Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 28: Letting a Girl Go

Chapter 28: Letting a Girl Go





Bro Shu wasnt just setting up Ma Yu for a thrashing, he joined as well, and he wasnt pulling his punches either. The slapping Ma Yu received at the start already swelled his face like a mouse. 

Bro Qin, a man of your stature wouldnt make it hard for me, who was ignorant of this mans ploy. Rest assured, I will set him straighter than an arrow. I vow there wont be a second time. Farewell, sorry to disturb.

Bro Shu was all smiles as he bowed towards Li Mo then left the private room.

His gang carried Ma Yu out as well, whos face grew big as a pig, with not one spot on his body left untouched.

Bro Shu, youre my boss. Why is a boss kicking his men Ma Yu groaned.

Bro Shu raved, Boss my ass! If you want to freakin die dont drag me down with you! S***, beat him again!

Li Mo never met Bro Shu, but the latter knew Li Mo from being under Hei Hu. After Hei Hu fled, he didnt go with his boss, but stayed in Feng City and became the new boss by taking Hei Hus men under him.

Was he that insane to mess with a man that could twist a gun like putty? 

I can play with schoolgirls all the time, but they arent as important as my life.

Bro Shu became angrier the more he thought, stomping Ma Yu under his feet.

Boss, please dont hit me anymore! Please, tell me why! Ma Yu bawled.

Keep it up, he can still talk!

The corridor walls reverberated under Ma Yus wails.

In the private room, Li Mo thought long and hard, but he still couldnt seem to recall if he ever saw this Bro Shu before.

He remembered Hei Hu, but not one of his gang.

It didnt matter anyway.

Li Mo turned to the unconscious Huang Yao. He shook her a few times but no reaction.

Oh well, lets go back first. Li Mo decided to carry Huang Yao.


Put her down!

Just as Li Mo was picking her up, three cops had him surrounded with weapons drawn.

Huang Yao called the cops, but didnt even get to say the wine was drugged, yet they still came.

Dont move! Put the girl down or well shoot. A cop ordered. 

Instead of being a good kid and study, you degenerate into using such methods. H-how come its you? Liu Yuxuan exclaimed.

Liu Yuxuan was part of this operation with her coworkers, Wang Wei and Yu Jian. The middle-aged man, Wang Wei, was running point in this and also her superior.

Liu Yuxuan was also stunned. Then he found her outfit much more pleasing than the clubbing clothes she had last time.

Liu Yuxuan questioned, Why are you doing this?

Wang Wei asked, Little Xuan, you know him?

Liu Yuxuan hesitated, Yes, last time he stopped Hei Hu and saved me.

He saved you? Why havent I heard of this?

I forgot to tell you. Ill hand in a report tomorrow.

Speak, whats going on?

Liu Yuxuan put the gun away.

Nothing much. She drank too much and made a random call. Now I want to take her home. Thats all.

Drank too much? Ha-ha, you think wed believe such an excuse?

Yu Jian lifted Huang Yaos half emptied glass and snorted at Li Mo.

Think what you will. I said my piece and you can do what you want with it.

But I have to take her home, so please make way.


Yu Jian raised his gun again.

Liu Yuxuan was annoyed, You think you can just walk away? Y-you hoodlum! You dont know anything! 

Li Mo spoke flatly, If I want to go, no one can stop me.

Wang Wei leveled his gun and shouted, We suspect you drugged her. Follow us down to the station for an investigation. I order you to put the girl down, and raise your hands. Then slowly get down on the ground!


Liu Yuxuan jumped in front of her superior.

Leader, he isnt a bad kid, I swear! He is just young, and sometimes its hard not making mistakes

Yu Jian cried, Little Xuan, whats wrong with you? Dont you hate rapists?

Liu Yuxuan snapped, Yu Jian, dont jump to conclusions! This situation isnt clear!

Yu Jian snorted, How is it not? The glass is drugged and a girl is unconscious. How much more obvious can it get?

Liu Yuxuan had no words to retort.

Im rich, Im rich. Tomorrow Ill be rich~!

As the two were arguing, Huang Lixings phone rang. Li Mo checked it to see it was Huang Lixing calling and was reaching for it.

Only allowed on


Wang Wei and Yu Jian barked.

Liu Yuxuan spread her hands to protect Li Mo.

It was getting late and Huang Lixing was getting worried since his daughter wasnt home. 

Li Mo answered, Little Yao drank too much and is sleeping. By the way, Teacher Huang, these officers are accusing me of mistreating Little Yao. Please explain it to them.

Li Mo gave the phone to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was holding the gun with one hand as he slowly took Li Mos offered phone with the other.

I am Huang Yaos father. The man I just talked to is my apprentice, Li Mo. They are a couple, do you understand? What drugged? I hope he does it, but itll never happen. My proud apprentice is an upstanding kid. You dont need to tell me anything. In fact, Im starting to believe you are breaking his rights by holding him. I will give Chief Luo a call and report you!

He hung up and Wang Wei froze in indecision.

Not a minute passed and Chief Luo called his phone

It really came. Wang Wei was downcast as he left the room to answer.

He came seconds later with an awkward face.

Little Xuan, search the girl and confirm her identity.

Liu Yuxuan took Huang Yaos purse and found her student id.

Her name is Huang Yao, Century Middle School second year class fives student.

Wang Wei found the id real, Little Xuan, take them home in your car. Yu Jian, pull back.

Yu Jian exclaimed, Ah? Leader Wang, why are we pulling back? T-this

Liu Yuxuan blurted, Leader Wang told us to pull back and that is what well do. Yu Jian, are you disobeying a direct order?

I Yu Jian turned to Li Mo and stomped out in rage after Wang Wei.

Li Mo carried Huang Yao.

The three left the Exquisite Wine Club and got in Liu Yuxuans police car.

Along the way, Huang Yao woke up and explained in detail what happened to Liu Yuxuan.

Please forgive us! On behalf of me and my colleagues, please accept our apologies.

Theres no need to apologize. But Ill trouble you taking me home also. Oh, Im sure you know the way to my place.

Of course, tch! Liu Yuxuan went beet red recalling that night.

When Liu Yuxuan arrived to his home, it was already 11 pm.

Li Mo was about to get out when he saw a black Bentley driving off.

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