No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 234  - Gambit.

Chapter 234  - Gambit.

I leaned in a bit, trying to catch a glimpse of what was inside the box. The aroma emanating from it was tantalizing, making my stomach growl involuntarily.

Cecelia smiled mischievously and revealed the contents—a spread of mouthwatering homemade sandwiches neatly arranged on a platter. Layers of fresh vegetables, slices of succulent meat, and a variety of cheeses peeked out from between the slices of bread.

"those look amazing." I complimented.

"I thought we could have a little picnic," Cecelia said, offering me a sandwich from the platter.

I accepted, taking a bite. The flavors exploded in my mouth—fresh and delicious, the perfect combination of savory and tangy. I savored every bite, relishing the taste of the carefully crafted sandwich.

"You're quite the cook," I complimented between bites.

"I had some help," she replied, her smile widening.

As we enjoyed our impromptu picnic, the atmosphere around us remained tranquil. The occasional breeze ruffled our hair, and the sound of students chatting and laughing in the distance filled the air.

"You know," Cecelia began, breaking the peaceful silence, "you're not what I expected."

"Oh? And what were you expecting?" I asked, intrigued.

"I don't know... something different, I suppose," she admitted, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

I chuckled. "I get that a lot."

'I get that lot.....fucker,' Blaze cursed.

"Well, different isn't always bad," she said thoughtfully, taking a sip from her water bottle.

Our conversation drifted to lighter topics, and for a moment, it felt like time had slowed down. We finished our sandwiches, enjoying the simple pleasure of good food and pleasant company.

I glanced at Cecelia. She seemed relaxed, a serene expression on her face as she gazed out at the surrounding scenery.

"Thanks for this," I said, breaking the comfortable silence. "It's been a while since I've had such a chill meal."

"Likewise," she replied with a nod, a soft smile gracing her features.


Eyes were drawn towards the entrance, where I noticed a stream of students rushing into the arena. It was a chaotic scene, as if the entire academy population was converging in this direction.

Cecelia seemed puzzled by the sight, her brow furrowing slightly. It was clear that she, too, was taken aback by the sudden rush of students towards the arena. Confusion marked her expression as she glanced around, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Looks like something big's going on," she remarked, gesturing towards the crowded entrance.

"Yeah, seems like it," I replied, my gaze fixed on the throng of students.

The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation, indicating that there was more to this gathering than met the eye. As the noise from the growing crowd filled the air, it became increasingly apparent that something significant was about to unfold inside the arena.

The seats filled up quickly, and some students resorted to sitting on the stairs.

And that's precisely why I came to the arena.

After Stormborne's announcement, it was clear everyone needed to be present here, and since I knew the importance of securing a proper seat...

'You came here like a child to book your seat in advance,' Blaze remarked.

Well, yeah, I didn't plan on sitting on the stairs.

'...childish,' he sighed.

Cecelia leaned towards the students beside her, engaging with a guy—it was the same nerdy guy from the Beast Mastery class.

He seemed to flinch a bit, perhaps embarrassed when Cecelia spoke to him. Well, she was a beautiful woman, so it wasn't surprising that his heart might be racing.

Cecelia returned to me. "He says that the Headmaster has an announcement for all the student years," she stated, reiterating what I already knew.

"Oh, really... interesting," I responded, playing along with the information.

A professor , a stern figure , strode into the center of the arena, a massive grimoire floating gracefully beside him. With a flick of his hand, the ground beneath him rippled and lifted, forming a stage-like structure amidst the arena.

As the murmurs of the gathered students filled the air, an echoing screech from the sky interrupted the chatter. Heads turned upward, and a collective gasp rose among the crowd as a massive Griffin soared above them. Its wingspan cast a shadow over the ground as it flew, causing some students to instinctively duck as it passed overhead, Professor Harris astride its back.

The spectacle didn't end there. Following the buttercup flyby, the entirety of the academic staff hurriedly made their way onto the stage, forming a line behind Professor Harris. Each member carried an air of importance, their expressions a mix of solemnity and anticipation.

The student council soon followed suit, filing in behind the faculty members, their posture reflecting a sense of responsibility.

The atmosphere crackled with a blend of excitement and curiosity, the anticipation palpable among the students as they gazed at the assembly on the stage. Whispers and hushed conversations fluttered through the crowd, everyone speculating about the reason for such a grand gathering.

The professor's grimoire floated closer to him, and with a subtle wave of his hand, the surrounding noise began to fade. The arena fell into a hushed silence, all attention now fixed on the stage, waiting for the impending announcement.

The anticipation hung heavy in the air, creating an electric atmosphere that hinted at something momentous about to unfold. The students, eager and expectant, leaned forward in anticipation of what Professor Harris and the assembly were about to reveal.

Professor Harris stood tall on the elevated stage, his commanding presence silencing the murmurs that had spread among the students. With a raised hand, he gestured towards the sky, his voice projecting across the arena, "Welcome Maximilian Alistair Stormborne!! The headmaster of our esteemed academy!!"

'Why'd you even show off like that then?' Blaze's question echoed in my mind, stirring a hint of skepticism within me.

.... it's true, you don't have to hype that much for someone else..... whatever.

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