Omega Summoner

Chapter 1976 Supernatural Storm II

Chapter 1976 Supernatural Storm II

"Since not one of you are useful, give me your body for my sustenance!" The voice of the Supernatural Storm stated as it started to rain down lightning in the entire area.

The players immediately gathered to the protected place where the Daemos Corps created a barrier. The only beings that were not protected were the storm spirits that were running away. One of the lightning bolts hit a storm spirit and one could see its energy getting sucked by the lightning bolt. In just a mere matter of two seconds, the storm spirit dissipated in a puff of smoke as its entire body vanished from the mortal realm.

All of the unlucky storm spirits in the area were all hit by the lightning bolts and absorbed by the Supernatural Storm. One would think that the Supernatural Storm would use the storm spirits energy to grow more powerful and larger, but it was the opposite. The Supernatural Storm started to condense its energy to the point that it is creating a body for itself. The Supernatural Storm knew that its current gaseous form would be an easy target for the enemies before it, but it did not know that it acted due to a command implanted on it.

The Supernatural Storm could be seen creating a body just like what the storm spirits have done but it is not merely plain energy of the wind element. Adrian could feel it as there was some sort of divine energy that was mixed inside of the Supernatural Storm, but it was not connected to any god. It was none other than a fragment that was broken off and implanted by the god that wanted to destroy Avalon.

"Destroy it before it creates a body!" Adrian commanded as all the players released attacks towards the Supernatural Storm.

It is not just Adrian and the players that released attacks as any inhabitant of Avalon that is fighting did so as well. All of the attacks could be seen going towards the body that the Supernatural Storm was creating but a barrier suddenly erected to defend it. Adrian felt the clear energy of the divine in that barrier, but it was not the energy of the god that he offended. The energy that Adrian felt was more akin to what a goddess would possess.

"He did have a wife, but she is not protective of her husband unless it comes to other women." Adrian thought as he has read on the myth regarding them, and it also helps that he can converse with a death god that is related to them.

The attacks that the players and Adrian did were all nullified. It was a perfect barrier that absorbed any attack that is below the Mythical Tier. Still, Adrian knew that the barrier would not last long as barriers that powerful cannot be maintained unless a very powerful spell caster in nearby.

[The Supernatural Storm has started to condense its final form.]

[Prepare for the final battle!]

[Defend your territory!]

The notifications have given Adrian a hint and news that this would be the last battle. He could not summon the other soulbounds that he used for fusing as he has severely stressed them. A two-hour cooldown was needed before he could summon the other soulbounds, but he is confident that he can deal with what the Supernatural Storm has planned.

"All shall tremble because of my lightning!" The voice of the Supernatural Storm shouted as a large lightning bolt hit it and showed its final form.

When the lightning subsided, a human looking being could be seen floating in the air. The Supernatural Storm has taken the form of a robust old man that is in his fifties. It has flowing gray hair and robust body features as if it is a body builder. One could also see that its eyes were pure white as it is not really human but a humanoid form of the Supernatural Storm.


Monster Name: Juppiter

Monster Type : Supernatural Storm (Humanoid Form)

Monster Tier: Mythical

Level: 350

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Description: A monster born from a storm achieving sentience and also being empowered by an unknown god of the skies. It has taken the form closest to the god that has given it enhanced power and also named itself close to that god. It might look human, but it is actually still the Supernatural Storm condensed in a human shape.


"All of you shall be sacrifices for me! Lightning Hammer!" Juppiter stated as its voice is now that of a slightly older man with a deep and sultry voice.

Juppiter raised its hands up in the sky and made a downward motion. As soon as he did this, a powerful blast of lightning suddenly slammed itself on the barrier that was created by the players and the Daemos Corps combined. The outburst of lightning was so fierce that it easily destroyed the barrier created by the players. Fortunately, the barrier created by the Daemos was sturdy enough to protect them, but one can see that the barrier also shook violently.

"I am already sick and tired of beings that call upon lightning! Saena!" Adrian shouted as he changed into his mirror demon form.

As soon as Adrian changed to his mirror demon form, Saena was already done with collecting energy from the sun. Saena's tail glowed like the rainbow and fired a powerful beam of light towards Adrian. Adrian created a mirror that absorbed the beams of light that Saena fired and created ten more that appeared around Juppiter.

The ten mirrors that appeared near Juppiter released the beam of light that Saena fired but in ten different directions. Adrian carefully created more mirrors to bounce the beams of light that pierced through. Adrian created more and more mirrors until the entire surroundings of Juppiter was filled with mirrors. All of the mirrors bounced the light beam to the point that Juppiter is now trapped inside a house of mirrors where the light beam got reflected.

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