Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 13: I’m Afraid You’ll Be Cheated

Chapter 13: I’m Afraid You’ll Be Cheated

Du Fei was Li Mos close friend in middle school. He weighed 115 kg, 1,70 meters tall, and had a very slow walk. Speaking of, Du Fei wasnt a useless chubby, but a specialized chubby.  

Du Fei was a gamer, a world class gamer.

Du Fei entered the ranks of best gamers in the world each year, but his rank was a bit awkward, as it was on the low side. The world ranking was a list of a hundred gamers, and his rank had always revolved around the 90th spot. 

Although he was on the world ranking, he was still below the truly professional gamers. The average person couldnt compare with Du Feis skill. Li Mo himself was but a newbie Du Fei could wipe the floor with with a casual swipe. 

Among the group of players the same age as Li Mo, Du Fei was the best. Even in the Century Middle School, except for a genius girl, the no. 9 world ranked gamer, Lin Qingrou, Du Fei was unequaled.

Because Du Fei was a world class gamer, he earned the right to participate in the in-house testing of Starscape. In his past life, Du Fei left Li Mo with a deep impression when Du Fei showed a solemn expression as he parted with Li Mo to join the testing. 

SinceLi Mo was broke, he bought Huang Yaos 888,888 RMB purse with Du Feis card.

Women are like clothes, but brothers are forever. In my opinion, a wife falls below my brothers. Brother Mo, you spent my money and I am glad. Dont try to control yourself, keep it up.

Du Fei shouted, but the topic soon changed its meaning.  

Li Mo smiled. 

Du Feis gaming talent was very high, but his character was a bit meek. Li Mo and he met and became friends because he fought to save him from bullies. From that moment, the two grew friendlier and in a few years, they were best buddies. He had full trust in Li Mo, as shown by giving Li Mo his credit card and its password.   

Du Fei didnt know of Li Mos family background, but this simple chubby liked anyone who treated him well. After Li Mo left his clan, refusing anything they gave him, life became hard for him. His personality was stubborn at first, not willing to borrow money from anyone. It was then Du Fei claimed he was afraid to lose his savings so he pushed his credit card in Li Mos capable hands. 

Only allowed on

It was obvious why, to help Li Mo, or he wouldnt have given the password also.

But Li Mo never used Du Feis card except this once, to buy the purse.

I really dont want to control myself. Tomorrow I plan o using half a million. What do you think?

Although you want to spend a bit less, Ill let you. Du Fei didnt even hesitate.

His credit card only had 700,000 saved up over the years as a gamer.

Li Mo felt warm in his heart and smiled, Then I wont be polite.

Dont be, ha-ha-ha.

Oh, right, brother Mo, after a few days, I will join Starscapes in-house testing. We used to always play together, but now, I will have to go alone. Im a bit nervous

Whats there to be nervous about? Youre not confident. If you were, your gaming would be better than all the rest.

With you by my side I had a bit of confidence, but without you, my heart cant take it.

After a silent moment, Li Mo spoke in a deep voice, Du Fei, the path forward is hard. If you want to live to succeed, you must grow up and stand tall by yourself.

Recalling the nervous and smiling face of Du Fei, Li Mo was also reminded of his past life. The time when Du Fei covered in blood handed him the Staff of Origin with his last breath. 

I want that to, but Im so nervous, especially about the in-house testing

You arent weaker than any gamer out there. Remember, Starscape isnt just a simple game. In other games, if you make mistakes, you can start over, but not in Starscape! 

Du Fei was silent, finding Li Mos words strange.

Oh right, what is your lucky color this month?

Ah? Du Fei was startled then said, I think its red.

I looked it up on the internet for you, and it is white.

White? But I dont like white, it stains easily.

Du Fei became a professional gamer thanks to his talent and staunch determination.  It was normal to stay 10-15 days a month at the computer. This was why from the hygiene point of view 

Dont say what you like or dont like. What I mean is, this months lucky color is white for you.


Du Fei didnt get what Li Mo was trying to say, but he neednt anyway. Once he entered Starscape, it would all be made clear. 

Because he was a world class gamer, Du Fei was the last in-house tester to get a Starscape log in device (spiritual root).  But this was a blessing in disguise, as he would chance upon a dimension door(instance entrance), discovering a top notch spirit stone mine, where he would get a few rarely seen spirit jades. 

The spirit jade had nine grades. Ninth was the lowest and first was the highest. In his past life, Du Fei picked the 5th grade fire attribute spirit jade. There was nothing wrong with this spirit jade, the problem was with Du Fei. His constitution was different than Li Mos. Li Mo had a 1st level mortal body, that besides having the human racial trait, it was as average as it got. But Du Feis constitution was called Sacred Light Physique, rarest of rare. The fire attribute spirit jade was used to cultivate a fire cultivation method, making his constitution pointless while his cultivation in turn would also be average.

In his past life, Li Mo was powerless to change it. And by the time he found out the secret to Du Feis constitution, he was dead for over a century.

Calling Du Feis lucky color white was in fact Li Mo giving him a reminder. To not pick the fire spirit jade, but the one most suited to him, the light attribute spirit jade.

Brother Mo, you must come to see me off when Im leaving for the in-house testing.

I know. Li Mo shook his head helplessly. Du Fei weighted 115 kg. He was such a big lug, but had the heart of a mouse, leaving Li Mo helpless. 

Ending the call, Li Mo opened his computer and transferred all the money on Du Feis credit card to his.

Li Mo didnt do it out of greed, but to hold Du Feis money for safekeeping.

In his past life, Du Feis money was squandered by Du Feis two-years girlfriend. How could Li Mo let that happen again?

Li Mo traced his finger through the air and began to write. Character after character appeared in mid air as they flashed golden.

After half an hour, Li Mo was dripping with sweat. He didnt stop until he finished the last character. He opened up his palm and grabbed the thousands of characters in mid air.

Immediately, Li Mo took a spiritual qi blue pearl and joined his palms as he shouted, Attach! 


With a flash of golden, the thousands of characters were attached to the spiritual qi blue pearl. 

Grand Light Sutra is the only cultivation method best suited for the Sacred Light Physique. Chubby, last time, you never had the chance, but this life, I will give it to you!

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