NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 326: The Enhanced Purgatory Scroll

Chapter 326: The Enhanced Purgatory Scroll

He took out the scroll and kept glancing shortly at it. "You once saved my life, so I hope this will be good repayment for you," he muttered before taking out a large number of the fruits and started squeezing them non-stop.

He didn't stop when the scroll broke free once and flew in the air. He even didn't check its status and continued to squeeze as many fruits as he could.

It wasn't until the scroll flew off for the fourth time that he stopped. The bow was something he used regularly and helped him in boosting his strength.

However for such a life saving scroll he didn't hesitate to push it further to the next level and consumed even twenty-thousand fruits to make it evolve for the fourth time.

"I hope you got great enhancements," he muttered while checking the info of the scroll with much anticipation.

"Purgatory fire scroll: dark scroll cursed by many and desired by most. Extremely rare item. Can be used infinitely. Each time will cost the user fifty thousand points to be used. 

When used, a purgatory fire will assault any hostile being around the player in a five mile radius. 

Can be used for an unlimited number of times. The purgatory fire will eat away one hundred thousand Hp from the targets per second for thirty seconds. 

After it ends, the targets will have an additional burning effect, losing twenty thousand Hp each second for the next sixty seconds. 

Targets killed from it will grant the player directly one tenth of the total damage they received from the scroll in the form of dark points."

"Damn!" Bloom couldn't help but suck a cold air of breath when he read the info of that scroll. "The consumption of its activation didn't change, but the other changes were worth much more than fifty thousand dark points per use."

The scroll got many advancements in regard to the duration, the damage effect, and even the burning effect.

However the greatest addition he had was the extra dark point addition.

"It's not an exaggeration to say this scroll had turned now to be a gold mine for me," he held it close to his chest and even caressed it like it was the most precious thing in the world.

"Go and rest inside for now," he sent it to his inventory, "I'm sure in the upcoming fight you'll play a pivotal role in my victory."

He then turned his attention towards another task. "Time to see the second ring then."

He took the second ring out with much anticipation and unlocked it the same way. However, to his disappointment, it was only filled with scrolls, gold coins, gears, and nothing else.

"At least I now know how that bastard kept taking out scrolls like candy," he muttered while taking out all the gears inside. "Time to milk out all the gold coins from these gears."

He was slightly dejected at finding nothing worthy inside the ring. However he wasn't that depressed about this result. After all, he was in desperate need of a gold coin at this stage.

"Time to work hard then," he took out his pandora box and started to dismantle all the gears he had acquired so far.

The number of the gears he had was now astronomical. He doubted he would need to go out and hijack any caravan at this point.

He kept tossing all the gears he had inside the box. Each gear took roughly a minute to be dismantled. After that he would gain a lot of gold coins and many materials.

"I'll store you inside the storage ring," he didn't put the materials inside the inventory and decided to store them up in the useless storage ring.

"I should hire a warehouse here," he muttered when he noticed his ring was slowly getting filled with large amounts of precious materials.

"I bet Nara would go mad after these materials," he grinned while putting another gear in the box and collecting the materials inside his ring.

As for the gold coins, he simply added them to his account while watching the number rapidly growing in time.

He also emptied the two rings off their gold coins and stored them. From the two rings alone he gained slightly over four million gold coins.

That made so much near his target, almost five million gold coins or slightly more were needed right now.

And after destroying a hundred gears, he got around two million. "I'm almost there," he said to himself while checking the large number of gears he had in both rings.

"I got all these without even touching any gear in my inventory."

He roughly calculated his current wealth based on the results he had so far from the box. "I would get almost fifty million gold coins if I dismantled all of these gears," he said with a big smile over his face.

"No need to go out once again," he deeply muttered while feeling more secure this way.

"I should lay low," he said while waiting for the box to do its magic and give him gold coins and materials, "the caravans at towns are much harder to attack than those at the villages."

He also knew the main problem lay in the presence of many traitors in the towns. He didn't know if this was only his bad luck or that was the state of the world, but he was pretty worried about going to any town to find himself surrounded by dark forces.

"I attracted more heat towards myself," he muttered, "I should lay low after all this is over. It's not wise to be the public enemy of the entire dark camp. Also I need to start organizing my forces and"

He was about to continue expressing his thoughts before he felt something weird.

"System alert: there is something wrong with your capsule. The player will be ejected in less than two minutes."

"System alert: the system detected a life threatening malfunction at the capsule. The player should exit the game now!"

Bloom's eyes widened for a second when he realized what was going on. "Screw you Dockrey," he cursed out loud before hurriedly selecting to exit the game at once.

The next moment he opened his eyes and saw a thick cloud of smoke filling his entire capsule.

And without any hesitation he kicked the capsule lid off, damaging it before he jumped off the capsule and stood in the middle of his room.

But he wasn't alone there.

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