Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 54: In the Rain

Chapter 54: In the Rain

We had been so busy since my falling out with Mariela that Al hadn't noticed the two of us weren't spending time together. So when I practically bounced into the library after our meeting he was confused.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Today is a good day, that's all."

He eyed me strangely.

"What's so good about today? Haven't you noticed there is a thunderstorm out there? The windows have been rattling all day; I can hardly concentrate on my book."

"Stop reading then."

"There's nothing else to do!"

"Why not go play in the rain?" I suggested brightly.

Too bad I didn't have an umbrella or rain boots. I would go outside right then and dance around in the rain before coming back inside for a nice warm bath and hot chocolate.

Al glanced out the window before looking at me like I was crazy.

"You want to go outside. In that? You'll be soaked to the bone!"

I frowned. I guess the concept of waterproof items didn't exist here. How did anyone survive in a world without umbrellas or rain coats?

I thought back on an online article I had read once about the history of the raincoat. People had made coats out of animal intestines or covered wool in certain types of oil to keep sailing when it rained.

Since boats existed here, they had to have figured something out for the sails or everyone would be lost at sea any time there was a storm.

Aristocrats didn't need to go outside when it rained but surely the common folk who had to care for animals had found a solution in order to do their jobs.

I stared out at the rain. It was getting colder and colder. Our noble visitors left when they did to avoid the first snow.

Water resistant clothes had to exist somewherebut what about snow clothes?

Living in Arizona my whole life, I had been sledding exactly once when my family visited the mountains but the snow was so packed that we couldn't do anything else.

I wanted to build a snowman, have a snowball fight, make snow angels, and possibly build an igloo.

The one time we went, my mom borrowed clothes for us from a friend of hers who used to live in Wyomingsnowsuits, thick rubber boots with insulation, waterproof gloves, puffy coats.

None of that existed here. So how were we supposed to play in the snow? It was the one thing about winter I looked forward to!

Come to think of it, I wasn't sure I had even seen a sweater in this world. Did the concept of bundling up not exist here? How many people froze to death each winter?

I would kill for a sweater in this drafty castle. Fires were lit in every room but that didn't help the hallways.

I had seen a couple of the servant girls wearing scarves. The concept of knitting had to exist so hopefully that meant sweaters were available for commoners. I would need sweaters to survive the rest of the winter.

My wardrobe consisted of regular dresses, light stockings, and thin jackets that ended at my ribs thus far. That wouldn't cut it once it started snowing.

If I had to spend the entire winter shut up in this place without a single breath of fresh air I would go mad.

"Al," I said in a wheedling tone as I leaned down in front of him with puppy dog eyes. "Since everyone left, do you think security has gotten any lighter? I want to go to town."


"Not now! We can wait until the rain stops," I sighed with disappointment.

I still wanted to play in the rain but I wasn't sure if he would let me go now that he knew that was my plan.

"What do you want to go to town for?" he asked, putting down his book and focusing on me.

"I want to go shopping!"

"Why? Can't you order anything you want here using catalogs?"

I shook my head. "What I want wouldn't be in a royal catalog. Pretty please?"

"Alright but you'll have to dress warmly. I hate the cold! I'm stuck in here even more than usual," Al said with an adorable pout.

I couldn't help but laugh. If my plan worked, he wouldn't have to stay inside all winter anymore.

I snatched a biscuit off a plate he had clearly been snacking from and he didn't even bat an eyelid. I nibbled on it from my spot on the chair next to him as he read.

A few minutes later he snapped the book shut with a sigh.

"The wind is way too loud. Do you want to play cards?"

"Actually I only came here to see if you wanted to go outside with me. I'm still planning on going."

He frowned. "You're going to make yourself sick."

"I'll only be out for a few minutes! I'll splash in a few puddles and that's it."

I rose from my chair so I could go grab a hooded cloak.

Al stood up and grabbed my wrist with a sigh.

"I'm coming too. Knowing you, you'll stay out way too long and catch a cold. My cloaks are pretty sturdy, you can borrow one."

No one paid us any mind on the way out of the castle because hardly anyone was around. Only I would be interested in going outside on a day like this.

Al was still apprehensive but couldn't do anything to dampen my enthusiasm. I wanted rain, I got rain.

Wind and water practically slapped me in the face when we opened the door leading outside. I was not expecting it to be so cold.

Most of the rain where I came from happened during the summer. Warm rain is the best kind to play around in but I wasn't about to back down when we had bothered coming all the way out here.

"Whoo hoo!" I yelled as I darted out into the downpour with my hands up, running around in circles and stomping in every puddle I saw.

Al shook his head indulgently at my antics, choosing to lean against the wall where it was slightly less wet rather than join me.

I hadn't really expected him to. Dancing in the rain wasn't exactly his style.

I spun with my arms out and let the icy rain hit my face, feeling more alive than I had since first setting foot in the palace.

Nobody could stop me from doing something stupid and funnot even Al. In that moment I was free.

Laughing breathlessly, I spun until I was dizzy and the hood had fallen off, soaking the top of my hair.

My laughter stopped abruptly when Al appeared in my sights.

He was smiling at me but it wasn't one of his usual smiles. It was softer, somehow. Gentler. It reached his stormy eyes and lit them from within.

That smile made me feel a bit funny. I stood there and stared until his smile dropped.

"What's wrong? Are you cold? Let's go back inside."

He held out his hand to me and the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach multiplied. I accepted it and he yanked me towards him so he could put my hood back up.

The rain continued seeping into my clothes as he brushed a bit of my wet hair off my forehead under my hood but for some reason I didn't feel cold.

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