Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 251: The Mind's Backdoor

Chapter 251: The Mind's Backdoor

The laborers were not bound by anything physical.

What bound them were the rules and fear instilled by the Military State.

In other words, it didn’t actually exist.

"We are attacking the Military State's Command. We need to destroy their assets and keep them tied up, understand?"

I walked slowly and tapped on the nearest automaton carriage in the hangar.

"If you don't take these automaton carriages and flee, we'll have no choice but to destroy each of these precious automaton carriages that you worked so hard to build."

A wave of confusion spread among the laborers.

They seemed to think, "What does it matter to us if you destroy the carriages?"

This was a positive reaction.

The locks on their minds were numerous.

It was like a fortress with dozens of gates.

However, even if one gate was firmly shut, you could just slip through the back door.

The fact that they felt it didn't matter meant that this door had no lock.

"Let me put it another way. If you want to preserve these automaton carriages, you have to quickly take them and move to a safe place. Otherwise, this is what will happen."

As I snapped my fingers, the automaton carriage's body crumpled horrifically.


Someone screamed.

To them, it was a horrifying sight.

The darkness around the carriage coiled like a snake, tightening and sinking its sharp fangs in.

Broken gears scattered like entrails.

The Alchemic Steel seemed to revert to its unrefined state.

"I would have to destroy each one by hand. See? I am a laborer like you, and I want to reduce my workload."

Of course, I didn't do it myself.

I merely borrowed Tyr's power.

But to them, it seemed as though I controlled the darkness.

"You're too cruel! We worked so hard on these automaton carriages!"

"Is there anyone here kind enough to save me from the labor of destroying all these precious carriages?"

As I clenched my fist and shook it, Tyr mimicked the action with darkness.

The carriage shook violently, spitting out more components.

"Or should we engage in the inefficient labor of destroying and rebuilding these carriages continuously?"

They couldn’t escape.

The Military State has bound their minds with fear and threats of severe punishment for desertion.

The backdoor I'm creating wasn’t desertion from duty.

It was reducing their workload.

"Now! Let's form a labor union! We are laborers who hate working, aren't we? Let's compromise: I won't destroy, and you won't build. Move these automaton carriages to a safe place! We've razed most of the bases on our way north, so those places should be empty. Just park them there for now!"

A person with a headscarf was the first to leap up and run toward an automaton carriage.


She was the first to get on the automaton carriage, and as she turned the Thundergear, the automaton carriage started to move with a clattering sound.

Once the first person made a move, the rest followed naturally. The laborers nodded to each other, stood up, and used the backdoor I had provided.

"...We can't let it be destroyed."

"Yeah. If we have to build it again. Then...."

The first time was always the most daunting, but once the floodgates were opened, everything else flowed naturally.

After looking at each other for a while, the laborers quickly nodded and slowly got on the automaton carriage.

They expressed their feelings through the backdoor I had prepared.

Their minds led their bodies out, as the chains only held their minds.

"Huh? What's happening?"

Clunk… Clunk.

The sight of numerous automaton carriages escaping into the darkness was quite a spectacle.

It's not enough to topple the State, but it will be a significant loss to them.

I felt a sense of satisfaction at stealing the Military State's resources.

The Regressor, returning after destroying the factory, looked shocked to see the laborers escaping.

"Where are all the automaton carriages?"

I tapped the last remaining automaton carriage.

"It's okay. I left the best one for us."

"What about the laborers? They acted like they would rather burn with the factory. Did you help them escape?"

"Escape? No! They are participating in an active evacuation to protect the Military State's assets."

"What are you talking about? That's the same thing."

"It's different."

I left the backdoor open, but the chains remained.

Some laborers might flee to freedom, but some might loiter near Command.

That would be more dangerous, both for themselves and the Military State.

"The Military State will hate those who loiter around even more than the ones who flee. Their minimal desire to escape will cause more chaos!"

Our appearance in the automaton carriages will stay in their minds.

They'll be wary of each automaton carriage and they will have no choice but to check every last one of them.

This is our "Allergy Tactic" against the Military State.

「So you're using these people as bait. Knowing what might happen to them later…」

Do I have to worry about that too?

That's the Military State's issue.

They made the decision, and it was the Military State that was tormenting them.

I had no idea why I should feel responsible and get involved in their relationship.

The Regressor mumbled as she watched the automaton carriages drive off.

"You're… quite ruthless."

"No, you wanted to weaken the Military State's power. I did the job well, so why criticize me?"

"I'm not criticizing you."

"You should praise me! If I did a good job, say 'Well done' or 'Thank you'!"

People who were not good at socializing acted as if they would break out in hives if they flattered others.

The Regressor was exactly like that.

The type who desperately avoids social activities, including giving compliments.

"Why so suddenly..."

"Wow, you're no different from the Military State in using people."

When I grumbled and threw out a comment, the regressor flared up.

"That's not true! No matter how bad I am, I'm not as bad as the Military State! I can give compliments if I need to!"

"Go ahead, try it. Since it's as important as bowing down, you need to be even more careful."


The huffing regressor glared at me and muttered.

"You did well. Well done."

"Not enough."

"...I said you did well, didn't I? What more do you want?"

"Oh, that sounded more sincere. I liked it."

"No, it was supposed to be a compliment... never mind. Yeah, you did well."

As the Regressor scolded me, someone peeked out from the first automaton carriage.

It was the Princess, with her hair covered.

"Um… Mr. Huey? Is the act over?"


I hadn't told her it was over.

I thought she would figure it out on her own.

I gave her an okay sign.

"Yes, Princess, well done! You did a great job!"

"Phew. I'm glad I could help. I was so nervous when you suddenly asked me to act."

The Princess wiped her sweaty palms and sighed in relief.

To prevent their hair from getting caught in the machinery, laborers often cut their hair short or cover it.

Thanks to this, the Princess successfully blended in with her distinctive pink hair hidden.

She led the charge to the automaton carriages, utilizing her ability to foster peace among the group.

Of course. With no decoy, the plan wouldn’t work

After all, the real show only starts once a sucker is caught.

"Tyr worked hard too! As expected, your performance was superb! You might win this year's Best Grand Magician Award!"

[It was nothing much. Watching a play is always enjoyable.]

Tyr, who hid her body in the darkness, smiled gently.

The Regressor, realizing the truth, muttered.

"What is this? You just incited them, aren’t you? How are you different from the Military State."

"It's different! At least I don't execute or send people to the 'Research Institute' for disobedience! I gave them freedom!"

Such violent words!

How could she compare me to the Military State?

While I was fuming, the Regressor opened the carriage door, and the Princess greeted her.

"Oh, Sir! You did a great job!"

"Princess too. You must have suffered a lot, but you did well."

Why does she naturally praise the Princess?

Is this favoritism?

"N-No! I didn't do much..."

“It’s okay, you will definitely be more helpful in the future."

「After the Military State fell, the Princess's abilities were crucial to the New Kingdom's survival. Hmmm. Even me… I may feel disillusioned, but I still can't harbor malice towards her. With her power, she will surely do better.」

At the statement filled with firm resolve, the Princess, feeling as if her heart had dropped, tightly grasped her scarf with both hands and avoided eye contact.

If that’s her true feeling, the compliment is perfectly timed.

Princess, don't be fooled.

That's truly a thorny path.

***We loaded our luggage into the automaton carriage.

With Historia and the Regressor aboard, we were ready.

Although the Military State had been tracking us, now that night had fallen and darkness covered everything, we were faster than them.

Historia's strategy was a maneuver war.

As expected from a former Military State general, even her strategy was the same as theirs.

"Ria, where to next?"

Historia, the last to board, gave directions.

"To the alchemic steel refinery. Disrupting the Alchemic Steel supply will throw their long-term plans into disarray."

"Nice strategy. You really are a general. What's the distance and direction?"

"Not far. Twenty minutes Northwest. They built it close to ensure a quick supply of materials for the automaton carriages."

The alchemic steel refinery, a good choice.

If there are many alchemic materials, I can replenish my cards there.

The Regressor frowned, recalling bad memories.

"Alchemic Steel..."

The alchemic steel refinery.

A place where they alchemized minerals and combustible alchemic materials and then refined them into steel, a place where they made the lifeblood of the Military State.

Many factories produced various items using Alchemic Steel, but this was the only place that produced Alchemic Steel itself.

Alchemic steel was the lifeblood of the Military State.

Therefore, if this place was destroyed, the Military State would be in panic, never knowing when their stock of Alchemic Steel would run out.

It impacted everything from weapons to construction to packets.

It would be a death sentence for all the resources that exist in the Military State.

However, the Regressor knew what that place entailed.

"That place is... where they burn people to melt steel..."

Historia confirmed it.

"It's filled with the worst criminals who deserve to die."

To make Alchemic Steel, you needed to use alchemy.

To use alchemy, you needed knowledge of the structures of things you were making and mana.

And the easiest source of mana to create was a living human.

In other word.

The refinery was a place where people were squeezed dry to produce Alchemic Steel.

It was a part of the ‘inside’ where the workers at the automaton carriage assembly plant did not want to go even if they died.

"The alchemic steel refinery?"

The Princess reacted.

She knew its importance, though not its horrors.

"Yes! Our contact is hiding there, waiting for us!"

「Finally, we can be useful...!」

The Princess spoke brightly, but those who knew the true nature of that place couldn't share her optimism, including me.

"Hiding? In a level 5 labor camp filled with the most irredeemable criminals?"

Historia, less concerned about the Princess's feelings, responded cynically.

The Princess looked like a rabbit at the unexpected words and asked back.


"More like a mouse hiding in a cat's house. They were captured, not hiding."

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