Omega Summoner

Chapter 1972 Battle with the Venti II

Chapter 1972 Battle with the Venti II

Adrian got out of the pocket dimension to see the carnage that the Nubesursi and the Nubesaquilae has done. Both of the named monsters managed to kill a lot of players, but they were able to be saved thanks to Dodu's effort. The newly revived players were suddenly wrapped in a slime film and hastily carried over to the area where Saena's heal, and Wisteria's Cleanse takes place.

The number of players might be getting decreased, but they were never getting killed unless they are super unlucky. The super unlucky ones were the players that revived but also got killed immediately when a storm spirits self-destructs with them. Fortunately for the super unlucky ones is that there are Priests from the Church of the Twin Gods.

If the players were not revived on time via Resurrection, then they would be revived as undead to continue the fight. This made some players continue the fight and even get sturdier as they have become undead. The players that had to use stamina as a resource were the ones overjoyed as they can spam their skills.

The storm spirits were the ones decreasing but the players kept getting revived in one way or another. Adrian saw the Nubesursi and the Nubesaquilae wreaking havoc in different directions which is why he called upon Charon and Sirius to get their attention. Both of his soulbounds managed to get the attention of the two but they were still in different directions which is why Adrian needed to decide.

"Let us kill that pesky bird first as it deals sonic booms. Primordial Armament: Twin Daggers! Perfect Assimilation: Sirius!" Adrian stated as he changed his form seamlessly.

[You have perfectly assimilated with your soulbound Sirius.]

[All stats have been adjusted.]

Adrian's form changed to that of a ninja like demon wolf humanoid. He also got twin daggers that gleamed like the stars in the sky with wolflike features. Adrian suddenly vanished from his location as he appeared behind the Nubesaquilae.

"Primordial Surge!" Adrian muttered as he jammed his two daggers behind the Nubesaquilae.

Adrian would have not easily hit the Nubesaquilae, but he also applied Time Stop to accurately hit the named monster. The Nubesaquilae was not able to evade nor become gaseous when the daggers hit because Adrian also enchanted it with nether energy. One could see the Nubesaquilae screech in pain as it and Adrian started to crash to the ground.

The Nubesaquilae screamed its commands to the storm spirits and all of them came to catch the falling named monster. Adrian smiled but his face cannot be completely seen as he has a lower face mask because he can now attack an area. Adrian activated all of the energy within his body as he can always get more once he attacks a target.

"Veiled Rush!" Adrian shouted as his body suddenly vanished as a thin coat of mana is scattered in a large area.

Adrian rarely used this skill in his twin dagger form as it is incredibly flashy. The area that Adrian has chosen is suddenly filled with countless slashes of one-meter sizes. The slashes were incredibly flashy because they would literally rip the fabric of space. Any enemy that gets caught with also get additional damage and also bleeding.

The bleeding effect did not trigger thought as the storm spirits do not bleed since they are made up of natural gas and lightning. Since the storm spirits cannot bleed, Adrian's slashes need to hit at least three times to kill the storm spirits. The most important thing is that the Nubesaquilae is still getting hit.

The Nubesaquilae could be seen getting numerous rips and tears as Adrian's onslaught continued. The storm spirits that obeyed he command to catch it were all dissipated due to Adrian's attack, but some still stood strong. Still, the Nubesaquilae could not keep up with the regeneration as Adrian's attack contained nether energy enchanting it.

"Truth Seeker! Primordial Surge!" Adrian stated as all of the enemies around him suddenly became like a skeletal frame in his eyes.

The bodies of the enemies around him have all their weaknesses revealed. Adrian did not care about the other storm spirits because he has chosen the Nubesaquilae as the target. Adrian once again appeared behind the Nubesaquilae but struck his daggers at its head where the weak point is.

All of Adrian's hit destroyed 10% of the health that the Nubesaquilae had. The Nubesaquilae screamed with each of Adrian's hit, and it disappeared in a puff of smoke on the fifth hit. He was able to kill the Nubesaquilae because he activated the instant kill ability of the Truth Seeker skill.

[You have killed the Nubesaquilae.]

[You have received experience points for killing the monster.]

[You have killed a named monster. You will receive bonus experience points.]

[You have killed one of the Five Venti that is part of a family.]

[The remaining three Venti will have their stats increase by 5%.]

[The remaining Venti shall evolve into the next stage due their immense wrath that they have for you.]

[The Nubesursi and the Nubesequus have temporarily evolved into Maius Venti.]

As soon as the notification was received, the Nubesursi and the Nubesequus suddenly changed color as they were no longer pure blue. Both of them were tainted with red lightning with an added effect of an aura that deals percent health damage. The two named monsters became enraged and entered another phase despite them not being boss monsters or field bosses.

"Tch! It is due to the influence of the Eye of the Storm." Adrian stated as he saw the transfer of energy to the two remaining Venti from the middle of the large dark cloud where the Eye of the Storm hides.

Adrian would have targeted the Eye of the Storm first, but it seems that this territory defense has stages. The Eye of the Storm is also incredibly hidden that even Adrian and Paradox' combined perception could not detect it unless it shows itself. Adrian once again looked at the two remaining Venti that are now Maius Venti.

The Nubesursi not only became bigger, but its figure became more solid. Its armor is now more prominent as red lightning coursed through its body. With each of its roars, lightning would rain down on the battlefield and strike a random enemy. Due to its bigger size, even Dodu could not save the allies that are caught in its area.

The Nubesequus also changed as its main that is made of sparkling lightning turned red as well as its body. The entire body of the Nubesequus became so powerful that it actually out sped Kimat. On Kimat's body, one could see a red scar that was done by the empowered Nubesequus.

"Hang on, Kimat! I shall aid you!" Adrian stated via their soul link, but the Nubesursi suddenly dematerialized into lightning and appeared next to Adrian.

"What the heck!" Adrian exclaimed as he tried to escape via blink but the arm of the Nubesursi was to fast to evade compared to before.

Adrian got sent flying backwards, but he was able to use blink to change his trajectory. He reappeared a few meters away from the Nubesursi with a new armament on his hands. Adrian summoned his scythe armament. Due to using Perfect Assimilation, Adrian could not resummon both Sirius and Kanlaon, but he did not stop.

"Rewind!" Adrian muttered as he once again made sure that his skill would take off the cooldown from the Perfect Assimilation skill.

Adrian chose Charon for the target this time and they easily fused together. The sight of a chained demon wraith could be seen floating in the area Adrian was before. Adrian felt that the transformations that he chose this battle were spot on as they were like the perfect matches for each of his soulbounds.

[You have perfectly assimilated with your soulbound Charon.]

[All stats have been adjusted.]

"Destroy him!" The voice of the Nubesursi shouted as he released a powerful surge of lightning mana in the area that also empowered the storm spirits in the area.

All the storm spirits around the Nubesursi turned red and became more powerful but they also became violent. The players were also alarmed as all of the storm spirits that they were fighting turned around and charged towards Adrian. The hood that Adrian prevented any being from seeing his face but if one could see it then they would see that he is extremely calm.

"Anti-matter!" Adrian stated with a rough voice.

Adrian suddenly released a powerful aura that is actually a wave of anti-matter that was actually incredibly dangerous for beings made of natural energy which is filled with matter. All of the storm spirits that charged were turned to literal dust which should not happen, but it was the result of the collision. All of the enraged storm spirits could be seen to snap out of their state as fear is planted into them. As they were about to turn back, chains suddenly spread out from points in space that pulled them towards the anti-matter wave.

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