Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 63: The Dare

Chapter 63: The Dare

In his panic, Al scrambled forward on his hands and knees in a rather undignified way.

"No, that's not true at all! I always wanted to be your friend. I just wanted to be friendspermanently. Didn't you once say that couples were supposed to be friends?"

I had, hadn't I? But that was referring to Franz and Mariela, who were already married and needed to make the most of their situation.

Al had been planning to trap me by his side from the beginning.

I was angry but I shouldn't have been. I knew he was a suitor from the start and deluded myself because out of everyone I met here he reminded me the most of an average American guy.

Whatever crush he had on me in the beginning had probably been made a lot worse by all the fun we had together while I was trying to keep him from dying of boredom as per our agreement. I brought this entirely on myself.

I exhaled heavily and leaned my head against the couch cushion. "I did say that, huh? Alright."

He ogled at me in disbelief. "That's it? I thought you would be mad."

I was mad but that was beside the point. "I asked a question and you answered it. It's part of the game."

"that was pretty mean, you know. I tried so hard to hide it too. Don't you dare avoid me nowI didn't want to say anything."

"I won't."

If I did that I would go mad with boredom too. Besides, I already pretty much knew. I simply wanted to confirm my suspicions to formulate a more efficient plan of attack. This didn't really change anything, as much as I didn't want to hear it. 

Al eyed me distrustfully for a moment before noting that my expression was calm and I was serious. "Alright, my turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I figured he would do something slightly mean spirited as payback like making me dump a glass of water on my head.

"I dare you to kiss me for two minutes straight."

He stared me down defiantly as I tried to gather my wits about me. They had fled the moment I heard 'kiss.'

"I choose Truth," I said shakily.

No way was I going to kiss him! We'd been married for a month and nothing had happenedI fully intended to keep it that way.

"Then tell me your deepest, darkest secret."

Ah. This was exactly why I'd been avoiding Truth.

Which one? The fact that I'd been reborn in Catherine du Pont's body? That we were inside a novel? Or that I was trying to pawn him off on Marcy so I could run away? None of these would sit well with him. I couldn't make up anything believable on the spot either because I was too panicked.

"You're the worst," I said with a scowl.

"No worse than you," he replied with a satisfied smile, knowing which one I would pick by the look on my face.

"I hope you realize this is a one-time deal," I warned as I scooted closer, feeling heat creep up the back of my neck at the very thought of giving away my first kiss.

I couldn't believe I was about to kiss someone I didn't have feelings for, even if he was my husband. This was so embarrassing!

"Whatever you say," he replied with a shrug.

How do I even do this?! I saw him stare at me expectantly with an indecipherable look in his eye.

I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in my hands and give up but I had made my bed so I needed to lie in it. I embarrassed him, he embarrassed me. We would be even then. It was only a game.

Deciding to get it over with quickly, I grabbed a fistful of sweater and pulled him closer to me, slamming my lips onto his. Neither of us had done this before so it was a bit awkward trying not to bump noses for a second there but as if by instinct, Al wrapped one arm around me and crushed me to his chest as the other hand tangled itself in my hair while we continued to kiss.

I could feel his affection for me pouring out through his lips and for some reason that made me want to cry. Though there was the slightest hint of passion, it was mostly soft and sweet, like nothing would make him happier than to keep kissing me.

I'm pretty sure I let him go on for waaaaay more than two minutes but that didn't matter.

Nothing mattered. Not the plot, not my plan to run away, not the fact that I really shouldn't be letting him take advantage of me like this since he knew I didn't love him back.

For the first time in my life I was being kissed by a man who loved me. I let myself relax and enjoy the experience since I didn't know if I would ever be able to have that again in this world. I wasn't certain of anything anymore.

All of my rationality had gone out the window the moment I chose to go along with his dare. Absolutely nothing mattered to me right now except taking full advantage of the moment.

When we finally broke apart Al gently stroked my face with his thumbs as his forehead rested against mine. In the silence I could practically hear his heart pounding. Mine was racing right along with it. He gently planted a kiss on my forehead before wrapping his arms around me and slumping forward so his head was in the crook of my neck. 

My mouth was pressed up against his shoulder so I was a bit muffled. "Al."

"Katie?" he asked breathlessly.

"That was more than two minutes."

He let out a brief, exhilarated sort of laugh. "Sorry."

Don't be. Even if it ruined everything I had aimed for up to this point, I couldn't have asked for a better first kiss.

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