Omega Summoner

Chapter 1982 Underworld Duty IV

Chapter 1982 Underworld Duty IV

Megaera was finally able to finish her report in under thirty minutes. She even told herself that it was a record-breaking speed as she always uses an hour at the very least. She was happy and Adrian did not want to shatter that happiness as she was still a goddess of vengeance. You do not want to become the bearer of bad news to a goddess of vengeance.

"Thank you for the report, Megaera. I have already jotted down the extra details. Well, at least Dodu did as it transformed into me. Thank you, Dodu." Adrian stated as Dodu jiggled its body which made it weird for Adrian as it was his body jiggling in all parts.

"No problem, Champion Equinox. I feel that you give such great energy in the underworld that I feel energized somehow." Megaera stated.

"Please call your other sisters as we need to do their report as well." Adrian stated.

"As you wish. Please wait here for a minute while I fetch my other sister." Megaera stated as she vanished in a puff of smoke.

Adrian continued with his paperwork as all Dodu is making sure that the report that it got from Megaera is properly edited. Adrian did not need to wait long for the last of the Erinyes that he has yet to meet arrive. The next Erinyes was just like her sisters that are beautiful and olive skin toned body.

Adrian is actually thankful for Dodu having the ability to transform into other people or beings. The efficiency of the work doubled ever since Dodu came in clutch. He actually promised Dodu to treat it to its favorite food but would later regret as his soulbound can eat anything and eat a lot.

"It is nice to meet the Champion of the Twin Gods. I am Tisiphone of the Erinyes. I have come to give my report." Tisiphone stated.

"Please proceed with the report. My soulbound would record it on my stead as I am not finished yet for the souls that are in the express lane." Adrian stated.

"As you wish, the souls under my care are …" Tisiphone did not find it rude and started with her report as she is already used to the God of Death Hades listening to reports while also doing other reports. The only difference is that her report is being recorded by another being which she actually found great since she did not need to repeat herself should she was not heard.

"That is all for my report. I actually finished much earlier than I imagined." Tisiphone stated as she usually lasts about an hour reporting as she often repeats herself.

"Sister, we must take note of this way. The current process of the God of Death Hades is very inefficient." Tisiphone whispered towards Megaera and the latter can only nod.

"Thank you, Tisiphone. Please call upon Alecto for her report." Adrian stated but noisy footsteps could be heard from outside the room.

"We have come!" The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

"I am the one that needs to do the report, my prince." Alecto stated.

"Please proceed with the report, Alecto. My soulbound would record everything that you will say. Prince Zagreus, please come with me as I am unfamiliar with the entrance to Elysium. I would need to check that. Megaera, please come with us as an escort." Adrian stated.

"I can easily direct you to the door by myself." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

"Megaera is not there for me. She is there for stopping you as I have been told by your father that you often escape if you do not have any monitor. Please lead the way." Adrian stated.

The God of Rebirth Zagreus could be seen shocked by the blunt words of Adrian. His father would often use colorful words as his father loves him to death. The God of Death Hades is a father that would protect his son from the world as he almost lost him once.

"I understand. I will lead the way and let you see that I am very responsible. So responsible that I can be summoned to the mortal realm." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he has yet to give up on his dream of being summoned.

Adrian was led to a series of corridors that were filled to the brim with guards that are on the level of heroic spirits. The undead that are guarding the door could be seen to only two, but Adrian can feel fifty souls around him. The door to Elysium was pure gold and radiating a powerful light that felt like your entire body is being purified from all dirt.

"As you can see, the door to Elysium is the most out of place in this realm. Still, the set of guards here are not just here. There are also guards on the other side of the door. You also need to be escorted by my father to even make sure that you reach Elysium.

It is a death realm where only the heroes go to after all. The greatest praise for a hero would be for the God of Death Hades himself escort you to your final resting place." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated with great confidence as he looks up to his father due to this treatment of heroes.

"A great host must contain their excitement, my prince." Megaera stated as she wanted to remind the God of Rebirth Zagreus that Adrian is still an esteemed guest in their realm even though he is doing the duties of the God of Death Hades.

"Apologies for my overexcitement." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he calmed himself down.

"It is not a problem for me. It just goes to show that you value the great work that your father does." Adrian stated as he also idolizes his father when it comes to his great qualities.

Adrian then looked at the entrance to Elysium and spread his mana towards the gate. He made sure to check the gate with his evil eye as it can discern falsehoods from truth. It also gives him some idea if a soul passed through recently. Fortunately, there seems to be no trace of any forceful entry in the gate which is why he proceeded with the next step.

"Let us check the Meadows of Asphodel next." Adrian stated.

"I will lead you to the entrance there. Please follow me." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as they went through another series of hallways until he led them to a place outside.

When Adrian came out of the castle, a field of wheat where the souls of numerous beings could be seen. Adrian already knows of this place as this is a place in Hades where those that needed to wait for reincarnation are placed. This place is also near the divine realm of the God of Dreams as the souls here usually enter a sleep like state where they can revisit everything in their life.

The saying that a dying person would have flashbacks of their life before they reach the afterlife is lived here. It is said that a dying person's soul would usually enter the Meadows of Asphodel near the divine realm of the God of Dreams Morpheus. The memories of the living are often stored in the land of dreams after all.

"There is nothing amiss here as well. Let us proceed to the Pit to Tartarus." Adrian stated as he finished inspecting the area by suddenly using his true form and mirror demon form.

"The pit?!" The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated in shock.

"Yes. Is there something wrong there?" Adrian asked.

"It is not that. My father actually banned me from going near it as Tartarus is not a place where a god like me must go. It is a place where the Titans are banished after all. Even my father does not want to go near it and even the souls would never go near it. It is a death realm where one can get stuck as even the Messenger God Hermes dares not to go in." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

"The place is not that bad, but it is an eternal prison after all. I guess even gods would not want to go there." Adrian muttered as he has been to Tartarus on a much more direct route.

"I really admire you. I should call you big brother." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

"Please do not do that. I will only check the pit to see if any being slipped inside. Please lead me there but you can just wait outside if you do not feel comfortable." Adrian stated.

"The pit is actually on the opposite of the Meadows of Asphodel. Follow me!" The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he led Adrian to the Pit to Tartarus.

As they were getting near the pit, Adrian could see a large hole that stretched to about a hundred meters. All he can do is marvel at the sight but also feel the dreadful energy coming out of the pit.

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