No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 222 Keep your window open.

Chapter 222  Keep your window open.

[A/N: Quite peaceful innit?]

Ren's voice held a curious tone as he asked, "What about them?"

Raven's smile was hopeful as she responded, "So my friends... you know they are coming back."

However, Ren's reaction was not what she expected. He cocked a brow and asked, "The same ones who left you here alone in the academy?"

The words were delivered without any hint of happiness or interest, and it stung a bit when Raven heard him say that outright to her face. It was as if she was the one who decided to stay back, even though her grandfather had warned her not to leave the academy. But now, reflecting on it, nobody had really insisted that she come along either.

"Oh, sorry!! I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that," Ren immediately facepalmed himself.

"N-no, it's fine... I just thought I could share it with you," Raven stuttered.

"You can. I'm sorry for saying something like that... Please continue," Ren insisted, his expression apologetic.

Raven went silent, unsure of how to proceed. She didn't know why, but she wasn't as enthusiastic as before to share her news.

Ren, realizing his error, decided to comfort her. He gently grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Hey, I'm just a bit irritated. I didn't mean it in that way. Can you please continue what you were about to say?"

His expression was apologetic, and he appeared sincere in his desire to make amends.

Raven, after a moment of contemplation, nodded and said, "Nah, there's nothing much. It's just that they are coming back, and I had no one to share this with, so I came to you."

She tried to shake off the excessive thoughts that had been bothering her.

Ren sighed and got up from his seat, almost startling Raven. He walked to the cafeteria kitchen.

While he was away, Raven found herself with a new companion – Blaze, the black cat with small wings. The cat jumped onto her lap and stretched itself, emitting a contented "Nya~."

Raven looked at the cat and immediately began to pet it. Her fondness for cute things was evident, and Blaze certainly fell into that category. She lovingly petted its head, nape, and even its stomach. It was amusing to see how the cat allowed her to pet it wherever she pleased.

Then, unexpectedly, Blaze grabbed her chest, causing her to squeal, "Angh!" She quickly scolded the cat, "Bad manners," and playfully flicked its forehead.

In a matter of minutes, Ren returned to the table, his hands held behind his back. However, both he and Blaze froze as they locked eyes, seemingly engaged in some sort of non-verbal conversation. Blaze then leaped out of Raven's lap, distancing himself from them.

Raven, curious about the sudden change in behavior, couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

Ren offered a vague explanation, "Well, it looks like he has something more important to do, anyways." He then placed a box in front of Raven and cleared a space by removing a few books from the table.

Raven was still baffled by the number of books. "What is this?" she inquired.

Ren simply replied, "Open it," directing her with his eyes.

She hesitated for a moment before reaching for the lid of the paper box. The simplicity of the box suggested that there was something edible inside.

"I heard it's quite popular in Reva Kingdom," Ren explained as he took his seat, moving closer to Raven. He rested his elbow on the table, propped his head up with his hand, and looked at her with a smug expression.

Raven's eyes widened in disbelief, "Solven Berry Jelly?" It was a pleasant shock.

"Yep... quite hard to get here at this season, but I managed somehow. I was going to pass by your classroom to give it to you, but it's a good thing that you came here," Ren chuckled.

Raven couldn't help but ask, "How?" She was genuinely puzzled by how he acquired something she loved so much.

"Haha, I have my ways," Ren replied, puffing his chest out a bit, which she found rather cute.

Raven, still trying to process the situation, asked, "How did you know that I like these?"

Ren gave a matter-of-fact response, "Who doesn't? You're from Reva... I can tell just by looking at you, and it's a stereotype that y'all love this stuff. Have a bite and forgive me for saying that about you."

She couldn't help but smile at his response.

It's hard to understand this boy,she thought to herself, amused by Ren's unpredictability.

Raven's smile continued to brighten as she realized the sincerity of Ren's gesture, and she genuinely appreciated his thoughtfulness. "Thank you," she said, feeling touched by his kindness.

Ren's smug expression softened into a warm smile as he observed Raven's reaction. "You're welcome. I thought it might brighten your day a little," he replied in a friendly tone.

Taking a bite of the Solven Berry Jelly, Raven closed her eyes, savoring the taste. It was every bit as delicious as she remembered. "Mmm, this is amazing," she commented between bites. "You have no idea how much I love this stuff."

Ren chuckled, noting, "I can tell. It's written all over your face when you eat it."

Playfully rolling her eyes, Raven replied, "Is it that obvious?"

He nodded, adding, "Well, it's a good thing I can read those signs, then."

His words made her blush slightly, as if he was indirectly implying that he was happy to be able to read her expressions.

Changing the topic, Ren inquired, "Anyways, how'd you know that they are coming back?"

Raven tried to answer while swallowing her food. "A letter, I got one."

Ren continued, "It might be odd, but what were they doing in the Elishia Forest?"

Raven momentarily froze. She couldn't reveal the true reason for Adam and his group going to the Elishia Forest. So, she replied with a fabricated story, "It's... a trip. They went there for a trip before the Mage Gambit."

"Oh," Ren responded, and a brief silence followed. Did he sense that she was not entirely truthful?

Raven's heart raced. For some reason, she didn't want Ren to think she was lying, he's a first friend she had besides Adam.

"Haa, still, it's good that your friends are coming back," Ren leaned back in his chair and sighed, adding, "Here I am, stuck like this."

"Huh? Why?" Raven questioned with a puzzled look.

Ren dramatically pointed at the thickest book on the table, his face conveying a mix of frustration and resentment. She watched him with a playful glint in her eyes, waiting for his answer.

She found his body language amusing and couldn't help but chuckle, a smile spreading across her face.

He let out a tired sigh and explained, "Arcane History. Our professor told us to be ready for a written test by tomorrow, and I don't understand it at all." The way he furrowed his brow and pouted made her wonder a lot.

"Arcane History? Isn't it easy?" Raven questioned, not fully understanding Ren's struggle. She wore a playful smirk, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Ren seemed frustrated and said, "Heh? That's some bull. It's not easy at all. Why do we even have to learn about some old, crappy people who have died a long time ago?" He sounded a bit like a child throwing a tantrum, and she couldn't help but find it endearing.

Raven couldn't let such a statement pass, especially since she grew up on stories of these old mages. "That's wrong! Arcane History is interesting!" Her animated expression and the way her eyes sparkled as she defended her point were truly captivating.

Ren countered, "No, it's not!" His insistence and the way he folded his arms over his chest added a touch of adorableness to his frustration.

But Raven wasn't ready to give in. "It is!" She stared at him firmly, her determination mixed with a bit of  stubbornness.

Ren seemed a bit embarrassed as he scratched his cheek and asked, "Really?" His bashful expression and the slight pink tint on his cheeks made her heart flutter.

Raven nodded vigorously in affirmation, her enthusiasm evident in her bright eyes and the radiant smile that graced her lips.

Ren, still a bit hesitant, finally said, "Can I ask you to help me, then?" The hopeful look in his eyes was simply irresistible.

"yes!"Raven's response was immediate and resolute, and the warmth in her gaze as she agreed could melt even the iciest heart.....

Why does this feel quite funny? She thought to herself.

Ren suddenly got up from his seat and said, "Keep your window open by midnight." He left swiftly, leaving Raven slightly perplexed. She watched as he disappeared from the cafeteria, unable to utter a response in time.


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