Omega Summoner

Chapter 1963 Facing Other Champions III

Chapter 1963 Facing Other Champions III

The battle continued as both Ski and Frey did not concede as they are filled with the divine energy of their respective god and goddess. The battle raged on as light, and ice are thrown in all parts of the battlefield. Once can even say that they were damaging the area instead of damaging each other since they perfectly countered one another.

"You are pretty good, princess. I must admit that." Ski shouted as she released numerous frozen axes that she created using the destroyed ice mana particles that she created.

"And your attacks bore me so much. Is this the reason why you did not qualify?" Frey stated as each wave of her spear created a powerful wave of northern light wave that destroyed the ice elemental mana.

The two continued their spar until the illusionary space suddenly started to shake. Ski noticed this change as she knew that this can only happen when something happens to Rascal. Rascal must not die in order to make sure that the illusionary spaces are maintained. If he dies, then all of the illusions that he set up would dissipate.

Just as Ski's thoughts wandered for a moment, a powerful spear of light hit her body which sent her crashing to the snow. Fortunately for her, the snow acted as some sort of cushion for her and the damaged is reduced since she is the Champion of Ullr. Snow itself will not dare to harm her when she has the power of a god of snow.

"Freyja's Wrath!" Frey shouted as the numerous northern lights concentrated on her spear and even made the space unstable.

"Ullr's Hunt!" Ski shouted as she also used the most powerful skill in her arsenal when she is in her divine god descent form.

Frey's spear turned into pure light with numerous colors and made reality itself look like it is breaking apart. On the other side, Ski made the entire area freeze even more and created a frozen wasteland that even trees around her froze. The power of the two started to collide and even made the illusion that held the area unstable as well.

The two of them released their attacks at the same time. Frey launched her spear while a powerful blizzard was released by Ski. The attacks of the two collided with each other and then created a powerful shockwave that destroyed everything around them. Before the two could come to a conclusion, the entire area was suddenly in suspension.

The area itself suddenly had time freezing but the effect is not the same. This time, the area is the only thing that froze along with the attacks. The people themselves were not frozen in place as if they were just suspended in their place. This came as a great shock to all of the people in the area as they have never experienced something like this.

Seeing that they can move their eyes, those that were facing the direction where Adrian and Rascal were fighting saw something terrifying for a split second. They saw a being of pure destruction and slaughter, but they could not see clearly what it was. All they knew is that the being that they saw was death itself and immediately closed their eyes.

A second later, all of the area that is influenced by an illusion suddenly stopped. All of the mana used to even make the illusion going has been lost. Time also started to progress as the attack of the two beings with divine essences of their god and goddess clashed with one another. The powerful spear of Frey pierced the blizzard that was summoned.

"Impossible!" Ski shouted as she is pierced by the light spear and started to turn into particles of light.

"This will not be the end, Freyja!" A voice of a man suddenly came out of Ski as she started turning into particles.

"As always, a sore loser." A different female voice stated from Frey's mouth before Ski vanished completely.

"What just happened?" Frey stated as she did not expect time to suddenly stop.

Frey wanted to move her body, but she suddenly felt the backlash of the skill that he used. The power she used as at full capacity which she has yet to master. She pulled more power from the Goddess Freyja compared to when she normally uses it. She could not move for five minutes as her muscles need to relax.

"Are you fine?" Adrian asked as he appeared in front of Frey and held out his hand.

"I am just too exhausted from summoning the divine fragment of my goddess. Were you the one that did that earlier?" Frey asked.

"I did as I did not expect that Rascal fellow to be that powerful." Adrian stated as he recalled the incident.


Adrian could already sense what Rascal was thinking and that is to get a solid hit using the dagger that he suddenly held. Rascal might not know it, but Adrian could clearly sense the hostile divine essence present in the dagger as this is a divine essence he knows. The dagger that Rascal was holding is clearly a holy relic of the God of Mischief Loki and holy relics contain a fragment of a god's divine essence.

The malice he can sense from that dagger is definitely from the God of Mischief Loki. The only reason why Rascal cannot summon his god directly is that he lacks the necessary preparation. Summoning gods via holy relics takes careful time and preparation by a number of followers. If it can be done by just one person then a lot of gods would have easily descended to kill the Goddess of Light Luminaria back, then.

"Grand Illusion: Unknown Presence!" Rascal stated as he suddenly vanished from the world and even Adrian's senses cannot pick him up.

"Intriguing! Let us see who is the one that can truly hide from the universe itself. Universal Threat!" Adrian stated as he summoned his scythe armament and also vanished from view.

Rascal is suddenly shocked as he was just two meters away from Adrian before his target vanished. He tried slashing at the area before him but there was no solid being there. It was as if Adrian vanished from the mortal realm completely. Rascal knows that Adrian was still here because the soulbounds that he summoned were still active.

Adrian's soulbounds were also looking for Rascal as they would definitely rip him apart as soon as he shows up. Rascal will not show up until he strikes an opponent which is why he knew that Adrian was not in his previous location. The only problem for him is that he cannot lock onto the mana signature of Adrian even if he taps into the power of the grand illusion magic circle.

Adrian, on the other hand, can see Rascal's silhouette even though it was vague. He was actually using five layers of illusions stacked upon each other to hide him from the world. Adrian must admit that he might even evade the eyes of a demigod that is not paying attention. Unlike Rascal, Adrian is not using illusions but has his essence scattered in different planes of existence.

Even gods would not be able to detect Adrian unless they have the ability of foresight. Adrian knew that he must put an end to this battle since he has limited time to destroy all of the Temporary Bifrost. He used his scythe and swung it towards Rascal's neck to make sure that he deals a killing blow.

Adrian would have finished the job then and there but the dagger that Rascal held suddenly reacted. The power of the grand magic circle was suddenly used up as a divine being descended on Rascal's body. Even Rascal himself did not know what happened but he could not control his body like before. The only thing that Rascal can see is that his dagger was now parrying a scythe that manifested from nowhere.

[The God Loki has partially descended onto the mortal realm via his Champion Rascal.]

"This is why I hate dealing with gods related to tricks. They are the most sensitive ones." Adrian stated as he is now facing the God Loki instead of Rascal.

"Did you think that I would let you easily dispatch my Champion?" The God Loki stated as he gained distance from Adrian.

"I knew this was not going to be easy but even you do not have great power now. You only powered him up by 20% because you were in such a hurry. His body might not last after the possession." Adrian stated.

"I do not care as long as I defeat you here. Killing you would be the greatest merit right now." The God Loki stated as he knew that Adrian must be stopped from destroying the Temporary Bifrost even if they can only delay him.

"I am glad that there is a god that descended now. I always wanted to try one spell that I got from Elder Koronn. Lost Paradise!" Adrian stated as he suddenly made time stop.

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