie for knowing all this, but--

"I want to know all these things that aren't mentioned in the game story. Basic magic is the same, but there are layers to it that no one seems to know. Everything makes sense, but there are also rules that are backing the rules of basic magic, too, which is quite unsettling." I sighed, and this talk is making me a bit sleepy.

I was never a fan of theories but was interested in the answers.

In the game, there are four elements and a few advancements to each element. There is mana and a mana core. Dragons are mentioned, but Phoenixes are not that important.

Two Gods are there, but no mention of the other seven gods alongside the places above the map and the way the demon kind is moving is also unknown. But now, knowing it makes sense.

"Just say you want to try to create the rift between the fundamentals of this world itself, don't try to be roundabout about it." And it's not a good thing that I can't get this cat out of my mind.

And yes, it's true that I want to try and experiment a few things, and Runecrafting can help me try a few things that are actually... quite unique.

Creating Elemental Weapons... might sound absurd, as it's not as if it wasn't tried before. In the Arcane History book Year: 1432, it was told that this failed because whatever kind of runes were combined or made, the only thing that could be channeled into the weapon is mana and nothing else. At most, you can cover your weapon with your elemental magic.

Second is recreating the elemental manifestations.

"Just trying to fail?" Blaze questioned.

"Well, as a diligent student of Imperial Academy, I should keep learning." I adjusted my collar and went downstairs.

After the brief discussion with Blaze, I proceeded to have breakfast. The aroma of freshly baked bread and the sound of sizzling bacon filled the dining hall. I grabbed a tray and helped myself to a hearty meal, trying to savor every bite as I knew the day ahead would be filled with challenges.

'....Dude, how hungry are you? At least make less noise.' Blaze was saying this, but I am quite hungry today.

I ignored the gazes of people around the table. It doesn't matter what they think for now.

I checked, and yes, the curse's impact has gone down to about 12 percent. This affected everyone a lot, even when I was coming to my dorm room, everyone was staring at me, not even flinching anymore.

'Well, it's not wrong.' Blaze added.

With breakfast behind me, I made my way to the last building of the academy where the Runecrafting class was held. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the campus, and the chatter of students going about their business filled the air.

I approached the Runecrafting classroom, feeling a sense of anticipation building within me. Runecrafting was a fascinating subject, and I was eager to explore the intricacies of this ancient art. The door to the classroom stood ajar, and I entered to find the room already abuzz with students, each engrossed in their preparations.

The Runecrafting classroom was a sight to behold, bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of mystical runes etched into the walls. These ancient symbols shimmered with a faint, otherworldly light, casting intricate patterns and shadows across the room.

The desks and chairs were made of rich, dark wood, adorned with elaborate carvings of mythical creatures and arcane sigils. Runestones and crystals were carefully placed on each desk, each one emitting a gentle, soothing aura. The room was adorned with various magical artifacts, from enchanted scrolls to ornate staffs, creating an atmosphere of profound reverence for the subject matter.

In the center of the room, a massive stone slab served as a platform for practical demonstrations. Professor use it to showcase the intricate process of crafting runes, and it bore the scars of countless runes that had been etched and erased over the years.

The class was taught by Professor Elgara, a renowned expert in Runecrafting. Her reputation preceded her, and I had known that she was both a strict and knowledgeable instructor.

I took my seat and couldn't help but glance around at my fellow classmates, wondering if any of them shared my enthusiasm for this subject.

It seemed, however, that most of them were more interested in keeping their distance and muttering among themselves. I wasn't sure what was going on in their minds. Did I look like a monster to them? Or were they making up something in their minds about me?

I wasn't sure about the purpose of the curse – what it meant to be "cursed by the world," as the system panel had indicated. Nonetheless, I tried to focus on the lesson.

Professor Elgara entered the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. She was a tall, imposing figure with a no-nonsense air about her. Her long, silver hair framed her face, and her piercing blue eyes seemed to assess each student's commitment to the subject.

"Pull your rune crafting grimoires,pick up a Batfish tooth quill from that shelf over there and craft the five origin runes on the acacia wooden plank I gave you last time." She did not wait for even a second....

I don't have a wooden plank.

"You new face, Got to the last shelf and get a plank,Lazy asses who can't even bother to attend lectures regularly." She clicked her tongue but-

I immediately ran and got myself a board,"Thanks." I appreciate it.

As for...What are the five origin runes?

"That wall over there, Look at it and carve the same ones,make sure to put even flow of mana into the quill so you don't mess up the deepness of the craved runes," She advised.

She actually is a good teacher I guess.

[A/N: Blaze should take a break on those bl novels.]

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