NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 342: A Fight With A Mecha

Chapter 342: A Fight With A Mecha

However things weren't even that close from over!

The moment that giant mecha fell on the ground, it moved both hands, fanned out its fingers before slamming heavily over Bloom.

"As if I would let you flatten me like a fly," Bloom sneered before the next moment he linked a couple of dashes and managed to barely evade the falling hands.



Two massive explosive sounds erupted as a result of that attack. He landed over the shoulder of that giant machine while gazing up at the two giant hands.

The mecha seemed not to be much affected with the fall, not to mention the two slaps that felt like nothing to it. "So you can handle such force... impressive," he said with a laugh before arching his body to the front, "now let's see how well you do against my speed."

If the mecha used its giant arms to forcibly kill him or force him off it, then he wouldn't fight it with force. It would seem foolish of him if he did that.

The only advantage he had beside his small body size was his speed. The next moment he started to run fast, while the two giant hands started to fall.

Seeing them from such close distance felt like the entire sky was falling over him. It was very intimidating, but he didn't lose his cool at this moment.

As they came closer to him, trying to match his speed, he started to run left and right. His sudden moves came when the arms were almost over his head, and that prevented whoever was controlling this thing to adjust these arms in time.



Like before, they missed him while leaving behind two explosive sounds. This time Bloom was already on his way to the head of that mecha, aiming to kill whoever was controlling this thing.

He didn't know if those inside had malicious intent towards him or not, but considering the current situation there was only meaning to their presence here.

They wanted to take Liza back with them, and for him that was enough reason to kill them where they were standing.

He didn't like the idea of others forcing a gifted player like Liza. He needed her to provide him with much information he lacked. The gaps he had about this game were so vast.

Without Liza's help he would waste precious time trying to figure things out on his own.

And he wouldn't tolerate such a thing.


Just as he evaded the third attack of the big arms, a new change occured.

Those controlling the mecha seemed to drop the thought of killing him like that. Instead they let the two hands hit the ground with closed fists before pushing with all their might.

And the next thing happened was for that gigantic machine to tremble violently while being lifted off the ground.

"I'm growing tired of those arms of yours," Bloom turned his gaze towards the two giant arms before he pointed his four swords towards one of them. "Let's see how you will do against my sword storm skill... Sword storm!"

His swords moved at once and started to rotate fast around him. He aimed towards the nearest arm and then the swords darted without any warning towards that one.


The next moment a loud clunking sound echoed while the arm felt to have some damage. It leaned to the side, forcing the body of the mecha to lean towards that side.

"You should give up," suddenly the metallic loud voice appeared once again, "you can't win against us!"

"We'll see about that," Bloom didn't take what that voice said to the heart before he slowly muttered:

"Shade doppelganger festival!"

The next moment his clones appeared around. "Go, use your sword storm skills and make sure to cut those arms into pieces," he mercilessly gave the order while pointing with both swords in hand towards the two arms.

The next moment the clones moved.


Just as they did, the chest of that gigantic mecha started to shine. A ray of light forced its path towards the sky while shining over parts of the mecha body.




Just as that light appeared, some of his clones were vapourized when they touched it. "Such a lethal light... It's not from this world," Bloom gave a short glance towards that light before turning his back towards it, "it's a bad move to aim at my clones and leave me untouched."

He didn't use his clones for the aim of cutting those arms. In fact he used them as decoys, and it seemed his on the whim plan brought its unexpected fruits.

Before anyone realized it, Bloom finally landed over the ugly head of that mecha. He gazed upon those red circles while taking out one scroll out of his storage ring.

"I always heard that metals are great conductors to electricity..." he sneered before finally opening the scroll and reciting it.

Just as those controlling the mecha realized there was something wrong, the scroll was activated.

"Bye bye foolish idiots," he took his swords away while waving at those inside the ugly mecha with both hands.

"You won't kill us!" the sound roared from the speakers yet Bloom only smirked and said nothing.

The next moment thick tongues of lightning fell over the mecha body. At first the mecha seemed not harmed, but after a few seconds, the entire body started to crack open while many explosions occurred.

Bloom stood there on top of the ugly head. Crossing his arms, having a very annoying calm smile over his face, he looked like a demon at this moment to anyone watching.

And what was really terrifying was the fact that all the lightning falling over the mecha didn't dissipate. The metallic nature of that machine coupled with its enormous body enabled it to store lightning.

So even after the lightning was over, arcs of lightning kept dancing for long minutes all over the mecha body.

And from his position he could hear screams of agony as the lightning kept tormenting those inside it. They were players, Bloom knew that from the beginning.

But in front of this continuous torment no one could ever survive. They didn't even have any control over the mecha. In addition to that the mecha itself kept destroying under the constant bath of the lightning stored in its parts.

It was like a gigantic prison, where everything around was designed to torment and kill them over and over again.

In less than five minutes, Bloom couldn't hear any more sounds coming from the head of the mecha. "Time to make sure you are all gone," despite the dancing arcs of lightning around, he didn't hesitate to take his swords out and launch another barrage of his sword storm attack towards the head.

The once thick and sturdy metallic shell of that mecha turned into scraps now. With the slightest force the head was cracked open like a watermelon hitting a wall.

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