Omega Summoner

Chapter 1989 Trial of the Kings III

Chapter 1989 Trial of the Kings III

Adrian saw the memories of the woman and it was filled with delusion just like the judge said it was. She saw the man in rose tinted lens that acted like a suitor. When in reality, the man is showing the basic acts of chivalry and respect to the woman. Adrian tried to see if this woman was affected by any divine intervention like the God Eros or Goddess Aphrodite, but she was not.

Adrian looked at the woman's soul in full intensity to make sure that she was not enchanted by a god or goddess, but she was not. She did all the atrocities that Adrian saw in her memories while laughing maniacally. She was already broken the moment she killed the man that she liked and her cousin.

"This is your last chance, woman. The Goddess of Love has taken pity of you. If you are remorseful then you will have a reduced sentence." Aeacus stated.

"That hag has stolen what is mine! I shall have my beloved all to myself now that she is out of the picture." The woman shouted as even her soul has become broken from her madness.

"Unfortunately for you, your beloved has already been reincarnated without you. He has also been promised to your cousin as well as their fates are tied." Adrian stated which suddenly made the woman shut up.

"This is not true! My beloved told me that he will wait for me even in death!" The woman shouted as she started screaming uncontrollably.

"Please do not antagonize her even more, mediator. Her soul might disperse from the stress that it has already been experiencing." Minos pleaded as this woman was pitied by the Goddess of Love, but she only found it interesting.

"I am only doing something that should be given to a soul that shows no remorse. Even if she is pitied by a goddess, judgement should never be swayed by the whims of other gods when it comes to evil. The Judges of the Underworld should reward heroes and punish evil." Adrian stated as he snapped his fingers.

As soon as Adrian's fingers were snapped, a large pit suddenly appeared below the woman. Bony hands suddenly appeared and dragged her downwards as she tried clawing her way out. The people of the underworld were once again shocked to see what was happening because the mediator created a pit that led directly towards Tartarus. This would have been seen as overbearing by the Hecatoncheires but Adrian has already befriended all of them.

"You should at least suffer in Tartarus until you finally accept reality." Adrian stated as the woman let out one last screech before she was swallowed by the ground.

All the guards and even the judges felt fear in their veins, but it subsided when the pit closed up. The fear that they felt when Adrian summoned the reincarnation cycle is nothing compared to what they felt now. A being that could directly send a soul to Tartarus is not someone that any being will cross. It is also the reason why the God of Death Hades is feared as he also has this special privilege.

"When did you get that power?" The God of Rebirth Zagreus asked.

"I got it when I became the temporary ruler of this realm. I got it when your father and I switched places. It is actually convenient as I can speed up the judging process. I only have two hours left in this realm after all." Adrian stated with a smile, but it also made the other beings around him sigh with relief.

The beings around Adrian were already afraid of him and they would be terrified if they learned the truth. Adrian actually lied that he just got this ability because he already felt the fear of every being around him. He cannot afford to have all the beings in the underworld to fear him as they might plot a way to kill him. He just lied but he really got this ability when he became mediator.

"I cannot tell them that I got an all-access pass for all of the death realms. They would probably freak out more. I hope everyone heard what I told the God of Rebirth Zagreus." Adrian stated as he smiled and looked at the history of the next person to be judged.

"Bring the last one for the day." Minos stated as he urged the guards to bring the last being to be sent here.

The last soul to be sent was that of a woman in her prime. She did not look like she should be judged here as she was determined. She had a look and aura that she did nothing wrong which made Adrian look carefully at her history. The woman killed a person and not just an ordinary person but a demigod.

Adrian already knew that demigods are great in number in the mortal realm, but he did not expect that the demigod that was killed is only a hundred years old. The demigod that was killed is actually a being that should not have been spawned since gods are only allowed to sire children every 100 years.

"Someone has been breaking the rules but cannot be punished because of the fact that he is a god king. Seriously, the more I read about you… the scummier that you are." Adrian stated as he sighed.

"Do you know your sin, woman?" Minos asked as he was given full representative power over the hearing.

"I did what I need to do in order to save my village that is being controlled by a tyrant." The woman stated which made Adrian smile, but he let it play out as he wanted to see how impartial the judges can be when it comes to someone related to them.

"We shall see if what he says is just like what you say. We summon the soul of the being that you have killed to stand trial with you." Rhadamanthus stated as he and the other two used magic to create a summoning magic circle that summoned soul of the male demigod.

"You ungrateful…" The soul of the demigod stated but he was silenced by the magic of Rhadamanthus.

"Why did you stop him? He was about to say some deplorable things towards the woman. It would have been interesting." Adrian stated.

"Apologies for that, mediator. You must understand that he was killed by the woman in front of us. Such strong emotions should be expected." Aeacus stated as an excuse.

"Continue then." Adrian stated.

"Thank you, mediator. Now then, does the demigod know that he was killed by the woman he loved using poison so powerful that his entire body could not regenerate." Minos stated.

"She killed me even though I was the one that protected her town from monsters. She told me that she loved me but when killed me as she got sick of me." The demigod stated as it seems that he managed to conceal his anger, but his killing intent can be clearly seen.

"I did love you, but your true colors became apparent when you became a tyrant for my town. You would even kill the elderly if you were proven verbally wrong." The woman rebutted with a clam demeanor which is different from the demigod. She looked like she already let go of her anger as she has finished her duty of killing him.

"The woman does not repent. You shall be sent to one of the Erinyes for punishment. Do the other judges agree?" Minos asked the other three.

"I agree." Rhadamanthus stated.

"I agree." Aeacus stated.

"I do not agree." Adrian stated which shocked the three judges as they thought that he would not say anything.

"Mediator, this should not be. We already made the decision." Minos stated weakly.

"A decision that is biased because that demigod over there is your brother. Am I wrong?" Adrian stated. The three judges remained silent as what Adrian said is true. They were biased towards the woman because their father told them to be harsh on the woman that killed their brother.

"I am not telling you to not punish the woman as she is still guilty of killing another person. But being punished by the Erinyes should not be suitable for her sin. You did not weigh the good that she did by killing a tyrant and she only did it when he was already committing atrocities." Adrian stated.

"Who are you to tell me what a hero is supposed to do!?" The demigod stated but Adrian's aura suddenly flared up as a gigantic figure made of nether energy suddenly manifested.

"I can easily send you to the depths of Tartarus for a day to punish your wrongdoings. The good that you did does not outweigh the atrocities that you committed." Adrian stated in a tone of anger.

"I apologize for his words, mediator. I shall send him back." Minos stated as he immediately destroyed the summoning circle.

"As for the woman, you shall wander the Meadows of Asphodel while waiting for your turn to get reincarnated. You might not have been given the way to kill a demigod by a goddess but you are the one that did the action. You are not cleansed of the sin of killing a demigod. Does anyone have something to say?" Adrian asked.

"No, I believe that the judgement of the mediator is fair." Minos stated as he immediately agreed.

"I believe it is fair." Rhadamanthus stated.

"I agree with the decision as the mediator knows best." Aeacus stated.

"If that is the case then the trial is over. You may now return to your other duties." Adrian stated as he and the God of Rebirth Zagreus vanished from the podium.

"We have been warned by the mediator." Minos stated as he heard the telepathic message that Adrian has given then.

"I thought I was the only one that was reprimanded but it seems that all of us were." Rhadamanthus stated.

"I actually thank the mediator that he told that to us. He is right when he said that we lost our pride as judges when we favor the gods for our judgement. We must become upright once more." Aeacus stated to which his brothers agreed.

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