No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 228 Flying Lesson.

Chapter 228 Flying Lesson.

[Ren Hilton POV]

The first level, Ember Initiate, brought about a fundamental change. It introduced me to my new bloodline and expanded mana pool. However, the standout feature was gaining absolute control over raw mana—pure and unrefined.

Moving on to the second level was peculiar. Blaze mentioned an interruption during my progression to Flame Adept. Despite the disruption, this level granted me an understanding of mana, elemental vision, and an enhanced awareness of presence. Strangely, it also strengthened my bones and anatomy.

The third level, leading to the title of Scorchmaster, marked a significant transformation. It involved a reconstruction of my inner structure, reshaping my entire back to accommodate wings. This time, the change was not only internal but also extended to my physical form.

During this transformation, I experienced a peculiar vision, as if looking through someone else's eyes. Additionally, the process created a pocket within me, allowing the wings to retract when not in use.

"First two levels were most likely to prepare you for the bigger change," Blaze commented, observing his surroundings in his Winged Pardus Form.

"Well," I paused, closed my eyes, and focused on relaxing. While maintaining the wings retracted required continuous mental effort, it was worth it despite the occasional discomfort.

"Ugh," I winced, wondering why the movement of the wings caused pain. Nevertheless, I unfolded two beautiful pairs of wings from my back.

"Then let's start the flying lesson!" Blaze exclaimed enthusiastically as I prepared to take flight, looking straight ahead.

Perched atop a mountain, the scene was breathtaking. Two moons hung luminous in the night sky, casting a gentle glow over the landscape.

A carpet of countless stars adorned the heavens, creating a spectacle. The mountain range, situated on the western edge of Solstice, reached enormously heights.

From this point, the entire city sprawled below, its twinkling lights resembling scattered gems. The air was crisp, carrying a refreshing chill. The quietude was occasionally interrupted by the soft rustle of the breeze, adding to the serene ambiance.

"Ya said this is the place that most of the town folks used after the demon invasion hit, right?" He asked.

"Yep," I answered as I looked down the height,the drop was quite deep and the number of caves made it hard for demons to invade people inside.

"Alright, Princess, let's delve into the intricacies of flight," Blaze declared, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Flying isn't just about spreading your wings and taking off. It's an art, a dance with the wind, an understanding of currents and thermals-"

"Stop with the bullshit,"I stopped him silently.

"Ahem*First, the basics of wing control," Blaze began. "Your wings are an extension of your body, and mastering them is crucial. Adjusting the angle and surface area of your wings determines your direction and speed."

With a fluid motion, Blaze demonstrated the fine-tuned adjustments, showcasing the effortless grace that came with mastery. "Feel the air," he advised. "It whispers its secrets. Listen, and you'll know how to go through it."

The night air enveloped us, and I tentatively extended my wings. The feeling was extraordinary—a mix of liberation and trepidation. Blaze watched, his eyes reflecting a blend of encouragement and guidance.

"Great, Princess.....Now, let's talk about lift and descent," he continued. "To ascend, you increase the surface area of your wings and catch the upward drafts. For descent, reduce the surface area and let gravity guide you down."

"Kay," I responded, absorbing Blaze's instructions. The night sky stretched above us, a vast canvas awaiting my newfound wings to paint through the air.

Blaze floated in the air, his fur catching the moonlight, as he effortlessly demonstrated the principles of ascent and descent. I took a deep breath, focusing on the air currents around me.

"Ascend," Blaze directed,

"Haa,"took a deep breath and I adjusted the surface area of my wings, feeling the resistance beneath them. The sensation was exhilarating as I lifted off the ground, gaining altitude with each calculated wing movement.

"Now, let's try descent," Blaze suggested. I followed his guidance, reducing the surface area of my wings, and gradually descended with precision.

As Blaze spoke, I experimented with the adjustments. The sensation of lifting off the ground was good, a rush of adrenaline accompanying the newfound freedom.

Descending, however, proved to be a delicate balance, requiring finesse.

"Now, turns and maneuvers," Blaze instructed. "Tilt one wing slightly to turn. Experiment with the subtleties; the sky is your canvas."

He thinks he's artist huh

I tilted my right wing slightly, feeling the resistance change as I smoothly turned to the left. The night air whispered around me, a gentle caress as I navigated my movements.

Blaze observed with a nod, encouraging me to explore the subtleties of wing control.

"Not bad, Princess," he praised. "Now, let's add some flair. Try a spiral descent."

I took a moment to absorb the instruction before gradually reducing the surface area of my wings while simultaneously tilting to the right. The spiral descent felt like my head was spinning a bit, a controlled descent.

Blaze grinned, "Not bad at all. Now, let's spice things up with a loop."

I adjusted my wings for the upward motion of a loop. The rush of wind intensified as I ascended, completing the loop with a sense of accomplishment.

"Excellent!" Blaze commended. "You're catching on fast. Now, let's wrap up with a gentle landing."

Descending, I adjusted my wings to slow the descent, landing on the ground with newfound confidence. Blaze floated down beside me.

"Flight is a language," he said. "The more you converse with the sky, the more it reveals its secrets to you."

I sighed, appreciating the poetic aspect of his words.

"You love flying, huh?" I looked at him.

"I was a dragon, you fucking dumbass," he hissed, "Of course I like to fly, the sky in this realm and in the upper realm is different, but the feel is the same."

"Whatever," I shrugged.

We soared a bit more above the mountain, the city lights below shimmering like distant constellations. The wind whispered itself, and with each maneuver, I felt a deeper connection to the art of flight.

Blaze initiated a gentle spiral descent, and I followed suit. The mountainous landscape unfolded beneath us, a mesmerizing tapestry of shadows and moonlit peaks.

"Fucker... you're a natural," Blaze complimented. "But there's more. Flying isn't just about solo performances. It's about synchronicity when you're flying in tandem with others. It's about understanding the unspoken language of the sky."another not needed quote.

He gestured for me to join him in a side-by-side flight. As we navigated the night, Blaze introduced me to the nuances of synchronized flight—anticipating movements, complementing each other's trajectories, and maintaining the pace.

"Communication is key," Blaze emphasized. "Not through words but through movements. Watch, learn, and respond."

"Alright, Princess, let's push our limits," Blaze proposed. "Let's breach the cloud layer. It's a different world up there."

lightsΝοvel.cοm As Blaze and I soared higher into the night sky, the city lights below us resembled tiny jewels scattered across the landscape. The air grew colder, and the gentle breeze played with my hair as we ascended. Blaze's wings cut through the air with precision, and I marveled at the grace with which he navigated the vast expanse above.

"Feeling the sky, Princess?" Blaze's voice echoed in the my mind, carrying a sense of exhilaration.

"Yeah," I responded, a mix of excitement and uncertainty coursing through me.

The city below was shrinking rapidly, and the stars above seemed to draw closer. The moonlight bathed us in its silvery glow as we ventured into higher altitudes.

As we reached a point where the city lights blurred into a mesmerizing mosaic, Blaze suggested, "Let's go above the clouds. The real beauty lies there."

I nodded in agreement, and together we ascended even higher, leaving the city lights far below. The air became thinner, and the world transformed into a dreamlike panorama. Above the clouds, the moon cast ethereal shadows, creating a surreal picture of shifting shapes.

"Isn't it breathtaking?" Blaze exclaimed, his eyes reflecting the magic of the night sky.

I couldn't help but agree as we continued our ascent. The clouds felt like soft cotton beneath us, and the silence at this altitude was profound. It was a serene escape from the bustling world below.


"Huh!!,"But then, amidst the tranquility, a sudden jolt disrupted my focus.

My heartbeat echoed loudly in my ears, and my body froze. Panic set in as I realized something was wrong.

"what's happening?" Blaze's concern seeped into his voice.

I struggled to respond, feeling an inexplicable interruption in the rhythm of my heart. It was as if an invisible force had seized control, and my body refused to obey.

The world tilted, and my vision blurred. I could hear Blaze's urgent words, but they sounded distant, distorted. Fear gripped me as I began to lose control of my descent. The sky that had once felt like a vast playground became a disorienting maze.

My body felt as if it was dropping down,the wind howling past my ears.

" Snap out of it!" Blaze's voice cut through the haze as I spiraled downward, the clouds rushing towards me with increasing speed.

I fought against the invisible force, desperately trying to regain control. My wings felt heavy, unresponsive. Panic turned into a visceral fear as the ground below approached rapidly.

"Ren!" Blaze's shout seemed to pierce through the chaos.

The rush of air against my face intensified, and I struggled to level my descent.

Everything was silent,even in the moment of this panic- I felt still even when falling.

I couldn't feel anything but a string of strange words- more like hymns.

I tried to control my breathing atleast but it felt like the air inside was getting forced out.

In that harrowing moment, every fiber of my being focused on overcoming whatever had seized control.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"Then, with a sudden release, the resistance vanished. My wings responded, and I stabilized in mid-air. Relief flooded through me as I realized I had averted a free fall.

"Ren, are you okay?" Blaze hovered beside me, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.

"Yeah, I... I don't know what happened," I stammered, still shaken by the inexplicable interruption.

"Take it easy, Princess," Blaze advised,"We....can continue later." He seemed...a bit off.

"Fuck was that," I cracked my neck sideways as Blaze gave me a ride back the academy.

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