Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 488 Devil's Brawl

With Tyrant and Kaeldur emerging in the main hall, the atmosphere changed drastically.

While the Royal Princess smiled weirdly, trying to cover that she was a little shaken by the extremely dense killing intent that radiated from the two Devils, the Old Sacred Elf had switched his position.

He could tell that the two monsters posed far more danger than the trembling guards.

In fact, the guards stared at the two Devils in horror. They felt as if they were about to get devoured by the darkness currents that exuded from Kaeldur and Tyrant.

"Elves…unimportant…where are the Shelturion…" Tyrant grumbled while his huge hand reached out for Kaeldur, who was about to shoot past him to kill the guards that were crowded in a tight corner.

He grasped Kaeldur's body tightly and looked at the Devil with a faint smile on his face.

"Sorry, but I will never follow your commands!" The Tyrant of Destruction said while a mace of darkness manifested in his other hand. He hurled Kaeldur high in the air in front of him and smashed the mace against Kaeldur with all his might.

The smaller Devil was flung through the air with tremendous force and he smashed against the marble wall that crumbled due to the impact.

"...Huh?" The Old Sacred Elf and basically every other Elf in the main hall of the hidden laboratory looked at the situation with confused expressions.

They didn't understand what exactly was going on, but they could gauge a few things quite quickly.

The huge giant-like Devil was not interested in them and didn't even spare them a glance. They were searching for the Shelturion as well, and the Devils' relationship was far from close.

And, as if it was not obvious enough, both the Devils were extremely powerful!

"You motherf–..." Kaeldur shouted out loud before he realized that Tyrant had already begun to move.

Kaeldur's head was buzzing but he couldn't give up, not like that…never!! He didn't want to become Tyrant's lackey when going out dungeon raiding. That would be the worst possible fate…because he was bound to die in a mission led by Tyrant consisting of a bunch of Unique Keltia ranked Dungeons.

Nial was fully aware that the Tyrant of Destruction was reckless and that he loved to fight stronger opponents. It was quite obvious that Tyrant would target and end the worst dungeons and that it was likely for the group to sustain severe injuries.

Furthermore, Nial also knew that Kaeldur and Tyrant wouldn't be able to heal properly if they didn't rest inside his Heart of Darkness where a massive amount of dark energy and a considerable amount of Darkness Essence could tend to their injuries and nourish them.

'Nial believes that I can defeat Tyrant, otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed this bet…master believes in my strength!!' Kaeldur thought and he repeated the last part of his thought over and over as if it was a mantra that would give him unfathomable strength.

Kaeldur's limbs extended all of a sudden and his physique changed a little. The change was nothing remarkable at first and nobody paid attention to Kaeldur at first, either. However, the moment he disappeared from his position, everything changed drastically.

Tyrant had just appeared in front of the trembling guards. He raised the mace and smashed it downward with the intent to end several guards at the same time when a black light flashed across his field of vision. The black light burst through his mace, breaking it in countless pieces. Tyrant's attack was interrupted with tremendous force but a small and hideous smile appeared on his face as he looked to the ceiling on his right.

"You're finally getting serious?" He asked, looking at the monstrous, yet compact form Kaeldur had changed to. Kaeldur's physique had morphed into the form of an apex predator that was strong like a bear and as fast as a cheetah. Yet, somehow he looked like a black wolf with two long and dangerously gleaming tusks growing sideways out of his jaw.

His claws were longer than before and were glinting dangerously. Kaeldur didn't utter a single word but he opened his mouth and released a growl that was amplified with dense dark energy.

Even the veteran mercenaries began to quiver when the growl reached their ears. Their legs began to shake and they regretted having accepted the 'easy' money they were supposed to make guarding the hidden laboratory.

However, it was already too late to regret it. They had made their decision and had to live with the consequences…or die with them.

Tyrant didn't form a new mace with dark energy. Instead, he formed two large gloves with large knuckles before he averted his focus back to the shaking guards.

"If you tell me where the Shelturion Alchemists are, I will make it painless…" Tyrant said generously while smashing his fists against each other.

However, before any of the guards could even think about answering, Kaeldur had already begun to move and had turned into a black flash again by pushing himself from the ceiling of the main hall.

Cracks spread through the ceiling due to the applied force when Kaeldur shot forward and they continued to extend.

But nobody paid any attention to this.

On the contrary, all the attention was focused on the center of the main hall where two unidentified Devils were mercilessly slaughtering the slaves and mercenaries that had been bought, or hired to guard the hidden laboratory.

Unfortunately, all of them had not only failed in their duty but they all died as well, miserably at that…just because of a bet.

Kaeldur and Tyrant only cared about the number of guards they killed and increasing their kill count. They moved rapidly and recklessly, ignoring everything around them.

Nial scratched his back in embarrassment when he entered the main hall.

"That…was not exactly what I had expected…"

He sighed deeply but then shrugged his shoulders. His mana spread throughout the entire main hall and he quickly collected the remaining files and furniture that would be torn apart or altered thanks to the reckless combat style of his two Devils.

He might have given them a reason to feel like fighting but Nial hadn't expected Tyrant to smash Kaeldur against the wall, using his mace and full force at that.

But while that was already very impressive, Nial was also quite interested in Kaeldur's change of appearance.

'Kaeldur's mana and dark energy are sealed in exchange for the alteration in physique and increase in both strength and speed…that's pretty cool…'

Nial was glad that he had learned something new about Kaeldur and he began to wonder if it was possible to make use of this function while undergoing the Ancient Devilization with Kaeldur.

It was definitely worth a try even if Nial was pretty sure that it wouldn't work out.

Nonetheless, he kept observing the fight in front of him with extreme focus. His visualization gave him the finest details and Nial was pretty sure that he could perceive more than everyone else could see through their ordinary eyes.

There were several reasons for that, but it was mostly the rubble, dust, and body parts that were flung through the surroundings that made getting a good look at everything quite tricky.

Furthermore, Nial had heard that most people could only focus on one spot or area to look at at a time. He didn't have that problem because he could visualize everything and remain focused on every single detail of the battle all around him.

That way, he could also perceive that one of the mercenaries had turned invisible. The mercenary was just about to leave the enclosure and run for his life, when Kaeldur emerged behind him. Kaeldur didn't seem to be affected by the invisibility of the mercenary, let alone the fact that the mercenary's mana was camouflaged. The Devil was just about to tear the mercenary apart when Nial lifted his hand.

Kaeldur looked at Nial for a moment before turning away. The mercenary felt overjoyed to be spared his life and he began to thank mother God for his fortune when he noticed that a needle of darkness had pierced through his leg.

Stars swam in front of his eyes and he had to clench his fists and grit his teeth so as to not scream out loud.

Nial nodded his head in satisfaction before he cleared his throat.

"It's good that you survived, but come to me!" He ordered using dominion with the reinforcement of crimson moonlight.

His target was the invisible mercenary, who flinched at his words.

A moment later his eyes turned milky and it looked like he had lost something in his eyes, the gleam.

Afterward, he turned visible again.

"Yes, Sir…"

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