Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 5: Witch and Paramecium (Preface)

Chapter 5: Witch and Paramecium (Preface)

Chapter 5: Witch and Paramecium (Preface)

"Sit down, coffee or tea?"

After what happened in the restaurant, they finished the bill and left in a hurry. C. C. affectionately suggests that Adrien, who is not in a stable mood, go home to have a rest, and she also tacitly follows Ade into the "Lingers' home".

"Water will do. Don't you explain what happened just now? You've succeeded in arousing my curiosity. It's very unpleasant to feel that only you understand and I don't understand at all. " C. C. sitting casually at one end of the L-shaped sofa in the living room, looking at the room.

Although the room is not big, it is clean. All kinds of things are put in order. The door of the bedroom is not closed. She can see that the inside is also clean. Even the quilt is folded neatly. The owner here must be a very self disciplined person, right?

"Sorry for the gaffe." Ade puts a glass of water in front of C.C., makes himself a cup of black tea and sits down on the other end of the sofa. Now he has completely calmed down, as if nothing had happened. "There's nothing to explain, literally. To you and to me, I am neither natural nor unnatural. How to say, just like, just like Paramecium?"

"Paramecium?" C. C. pondering over the word, "Paramecium that is neither an animal nor a plant"

"It's easy to talk to smart people." Ade picked up the cup and took a sip. The light bitterness spread from the tip of his tongue. "As for the reason, this is one of my most important secrets. I'm afraid I can't tell you."

"In that case, Mr. Paramecium, let's go back to the original question. Do you want to make a deal with me?"C.C. knows that there won't be any result after questioning, and decisively chooses to change the topic. "Of course, the content of the transaction is completely different from before. Don't be too busy refusing. You've got new information. Why don't you rethink?"

"Can I ask what the previous deal was?"

"What's the point?" C.C. looks at the young man in front of her with great interest. No, she can be sure that he is not a young man at all. C.C. has absolute confidence in her age judgment. I'm afraid you've forgotten that you're a teenager, right? Or are you too lazy to pretend to be a shy teenager after being exposed? It doesn't matter. What's important is that her intuition tells her that there has never been such a suitable person in her long life, and she doesn't know when she will meet another again.

C. C. I don't know what she has in common with the man in front of her. Adrien Lingus's resume is very clear. He is just an ordinary genius scientist. But before in the restaurant, although the feeling of soul resonance is ethereal, it is absolutely true, and the sadness is also very familiar. In this case, there is no reason to miss this opportunity, right? Thinking of this, C.C. let herself sit next to Ade.

This sudden action surprised Ade, but he didn't ask "What are you doing?". The fragrance of shampoo from the hair nearby is a bit trance, and the hands holding the cup are also white. No matter how much he has the superiority of being a transmigrator, his life length is only a fraction of hers, right? Ade picked up the cup and took another sip. The tea was specially made very thick, but the bitter taste can make people think rationally instead of being influenced by some irrelevant factors.

"You seem to know exactly what I want, and I'm surprised, but I'll call it a day." C. C.'s cold voice came from one side, and she was calm and arrogant again. "For the sake of fairness, let's talk about what you want first? Understand this, you can make the right judgment. So answer me, Ade, what do you want? I can feel that you have no interest in power. "

"Nothing in particular." Has it become Ade? It's so unusual. "If I have to say that, make a very powerful Gundam? It's better to have nuclear power. Lithium batteries are too bad. And I'll hang up all the weapons I can think of on it. Oh, by the way, it won't be a commodity, it will totally belong to me. "

Did the man not understand her problem at all? C.C. thinks it's funny. It's like the graduation plan submitted to the university only says that I want to eat steak when I go out to play next weekend. It's like the proposition called "my ideal" only says that I want to travel abroad next year. Do you really not understand or are you just such a person? Strength, wealth, women, what do you want at least? It's OK to yearn for scientific truth according to your setting. "Make a very powerful Gundam"? It's just "very powerful", not even "the strongest". Isn't this kind of answer too funny?

C. C. losing the desire to answer, the air suddenly quiets down. She looked at the room again in a dull way to dispel her restlessness.

The kitchen is extremely clean, and there are only instant food bags in the garbage can. The tables and chairs in the dining room have no trace of being used. The door of the master bedroom used by the dead parents was closed and the inside could not be seen. In the second bedroom in use, except for computers and printers, she can't see anything that can be used for entertainment. All around the cabinet did not put any decorative items or practical life props. Even in front of the tea table, in addition to two cups, even toilet paper and fruit tray and other things are not. Is this a home? Hotel or tavern, no matter which is more appropriate than "home" to call this place, right?

Ah, I see. C.C. suddenly understood where the restless feeling came from and where the disobedience of this room came from. So it is. Adrien Lingus fully understood her questions and answered them honestly. His world is like this room, where there is neither dazzling hope nor ferocious desire. And the funny answer is already the best he can give.

So this person is actually the same as myself, and what's more interesting is that he has no consciousness. This feeling of empathy and intimacy from the bottom of my heart is proving that my judgment is completely correct, and the strange feelings I just felt in the restaurant have all been reasonably explained. Is this feeling of wandering for countless years and seeing another self at the end of the universe? An accomplice? No, another patient, right?

"Well, let's make a contract."

Is my answer too wordless? All in all, C.C. was inexplicably quiet and didn't continue to talk to himself. To be honest, Ade doesn't know what to do. All of a sudden, Geass became something that was good for him. What he said at noon is just because he is afraid of being read mind and brainwashed. Although the reason is a little ironic, if all the things you are afraid of disappear, is it OK to accept Geass? The only danger is that Geass will be out of control if he uses it too much and the agreement to kill C.C. Is the latter mandatory? If not, the decision is in my own hands, right?

"Well, let's make a contract."

C. C. interrupted Ade's thinking. This topic is too jumping, isn't it?

"You want to build your own Gundam? It takes a lot of money. I own 3% of Anaheim, which can be transferred to you. In exchange, you have to accept Geass. "

"It's too good for me, isn't it? Don't I have to do something?"

"You know, human beings grow up through cognition." C. C. suddenly turn over, straddle on Ade's legs, hold the back of the sofa with both hands, and look directly into Ade's eyes, "Recognize others, recognize the world, and then transform your own rationality and sensibility, this process is called growth."

C. C.'s aura is too strong. Her cheek is close to Ade's face. He can hear the sound of her breathing. The long hair across his face makes him feel a little itchy. He can feel the soft touch even through the clothes.

"And the most important of them is self-cognition. No matter what you are waiting for at the end of the line, there is no way to reach the end of the line for those who are just transforming themselves with reference to the outside world. " C. C. sounds like hypnosis, gradually eroding Ade's thinking. "It's like today, you've grown up once, and you've seen yourself that you didn't realize before."

"I have no way to grow up, but I want to see you come to the end, I believe you will give me a satisfactory answer. That's my wish. " Reason told him that what C.C. said was baffling and fragmented, but the brain somehow began to resist thinking. "Well, let's make a contract?"

Ade felt a trance of consciousness.

A V-shaped mark appeared on her forehead, and the invisible brilliant light gushes out from it. C.C.'s golden eyes seem to connect with Ade's consciousness. Ade sees time, civilization, survival and destruction in the depth of her pupils. And then it all came to an abrupt end.

"The contract is established, Mr. Paramecium."

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