Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 150: Looks Like a Complicated Situation (1)

Chapter 150: Looks Like a Complicated Situation (1)

I was a little surprised to unexpectedly run into Kuro in a place like this, but since we couldnt really talk here, I asked her to step aside for a moment. Kuro seemed quite dissatisfied but reluctantly moved away.


Um, long time no see? Or rather, why are you here, Kuro?

Im going with you.


Huh? I cant quite grasp what shes saying.

Im going with Ren. So I came.

Just as I thought she was saying something incomprehensible, Kuro clung to me again. She didnt hug over my arms this time but oh, what should I do?

Well, um What about everyone else? Arent they with you?

I asked whether she came alone or with others, but there was no response. Instead, Kuro just buried her face in my stomach and kept rubbing. How do I handle this?

I looked over at Lily and Arisa, who were nearby, as if seeking help, but they both seemed equally puzzled. Well, I cant blame them.

Wait, Kuro and Ren? Whoa, seriously, you guys are here thats incredible.

As I was feeling a bit lost, Ryuu approached us, perhaps after the mock duel had ended. Thank goodness! Please help me out!

Its been a while, Ryuu. But why are you here? And could you please do something about this situation?

Oh, yeah. Hey, Kuro, let go of Ren for a moment. Its causing a scene. Okay?


No ughs now, okay? Come on, lets move a bit that way. Ren, and, uh, are your companions over there fine with I mean, is it alright with you?

Huh? Oh, yes, its fine.

Sorry, and thank you Kuro, shall we go? Um, Ren too.


No mghs either. Come on, Ren wont disappear or anything.

No, but seriously, Ryuu is amazing.

He easily calmed Kuro down and then gently detached her from me, leading the conversation in a different direction Right? Its Ryuu were talking about, isnt it?

We moved away from the crowded area, though not too far. Hopefully, we can have a more composed conversation here.

So its nice to see you again?

Yeah, its been a while. You seem well, Ren.

Oh, thank you? Um, so why are you two here?

Well a few things happened, but right now, were working as supporters at Gims place. He took on a special goblin hunting quest, and thats why we came together.

A supporter, in a nutshell, refers to the jack-of-all-trades in an adventurer party or clan. Their main roles include tasks like carrying supplies, setting up camps, keeping watch during overnight stays in the wilderness, managing the base during expeditions, and providing various forms of logistical support. Its a crucial and honorable role, particularly in larger clans or parties where theyre often hired. Some adventurers even specialize in being supporters, and the more capable they are, the more in demand they become among renowned clans and parties.

However, there are persistent issues in this profession, such as some adventurers with poor behavior or misunderstandings mistreating supporters or exploiting them for cheap labor. Some clans or parties also hire young, inexperienced adventurers who cannot undertake quests or hunts yet. They opt for this approach either to cut costs, as hiring dedicated supporter adventurers can be expensive, or because experienced adventurers with a nurturing attitude help mentor newcomers. Its also an opportunity for novice adventurers to gain practical experience in a live setting, making it a surprisingly popular job.

Wondering why Im so knowledgeable about this? Well, before I recalled my memories from my past life, I had planned to focus on gathering and support activities as my main role in adventurer activities after leaving the orphanage. So, I did quite a bit of research back then.

Oh, thats good to hear.

Yeah! It was quite enlightening, and Im really grateful I mean, thats not it. Um?

Kuro mentioned that shes going with me Whats that all about?

Oh you already heard about that? Uh, its a bit of a long story, and discussing it here is not quite well

Indeed, discussing a lengthy story in a place like this isnt practical.

Lily, Arisa, uh

Its alright. It seems like a complex matter, so we can continue the conversation at your home.

Thank you. In that case, Ryuu, we have a place were staying at, so lets continue the conversation there or is this time suitable? Should we wait for another time if its going to take long?

Oh, can you wait for a moment? Gim is over there; Ill go explain it to him.

Ryuu said this and ran off without waiting for a response. I must say, Ryuus growth is impressive. Youth is truly something else.

As for Kuro, shes been clinging to me and rubbing her head against me this whole time. Hmm, quite a contrast.

After that, I headed home with Ryuu, who had returned soon enough. On the way, I stopped him from buying dinner from a food stall and persuaded him to have a meal at home. Meanwhile, Kuro continued clinging to my clothes, making it slightly uncomfortable to walk, to say the least.

Upon returning home, we took baths, changed, and then resumed our conversation in the living room. By the way, both Kuro and Ryuu also took baths, Kuro with me and Ryuu by himself.

Lily and Arisa were busy preparing dinner. They seemed to have considerately left us alone. However, there werent any substantial barriers separating the kitchen from the living room, so their efforts were somewhat in vain.

Now, where should I start?

Ryuu, you can start from wherever you think is best.

Well for now, lets begin from the time when Ren disappeared from the capital city. It also relates to the story of me working as a supporter for Gim.

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