Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Chapter 373 - 50 years later (1)

Chapter 373: Episode 71 – 50 years later (1)

Four days passed by since we arrived on the ‘Isle of Reincarnators’.

I confirmed through [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint] that other companions had completed their Middle Island scenarios and were ready to tackle the next one.

Currently, I was staring at the screen of my phone.

– Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World (Final Revision).txt

It was possible that the ‘epilogue’ I so wished to read was waiting for me at the end of this text file. Was that all? If luck was on my side, I might even discover some information on the current 3rd regression turn, too.

The guideline that told me how to act and how to clear upcoming scenarios in order to reach the perfect ending might be there.


⸢Wh at if the end of the story is tra ge dy?⸥

If, by any chance, the ‘Final Revision’ bit implied that ‘it’ll no longer change’?

⸢Are you rea lly cap able of cha nging it?⸥

What if the action of me reading this thing only sets the ending in stone instead?

“Kim Dok-Ja.”

I raised my head to spot Han Su-Yeong, bandages wrapped around her left hand, staring back at me. She was the only other existence remaining in this world who read the ‘Ways of Survival’ besides me.

If she was in my shoes, how would she react?

If she was me, would she have opened this file?

“What are you looking at?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

I switched the phone’s screen off.

There might come a day when I get curious about the contents of this story. However, now wasn’t it.

The ‘epilogue’ I wished to know probably wasn’t in this file.

After finishing maintenance on her equipment, Han Su-Yeong lightly jumped off from the bed and spoke to me. “Let’s get going. The longer we dilly-dally, the further ahead that bastard Yu Joong-Hyeok will get.”

“We have someone to meet first before leaving, though.”


“Looks like he’s here already.”

We heard knocking sounds as the door creaked open behind us.

The first thing we saw was the thick, brown-coloured Buddhist rosary hung around the person’s neck. Next up was the grey Buddhist monk robe, and the firm, tough muscles peeking out from underneath it. He was a Warrior Monk, who had gone through the repeated rigorous training for a very long time.

“I’ve come to fetch you, Benefactor.”

I nodded my head and replied back. “Guide me to your King, please.”


{Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World}

According to the analysis of the best expert alive on the novel ‘Ways of Survival’ – me – the ‘three ways’ in its title referred to the three main characters of the novel itself.

The first was the Regressor Yu Joong-Hyeok.

The second was the Returnee Jang Ha-Yeong.

And finally, the third was...

– There was another main character???

Han Su-Yeong asked back hurriedly through [Midday Tryst], sounding a bit flustered after listening to my tale. I remembered then that she wouldn’t have such information on her, since she only read up to 100 chapters or so....

– But, then again, it’ll be a huge ask to keep milking one main character for over three thousand chapters, won’t it?

....She still remained needlessly sharp, though.

– Besides all that, three protagonists, eh? As expected of this novel, treading on the sure-fire shortcut to the failed novel-dom like that.

I couldn’t think up of a retort. Because, that failed novel had messed up our reality in a big way, hadn’t it?

– So, the master of this castle is the ‘Third MC’, am I right?

– Yeah.

– How important is he in ‘Ways of Survival’? As much as Yu Joong-Hyeok?

– No, not really. Regardless of what, the main will always be Yu Joong-Hyeok.

For sure, the majority of the story spanning over 3000 chapters unfolded with Yu Joong-Hyeok as its focal point. The other two were called main characters only according to the narrative description provided during the story itself.

– However, the other two are just as monstrous as Yu Joong-Hyeok, alright. Especially in the current point of time, the ‘third protagonist’ is a far stronger existence than Yu Joong-Hyeok is.

– ....Even more powerful than that dude?

I nodded my head while scanning the empty meditation chamber around us.

This was where the Reincarnators would perform penance and cleanse themselves – a chamber designed to soothe one’s mind, fatigued and frayed by experiencing many cycles of Samsara.

I could hear the recitation of Buddhist scriptures coming from here and there, but couldn’t see the King anywhere.

“Where is the ‘King of Reincarnators’?”

“The King is already with us.”

“But, all I see are the baldy monks, though?”

Han Su-Yeong’s words were countered with an emotionless reply from the Warrior Monk. “He is everywhere, yet at the same time, nowhere.”

“I’m sure you didn’t bring us here to crack jokes.”

“He does not speak to those who lack the qualifications to see him.”

“How amusing. Is that your way of bringing up the next topic of conversation?” replied Han Su-Yeong, as the corner of her lips curled upwards.

I silently observed the expression of this mysterious Warrior Monk for a while, before opening my lips to speak. “If your King is everywhere, then that means anyone can become the ‘king’, doesn’t it?”


The [Unbreakable Faith] held in my hand cried out sharply, and at the same time, the illusory sword light shot out towards the Adam’s apple of the Warrior Monk.


As if an invisible wall was blocking it, the blade’s tip pouring out powerful magical energy came to a dead stop right in front of the Warrior Monk’s nose. He grinned and spoke.

[You’ve settled on a rather provocative solution. You’re correct. Anyone can become a Buddha once they become enlightened.]

His mantra reverberated throughout the space itself. (ED: True voice → mantra.)

I withdrew my sword and observed the Warrior Monk once more. An ethereal, subtle aura was oozing out from his entire body. His irises were now dyed in pure white, and within them, the shadow of a mandala spun anti-clockwise.

Most likely, this Warrior Monk was one of the countless Incarnations the ‘King of Reincarnators’ operated.

[However, you won’t be able to continue on with the scenarios in that fashion forever, oh, the apostle of ■■ who carries the weight of salvation.]

“Please, don’t speak as if you’re aware of all my methods.”

I no longer thought of ‘Ways of Survival’ as a mere novel, and I definitely didn’t see my companions as simple ‘characters’ of it, as well. That didn’t mean that I would never utilise the information already in my possession, though.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, the ‘Guardian of Mandala’.”

Even though [The 4th Wall] was active, I was still subjected to a considerable oppressive force. The ‘friendly’ Status in front of my eyes wavered around gently. The true appearance of the formidable being slowly materialised behind the Warrior Monk to our observing eyes.

There he was, the ruler of the most ancient stratum of darkness in existence.

Even if it were Metatron of <Eden> or the highest-ranked Demon Kings of the Demon World, none of them could contend against this being within this island.

[‘The 4th Wall’ is quivering its non-existent eyebrows.]

[‘Wall that Decides Samsara’ is showing an interest in you.]


Jang Ha-Yeong’s [Unidentifiable Wall], Metatron’s [Wall Dividing Good and Evil], and finally, the third wall – the ‘Guardian of Mandala’ was the owner of the [Wall that Decides Samsara].

[I see that it’s the ‘fragment of the Final Wall’. I’m guessing that Nirvana is trapped inside it?]

“You’re correct.”

[He was a child who could’ve become a good Bodhisattva. Unfortunately, he met you and had to leave my path of Buddhism.]

“Well, I believe that the person in question feels satisfied.”

It was around there that Han Su-Yeong butted in to our conversation.

“Hold up.... By any chance, are you the Buddha? THE Buddha?”

[There are many different types of Buddhas in this world, and I’m merely one of them.]

Han Su-Yeong now carried a dumbfounded expression on her face.

But then again, her reaction was wholly understandable, considering that a Constellation claiming to be the Buddha had made his entrance. This Buddha-nim carried a gentle smile as he spoke to me.

[I’ve watched your stories for a very long time, dear Bodhisattvas.]

“But, I don’t remember receiving your sponsorships before?”

[There are those Constellations who would reveal their gazes and flaunt their authority, and there are also those whose existence is a mystery. The true Buddhist offerings aren’t in the forms of sponsorships, but through simple but meditative contemplations.]

“You sure can dress up the fact that you’ve been watching the show for free. Alright, then. What is that you want from me?”

[What I want? Do you believe that this self wishes something from you, dear Bodhisattva?]

I shifted my gaze over to the giant bell located in the middle of the meditation chamber. A small soul wrapped in a blinding light was inside the bell made out of transparent material.

I already knew whose soul that was.

“You’ve decided to reincarnate Yu Sang-Ah-ssi. Even though I didn’t request it of you.”


“You have invited us here and allowed us to recover. Again, even though I didn’t request for your aid.”

[Those are simply a part of one’s path to attain Buddhahood.]

“There is this lesson I’ve learnt while dealing with Constellations until now. And that would be, there is no Constellation in this world who doesn’t expect anything in return when helping you out.”

[Dear Bodhisattva, you have arrived at a rather hasty conclusion. Only the one placing faith in the exceptions of everything can discern the end of the scenario.]

I wordlessly glared at the Warrior Monk, before pointing at the bell in the centre of the meditation chamber. I addressed the monk. “Don’t confine the Incarnation Yu Sang-Ah to this island, please. She is far more valuable than you can imagine.”

[All beings reincarnating on this island will become a part of the island.]

I shook my head. “Like what you said just now, there are exceptions to everything, aren’t there? She’ll be able to pick up after where Nirvana left off. Make Incarnation Yu Sang-Ah your new [Arahat].”

The ‘Arahat’, or the Seekers of Truth, were not shackled to the ‘Isle of Reincarnators’, and were free to roam the worlds of scenarios and continue to experience the cycles of reincarnation.

“I’m willing to make the deal with you when you do that.”

[Making a deal, is it. Do you believe that you know what this self wishes for?]

“Isn’t it to stop the ‘Great War of Saints and Demons’?”

[A futile attempt, that is. This self does not hold any interest in the contradictory Fables such as ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’.]

“Even when those contradictory Fables are about to make an unholy mess out of your island?”

As if he found this topic rather amusing, the eyes of the Warrior Monk arced rather elegantly.

The ‘Guardian of Mandala’ was neither on the side of ‘Good’ nor ‘Evil’. If I were to describe it in words, then he was an existence far closer to ‘nothingness’. So, there was just no way that such a being would welcome the authorities of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ growing larger within his territory.

“I’ll try to stop the ‘Great War of Saints and Demons’.”

[Do you believe such a thing is achievable with your power?]

My Fables replied in place of me.

[Great Fable, ‘Demon World’s Spring’, is bellowing out!]

[Giant Fable, ‘Torch that Swallowed the Myth’, is growling menacingly!]

The air in the surroundings began trembling unstably as the two Great Fables revved their engines.

If my guess was correct, then the ‘Guardian of Mandala’ wouldn’t be able to reject my offer. Because, he couldn’t take part in the upcoming ‘Great War of Saints and Demons’, that’s why.

As a being who was neither ‘Good’ nor ‘Evil’, he had no pretext to enter the war, you see.

[....Is the Incarnation named ‘Yu Sang-Ah’ becoming this self’s ‘Arahat’ your only wish, dear Bodhisattva?]

“One other thing.”

[You are a greedy Bodhisattva, it seems.]

“Allow my Nebula to start the Great War from the area we prefer. As the master of the island, I believe that you can interfere with the proceedings at least that much.”

At that moment, I sensed the quickening of the faint magical energy from throughout the entire temple. It was a riot of Status, as if to make its existence known to me. It was a Status possessing a certain aura that wasn’t at all threatening or murderous, but nevertheless, something that I couldn’t even hope to come close to yet.

[‘The 4th Wall’ is strongly activating!]

[‘Wall that Decides Samsara’ is smacking its lips.]

A short while later, the ‘Guardian of Mandala’ nodded his head.

[I agree to your conditions, dear Bodhisattva. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for the whole of your Nebula to start from your preferred area on the Main Island.]

“In that case, I ask of you to send Incarnations Yi Gil-Yeong and Shin Yu-Seung at the least.”

[H-mm.... Where do you wish to send them?]

“The Next City.”

[The Next City, is it.... Oh my, dear Bodhisattva, could it be.....]

If it was the ‘Guardian of Mandala’, he should have cottoned onto what I was planning here by now.

The Main Island of the ‘Isle of Reincarnators’ was where the Fables from the 3rd generation had been stuck frozen in time. As these Fables boasted a far wider spectrum of variety compared to 1st and 2nd generations, your starting point played a factor in you acquiring unexpected Fables.

Even if others couldn’t, I had to ensure that those two kids would start from the ‘Next City’.

[....In return, the rest of your companions will start in locations that this self has selected.]


Han Su-Yeong standing next to me, silently observing the unfolding situation until then, sent me a probing glance after hearing my reply.

– Hey, you. What will you do if this baldy monk sends us to a weird place?

The Warrior Monk saw us get into a bit of argument and a strange smile suddenly crept up on his lips. [Dear Bodhisattva, this self truly enjoys watching your story, but.... Unfortunately, the Fables you have accumulated so far is simply too inadequate to contend with other Nebulas participating in the Great War of Saints and Demons.]

Maybe she felt a bit triggered by the word ‘inadequate’, Han Su-Yeong began to retort in a snarky manner. “....Looks like you haven’t heard the news that we smashed apart <Olympus> not too long ago.”

[The Fables dear Bodhisattvas have accumulated are indeed peerless, but they haven’t experienced the trials and tribulations of time itself.]

In the next moment, both Han Su-Yeong’s body and mine were suddenly wrapped up in bright light.

[Constellation, ‘Guardian of Mandala’ has agreed with your transfer to the next scenario.]

[Transfer to the next scenario has begun!]

....So suddenly?

I was taken by surprise a little, but quickly regained my bearings.

Finally, I was heading towards the location of the third Great Fable that’d complete the ‘climax’.

Most likely, my other companions were in the middle of transferring, just like me. I shifted my head to find Han Su-Yeong looking up at me.

“Kim Dok-Ja.”

I reflexively extended my hand towards her and replied. “Do your best. I’ll try to find you as soon as possible.”

“....Yeah, right.”

The moment Han Su-Yeong’s fist bumped into mine, she was completely enveloped in bright light. As I watched her figure disappear, I became aware once more that she had become my comrade for real.

Like back when Yu Joong-Hyeok said it, Han Su-Yeong had become an indispensable existence for me to reach my desired conclusion.

On my way to this place, I ended up owing her a lot. So, it was time that I pay my debt.

⸢However, Kim Dok-Ja of then had no idea.⸥

It was also in that very moment that the screen of my phone began glowing brightly, as well. Words from a page I didn’t recognise began rising up line after line in front of my eyes as if to foreshadow an ominous future.

⸢He didn’t know that, by the time Kim Dok-Ja got to meet her again....⸥

No, hang on a minute here.

⸢50 years had passed by already.⸥

.....What the hell?!

< Episode 71: 50 years later (1) > Fin.

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