Omega Summoner

Chapter 1928 Unknown God of Merchants

Chapter 1928 Unknown God of Merchants

"I do not know more about it, but I did get something called a Stigma, but it does not have any effect other than increasing my luck and giving me a 5% increase in money when I make a sale." Piggy Bank stated as he showed the Stigma on his palm which is like a golden tattoo with intricate lines and a money chest as the main symbol.

"This is!" Adrian is shocked upon seeing the Stigma since this is something similar to what he got.

"Do you know what it is?" Piggy Bank asked.

"It is a Helper. They are basically something akin to gods that lost their divinity and are in need of help from mortals. You are already getting a buff, but it seems that your own helper has yet to awaken. Does the mission say something about awakening your helper?" Adrian asked.

"The mission is not really clear, but it does say awaken something. I can share it to you but that would mean that you will be my partner in this mission. The rewards for clearing for you would be an additional level. Will you help me?" Piggy Bank stated.

"Sure. I guess I can help you since you have done much for me and my guild." Adrian replied.

"Thanks a lot! No taking back." Piggy Bank stated as he designated Adrian as his partner for the mission.

[You and Piggy Bank have been added to a party called Money Lovers.]

[Piggy Bank has shared his quest with you.]


Quest Name: Find the Clues on the Unknown God of Merchants

Quest Difficulty: C

Quest Description: You have been given the great quest in unlocking the mystery of the forgotten and banished God of Merchants. Find a way to awaken the Stigma that has been given to you by an unknown goddess that wishes for the God of Merchant's return.

Clear Condition: Awaken the Stigma by looking for the rarest Ore of Merchantry hidden in the depths of the Dungeon of Storm Chasm

Clear Reward: Awaken your Stigma

Failure Condition: Unable to awaken the stigma due to dying once in the dungeon of Storm Chasm

Failure: Displeasure of the Unknown Goddess

Duration: None or until the Unknown Goddess finds another worthy being to hold the Stigma

Restriction: Only the Merchant that has the Stigma can get this quest and can only be shared to one person.

Note: The partner of the Merchant for this quest will be awarded with One Level per quest clear and an additional Luck point in their stat. This is a chain quest.


"I see. Storm Chasm is located west of the Central Continent which should be easy to go but the world has expanded so much. My previous coordinates will not match which is why I would need to check first. Also, I need to visit my Scribe Master to ask him about the Spell Harmony scroll details as I am not completely sure of what it says." Adrian stated.

"That is fine for me as well. I will need to prepare for the trip as well. We shall meet after three hours. Will that suffice?" Piggy Bank stated.

"That is enough. See you here in three hours." Adrian stated as he vanished from his location.

Just as Adrian told Piggy Bank, he went to the Daemos Observation deck to see the new coordinates of the Storm Chasm. He managed to see tired looking demons with large eyebags which he did not know could happen to demons. Some are even drinking either coffee or hot chocolate just to make sure that their energy is up.

"Do not mind me as I am just here to look up coordinates." Adrian stated as he immediately looked for Storm Chasm and memorized the new coordinates.

Adrian could see that the demons have already made a detailed map of the world despite it becoming bigger. Still, the only continent that is fully mapped would be the Central Continent. The Western Continent is only half done which is the same as the Eastern Continent. The Northern Continent only has a small portion that is near the Central Continent as mapped. The Southern part of the world is blank due to being difficult to map.

"Master Aernas! It seems that you are here as well. I need to ask you about something." Adrian stated as he saw Aernas drinking tea with a calm expression as if it was his break time.

"It is so embarrassing that an Arch Demon like you is calling me master despite just being a Greater Demon." Aernas stated.

"It is respect for you since you are a great teacher to me. Also, I believe that you can conquer your inner demon as well since you are also very skilled." Adrian stated as he knew that the Daemos that are Greater Demons for a long time could become Arch Demons if they have enough time and effort.

The reason why some powerful greater demons have yet to become Arch Demons is due to the fact that they are a bit lazy. They do not want an increase in responsibility which is why they stay as Greater Demons. This also made their inner demons stronger which now made some almost unable to get past that hurdle.

"Thank you, Equinox. So, what are you going to ask me about?" Aernas stated as Adrian handed the scroll and pointed out the words that he found difficult to translate.

Luckily for Adrian, Aernas is easily the best scribe in the world that is not a god. He was able to give Adrian the needed information that he desires. Adrian also discussed the things written in the scroll as some are a bit difficult to implement for the Daemos compared to other beings. Adrian used up two hours just talking about the skill book.

"I guess I should prepare as well. Thank you for your time." Adrian stated as he bowed to Aernas before setting off in the guild house to prepare for the dungeon dive with Piggy Bank.


"You returned! I thought you left me already." Piggy Bank stated as he was already fidgeting from nervousness.

"Of course! I made a promise, and I will keep it. Also, the dungeon that we are going to is not even that high level for me. It is only at the level 250 range which will make this a walk in the park. I also think that you should take this chance to level up as well since merchant level is different from player level, right?" Adrian stated.

"Yeah. My Merchant Level is currently at ninety-nine while my player level is 249. I am only able to get to merchant level 100 if I level up. It is very difficult getting players to help me level up due to merchants not having many skills and spell." Piggy Bank stated.

"Well, I will make sure to protect you. This is your time to shine in a dungeon and wreak havoc as much as you can. I will not be participating in the fight much other than defending you. There might come a time in the quest that you would need to fight by yourself which is why you must train." Adrian stated as he looked at Piggy Bank with a smile of trainer.

"Thanks!" Piggy Bank stated as he thought that this would be ideal but did not know the torture that would happen to him in the following days.

"Let us go to the dungeon then." Adrian stated as he utilized his Rift Manipulator skill and created a direct route towards the dungeon of Storm Chasm.

The two of them stepped inside the rift and vanished from Avalon. They arrived at a place where there is a valley and numerous cliffs. The sky above is dark and the frequent lightning strikes could be seen hitting the ground in an unpredictable manner. The dark skies are covering the sun which makes the lightning the only thing illuminating the valley.

"As expected of the Demon! We arrived so easily. I guess this is the reason why all of the players are going crazy for the Teleportation Scrolls. The world has become so big that simple travel by foot cannot make you reach the destination." Piggy Bank stated as he did tell the truth of teleportation scrolls selling like hotcakes.

"I guess Elder Ascalor's good mood is due to the fact that he is now swimming in money." Adrian muttered as he did see that the cranky elder is happier now.

"Let us get inside before my adrenaline dissipates." Piggy Bank stated as he put on a brave front which is not as believable due to his large body unique to merchants.

"Let us go then. This should be easier and a test to you as this trial is specifically for you after all." Adrian stated as he and Piggy Bank entered the dungeon while a female goddess clothed in clothes made of golden wheat could be seen looking at them or rather at the merchant intently.

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