Omega Summoner

Chapter 1987 Trials of the Kings

Chapter 1987 Trials of the Kings

"Should we head deeper to check?" The God of Rebirth Zagreus asked Adrian.

"No. We cannot enter the prison where the titans are located. They may be imprisoned in Tartarus, but they are still gods. I will not be able to protect all of us from their attacks should they gang up. The pressure of the titans is also so incredible that you might get sent back to reincarnation." Adrian stated towards the God of Rebirth Zagreus.

"By your speech, it is as if you have experienced it yourself." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he looked at Adrian.

"I did. I died without even having the ability to run away." Adrian stated bluntly as it was not an exaggeration to say that the Titans are strong even if some of their powers are sealed.

"We have the Mighty Cottus and the other two of the Hecatoncheires." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he looked at a possible scenario.

"If the titans move then the other prisoners would also move as well. Remember that this place is reserved for the worst of the worst. We do not want to rile up the entire place as they do not know of the situation above." Adrian stated.

"The situation above? Do you mean that the Twi…" The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated but Megaera suddenly covered his lips.

"You should not say such things here, my prince. You do not know what ears the ground has." Megaera whispered.

"Thank you for that, Megaera. We should return as we at least know what happened. Please make sure to tell this to the God of Death Hades once he comes back. Thank you for your services, Cottus." Adrian stated as he took something out of his inventory.

"Ah! The Fruity Leather of Ambrosia!" Cottus stated as hands suddenly manifested near his head.

"Please share it with the others." Adrian stated as he gave the fruit candy to Cottus.

Adrian would not have been easily accepted by the Hecatoncheires even though he is the Champion of the Twin Gods. He was able to befriend them because of the candy product that is created in Avalon. It is also the favorite snack of Charon which he still finds odd as the former is an undead soulbound.

"We shall be going now." Adrian stated as he conjured up a portal where both the God of Rebirth Zagreus and Megaera entered.

Adrian also entered the portal, and it closed but if one looks back then they would see at least fifty hands waving goodbye. The three of them reappeared directly in the office where Dodu was currently organizing the report. The frustrated slime soulbound looked at Adrian and sent him a telepathic message that his master was escaping work.

"Sorry about that as we had to investigate something. Please have this jelly as an apology." Adrian stated as he took out a jelly dessert from his inventory to feed to Dodu.

"Jelly!" Dodu stated in a cute voice with Adrian's body still its current form.

"The next stop would be the Reincarnation Cycle but that is also where the three kings are located. We just made it in time for the start of the trial." Adrian stated.

"I shall be here and report the finding to Master Dodu to record. The prince shall escort you to the place of trial." Megaera stated as she needed to organize and report what they have learned in Tartarus.

"I do not like the area of those three kings. They think that they are above everyone just because they are the sons of my uncle." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

Adrian knows why the God of Rebirth Zagreus do not want to meet the three kings as they were once demigods during their lifetime. They were born from a powerful god, but they unfortunately did not rise to become full-fledged fledged gods. This is also the reason why some demigods and gods do not get along even though they could kill each other since their powers are all of divine origin.

"It is part of the duty which is the last for me to fulfill. Please lead the way." Adrian stated.

"Fine but be ready as those old geezers do not have great attitudes." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he led Adrian to the Court of the Three Judges.


Adrian is led to a large area where it looked like a colosseum and three old but well built men could be seen sitting on a long chair located above the podium. As soon as they saw Adrian, the three men stood up and bowed towards him. This interaction shocked the God of Rebirth Zagreus as he knew that he was not the one getting the respect, but it was Adrian. The God of Rebirth Zagreus did not make a fuss as the three old men were respectful to the guest.

"We greet the Mediator of the Dead." The Three Kings stated simultaneously as if they rehearsed the whole thing.

"I greet the Three Judge Kings of Hades. Please continue your job as I shall be sitting on the pedestal of the great judge." Adrian stated.

"As the mediator wishes. Will the prince be staying for the trials?" Minos, one of the judge kings, asked as he took notice of the God of Rebirth Zagreus.

"Yes. I shall be the counsel of the mediator since he is an esteemed guest." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

Adrian could feel the tension between them but decided not to but in. He is not someone to mediate between the drama of other beings. As long as they are not ripping each other apart, Adrian will not meddle as it might be him that gets caught up in the crossfire. The three judge kings might have been demigods when they were alive, but they were more powerful now since they were appointed their position in the underworld.

"Will there be a problem going forward?" Adrian asked.

"There would be no such thing. Let us get back to our seats." Aeacus, one of the judge kings, stated.

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